Chapter 20: Celebration!

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We're walking through a ballroom with pink walls and white marble floor. Decorations are being put up to celebrate our victory and we're getting ready for the party.

Carlos asks Winston sounding a bit worried, "I'm kind of worried, this is a castle so what if it's the kind of party we have to wear tuxedos?"

Winston smiles putting his hand on Carlos's shoulder. "No, you wouldn't wear a tuxedo. According to how everyone dresses and how the buildings and interior design look you'd be wearing a gaudy cape and one of those weird hats with the big feathers in them."

"Nope, lucky for all of us it's casual!" I hear Maddie enthusiastically yell.

Abby looks up, "Thank goodness!"

Carlos plays Mack Z's Flip Out on his phone. "Can this be one of the songs?"

Mercy says, "She's my aunt you know."

Carlos scrolls through his phone, "I also have APink, TwoX, BTS, Exo, Mack Z, JoJo Siwa, Sigala, and pretty much everything. Good thing I have all these songs offline. Would I Just Got Paid be too out of place with all the KPop?"

Zoe tells him, "All those songs sound incredible. Though I personally like D.R.E.A.M"

Carlos looks at the tables. "Wow and so much yummy food! I'm already hungry!"

We all laugh.

Trang looks at him up and down, "Don't eat too much or you'll look like those red helmeted freaks we beat. Oh who am I kidding you deserve it."

Jacob taps my shoulder and we walk together. "Wasn't all that adventuring fun! If a bit scary at times."

"Yeah it was. Oh you should have seen Winston and my sister fighting Kha'Zix they were seriously dope as heck."

Zoe Violet and Maddie are standing near a table and Zoe tells her, "I can't believe Ava would do such a thing to us!"

Violet adjusts her thick ponytail. "Yeah! I didn't want to tell any of you because I was afraid you'd get mad at me but I kinda suspected something wasn't right."

Maddie tells her, "We're your sisters, you can tell us anything."

I take a small cup of punch.

Zoe tells Maddie, "We have a big surprise for you. And wow will you be happy! You'll need it before the grand speech."

Maddie breathes in and out rapidly patting her collar. She fans herself with her hand then smiles.

I can't wait to see what they're gonna do! "Sounds amazing. Maddie did so great on our quests. Without her kindness and niceness we wouldn't have won."

Winston joins us and he says, "Well that was fun! I learned so much on our epic adventure. And boy did Lulu's spell feel pretty intense! It's a shame we have to wait months between our vampire and god skills."

Poppy slowly walks towards us scratching the back of her neck. She looks up to Winston, "Well Winston looks like you were right. It turns out your strategy was the best one. Not that I doubted you or anything it's just the Piggy Empire's generals are known for being unbeatable."

Winston slowly nods crossing his arms with the biggest grin across his face. "I was right!"

Mercy faces up rolling her eyes. "Oh please not the smile."

"Wooooo! I love being right! Take that, undefeatable generals!"

Mercy's eyebrows raise, her elbows resting on the table and she moves her hands back and forth across the air, "Anything but the smile!"

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