Chapter 19: Time To End This War!

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"Ha ha ha! Didn't I warn you against hanging out with that...ruffian Tristana?" Ava says in a mean tone.

Emperor Rutledge slowly walks forward, "I hope you guys realize you're outmatched. This whole war is you yordle's fault, because if you just realized our better way of life and let us rule you then we wouldn't keep having war."

Maddie rolls her eyes, "But you people have no compassion, and we were blessed by the actual gods and not some creep who's just using us."

Ava scans Maddie, "It's not too late to join us you know. We can have power, and security, a safer country."

Maddie crosses her arms glaring at her, "Oh yeah at what cost? Safe usually means boring anyway. So you mean a boring place where people can't do anything and listen to people who call them things like riffraff. No thank you!"

Emperor Rutledge waves his hand, "The time for talk is over." He points at us yelling, "Go get them!"

I speed Abby just as Olaf goes for an axe strike against her.

"You were just lucky little girl."

Lulu speeds Judith as she chases the Dark Fae but Dark Fae throws energy at her clipping her wing but the wound glows yellow so she can fly again I hope she'll be okay if she runs out of healing magic we're all doomed.

Ava lifts Maddie with her mind oh no! Maddie's holding her throat kicking around.

Ava tells her, "You'll pay for ruining my plan! You didn't even check with me for building those alliances! I'm still the official ruler of Yordleland you know."

Tristana shoots at Ava's hands but she back handsprings away and Maddie's free.

"You were never there! I did what had to be done, for all of us and our people! And not just the ones living under us too."

Tristana launches herself onto a high window like room in between this room and the one at the other side of the wall.

Archer shoots an arrow at Tristana but she rolls out of the way and there's a really loud smashy cracking sound. Archer herself is on top of the windy staircase.

I can't find the emperor or Ava anywhere, probably waiting to attack.

Dragonis is dueling Jerome.

Dragonis puffs smoke out of his nostrils, "You don't know Dragonia very well do you, Demacian Prince?"

Jerome deflects his slash with his shield then they keep clanking their swords. "They are incredible allies! Last I heard they're still looking for you."

Dragonis strikes but Jerome somersaults forward then turns but Dragonis turned too.

Dragonis replies, "I'm an ocean away I'd like to see them try."

Jerome tries thigh kicking Dragonis's plated armor shorts but he moves his left leg back then Dragonis lifts him I speed him because I know he'll try breathing that insane fire on him.

Winston blocks Olaf's slashes with his sword and Tristana hit Dark Fae but she glows an inky blue, shakes and swirly black and inky blue energy sucks us all onto a ball!

"Oh great Fae I'm caught too!"

Ava holds a glowing gem and a red beam flashing white falls on us oof it burns!

Wait, is Judith glowing lavender? She flies over us really fast and we glow lavender and sparkle so we're all healed!

Winston yells to her, "I know you have your goddess power but please be careful she's still dangerous!"

Issue 6: My AgonyWhere stories live. Discover now