Chapter 5: Introducing Princess Maddie

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Morning's soft golden light blankets the streets and old European looking buildings. We're walking through the city and oh my gosh are the buildings artsy! They look so renaissance with their sculpted designs. The fashion does too. Cobblestones line the streets, and small sycamores line the sidewalk neatly and perfectly.

We walk to a park past a small orange tree and a few rosebushes. Oh Ashley looks excited, she blinks twice widening her mouth in a big oval pointing at a statue, "Woah what, is, that!" Yelling the word that with more energy. It's a statue of a Yordle wearing enormous batwings, really nice hair, vampire fangs, and a really cool outfit. It's surrounded by tiny little hedges.

Tristana looks up to her saying, "That's one of our gods. He summoned a big wave of dark energy to help us win a war long ago."

Ashley cranes her neck, "Wow those wings are so cool! Where can I buy a pair like that?"

Jacob is going to take a picture but Winston stops him. Winston slowly shakes his head then Jacob asks, "Aww why can't we take pictures? It's because we'll look like tourists isn't it?"

Winston laughs, "Oh please I'm the only gorilla and you're the only humans here. But seriously the muggle world cannot learn about other dimensions. Imagine what the wrong people would do if they ever found this place."

Ashley looks at different yordles then says to me, "I'm so not used to being tall! Say you know that scene where Judy Hopps says a bunny can call another bunny cute but others really shouldn't? Well I'm so used to being a bunny but to me yordles are bunnies so like, would calling them cute make them feel like babies?"

I shrug. I'm an average size 13 year old boy so I don't really think I'd understand. "I wouldn't."

Shauna agrees, "Yeah if you have to ask then don't. You wouldn't be complimenting someone like you but making someone way smaller feel like they aren't being taken seriously."

We hear a loud noise and oh my gosh that guy fell! His lime green blood glows on his arm through his shirt.

Mercy flies to him with her staff.

His eyes widen and hugs Mercy. His wide yordle mouth turns up, "Oh my gosh that was so nice of you!" He looks in his compact mirror, "No way! It's like I never fell in the first place! Thanks you guys are the best!"

Judith raises her arms squinting, "Yay Mercy!"

McCree tries kissing Mercy's cheek but she turns away from him.

"I'm still mad at you."

Tristana points to a really excited strawberry blonde yordle wearing a light pink tanktop with bubblegum pink knee length shorts who's running right towards us, "Look it's Princess Maddie!"

Her eyes and mouth widen, clearly happy to see us. She's so adorable! Since my sister hates that word I won't call her that.

She shakes out hands, "Hey, I'm Maddie." She looks over to Tristana, "Tristie! Why didn't you tell me you were friends with a bunch of humans, metal fairy, and a gorilla?" She taps her finger on her chin. "So where are they even from?

Tristana smiles, "Oh, they came from...say where did you guys come from?"

Winston tells her, "A wormhole I made which lead to a cave but you can't use it because you need my patented quantum photogenic formula to use it."

Tristana scratches her head, "Anyway they helped me and Teemo fight a group of pig people."

Princess Maddie gasps, "Those pig people? I sure hope they don't try stealing any more of our land! You guys can come with me to the castle if you want." She clasps her hands squealing I'm really happy she's our friend too. "This is gonna be so fun! We can all get to know each other. And I can bake for us, trust me I'm good!"

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