Brought Them Together...

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Sohyun's eyes wavered at the awkward dilemma between Kwak Dongyeon's discovery and Taehyung's discovery.

"Looks like I'm interrupting...", Taehyung's calm words sounded despite his cold eyes a second ago. "Let's meet tomorrow, Sohyun-ah...", he left with his poker face.

Sohyun parted her lips to resolve the situation, but his leave turned off her volume. Her heart felt heavy. Her fear was way beyond the revelation of facts, but his goodbye, it felt like it was their last, like the one last year.

Dongyeon understood the situation between them. He inhaled deeply and exhaled a loud sigh saying, "Is it him? The one you wanted to introduce?"

She nodded.

The evident sadness on her face made him question, "You wanna go after him?"

Her downcast eyes looked up at him with surprised look.

"He can wait... if he wants to", he said nonchalantly.

Sensing the intention of his words, she faced him, "It's true... You were always the perfect guy and I, of course had a crush on you... And, sadly, it lasted for years", she let out a quick laugh saying, "To be honest, whenever you expressed your interest in any girl, my mind raised few questions at you...", she paused in hesitancy to continue further, "Those questions which I never uttered, 'Am not a woman? Don't you have eyes to see that?' But, now I'm in love with a guy who gave me the worst first impression..."

He smiled. "If you had confessed your feelings to me, when you were 16 and I was 18 or even before that... I would've said yes... Certainly"

'When you were, and I was', those words brought her serenity. She smiled at him and but, her eyes darted between him and the empty doorstep.

He clearly understood her desire to go after him, but he stood quietly ignoring it.

Her feet didn't stay still on the floor and her eyes looked worried as each fraction of second passed. The image of him walking out on them hit her hard. "I'll see you tomorrow, oppa...", she told him, yielding to her hastiness to go after Taehyung.

Her quick steps soon left the room and entered the hallway in search of Taehyung. She tried to reach him through phone, but the call never got through. She hurried to her dorm hoping to find him waiting for her, but her hope shattered. With sweat lining her hairline and tears lining her eyes, she made her way towards his dorm. Her phone never took a rest from dialling his number and her eyes wandered in the air looking for him. She waited in front of the dorm receiving awkward stares from the guys who were at the gate. Unknown persons passed by her, but her eyes were searching the trace of him without batting her eyes.

Meanwhile, Jimin entered Taehyung's room calling out his name.

Hearing him, one of Taehyung's roommates pointed towards the restroom.

Jimin gave a quick head bow thanking him and slammed the door with the knock calling out to him.

Taehyung opened the door with a force which clearly poured out his annoyance at the knock. But his anger subsided on seeing Jimin's worried face.


Before Taehyung shot his question, Jimin cut in saying, "Sohyun-sshi is in front of our dorm!"

"Sohyun?", his eyes widened, "At this time? Are you sure?", he asked while he was making his way to the entrance. He didn't bother to hear the answer and just took a run.

The moment Sohyun found Taehyung in her sight, the emotions choked her and brought her to tears. He hurried to her side on seeing her flushed face. He cupped her face wiping her tears with his thumb, "Hey...", his gentle but anxious voice sounded. "What happened? Did he-"

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