United in Memories...

232 19 12

The warm light dimly lit the room filling it with serene atmosphere. The large window in the room twenty storey high, overlooked the busy roads that were filled with red and yellow lights. With such a calm ambiance, anyone would plop on the comfy bed to sleep. But Taehyung tried his best to look awake and fresh. After positioning the laptop on the table, he took his seat on the chair and adjusted the screen to focus the webcam on him. He ran his fingers through the hair fixing the style and asked, "Can you see me clearly, now?"

"Mmm...", a soft and endeared hum from Sohyun from the other end of the video call reached him. "I can see your tired eyes... ruffled hair...", she knitted her brows to focus on him, "Hair... evidently wet after shower... Your wrinkled pyjamas that was worn in a hurry... I can see them all..."

He listened to her nodding and never uttered anything in reply. It wasn't that he couldn't come up with a witty answer, but he wanted to take his time to look at her and register her every nuance. His eyes gazed at her, scanning every inch of her face. When he realized that she too was scanning him, with a smile in the corner of his lips, he asked, "What are you looking at?"


Her bold reply made him chuckle. "Nice flowers...", he said as his eyes fixated on the vase filled with white and red roses. "Do we have an admirer?"

"That's from the crew"

"What's the occasion?"

"You've been away for almost two months now... You probably have no idea about what's go-"

"'The dream pairing', 'The eye candy and candy princess', 'On-Screen Couple of the year'... I added the 'On-Screen' which they missed in the article title!", he said cutting in to prove that he was updated about her.

His words, sure earned a chuckle from her. "So...?", she sang.

Grasping the meaning behind her 'so', he asked, "Why? Is it strange to make a video call to my girlfriend?"

"Not strange... just abnormal"

"And did you find anything abnormal in the coffee truck I sent to Bogum?"

"I enjoyed the snacks, thanks!", she said hinting at the favorite snacks that he sent her through Park Bogum. And the next second, her tone sounded sour with the question, "What's with the banner?

"Why? What's wrong with, 'Take care! See you in the concert!' banner?", he asked innocently shifting his eyes away from her.

She raised her one eyebrow at him, questioning his answer.

He wet his dry lips and asked, "You mean 'Don't forget to get your co-stars to the concert!'?"

She replied with just a smirk. Because she clearly knows he enjoys the explicit display of his emotions towards her and that he could never be stopped.

And a wide smile appeared in his lips on seeing her convinced face.

"You know... I received an offer for another movie, but I want to pursue higher studies... Planning to turn it down..."

He nodded listening to her, "Are you sure about the break from the industry?"

"I'm afraid of taking a break... But I wanna give it a try!"

"Okay...", he gave her an update in return, "I'll be releasing a song, soon!"

"Wow! Good news, finally!!", her eyes beamed. "When will I get to hear that?"

"Do you want to listen before the official release?", his expectant eyes inquired about her curiosity.

She softly shook her head negative. "When is the release?"

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