The True Rumor!

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Days rolled on swiftly. For Sohyun, every yesterday became today. To Taehyung weekdays had a fixed schedule and weekend had another fixed plan, reiterating.

One summer day unexpectedly brought dark clouds in the evening. The rain clouds stood tall on the trees. The breeze blew on the branch and slowly the drizzles fell on the leaves. Sohyun, who took a stroll on such evening with no one to walk alongside her, decided to take shelter in the coffee shop nearby. Without being noticed by anyone, she silently took a corner seat near the window. The small droplets on the window, the faint sound of the rain, the chill and gentle breeze leaking through the window frame engrossed her in the moment and brought moisture in the eyes.

"Like this soft rain which sprouts without notice, our love caressed the dried out paths in life... hence the moistened eyes?", a voice spoke.

Knocked into reality by an unknown voice and taken aback by the same, Sohyun turned to find a man in his late 30's with a gentle smile and Hwayoung beside him with a sorry face.

As Sohyun's brows netted in bewilderment, Hwayoung explained, "Sohyun-ah, he is a director... I'm working under him... remember my mention of him before?", she uttered hesitantly.

"But-", Sohyun was interrupted by Hwayoung's hasty explanation, "I told him-", she was in turn interrupted by director, "I heard... that you decided not to take up our movie in order to pursue your studies..."

"I've been planning for this for a long time, so I stopped accepting offers for a while now..."

"But you haven't read our script yet... Try it!"

"I'm sorry... I-", she tried to explain.

"Sohyun-sshi, I've loved a women!"

His sudden confession took her aback. "Why-"

"Never had the courage to express... but she knew that I like her more than anyone! She would throw a smile in the corner of her lips whenever I failed to approach her, as an encouragement..."

"I don't know why you are explaining it to me..."

Not heeding to her, "I made her wait in vain for years... now it's been decades since I met her, the love she painted in my heart is still pristine... I am not stuck in the past... I'm carrying it with me into the future..."

"That's like inflicting pain on yourself... Are you unable to let go?", Sohyun asked carefully.

"Everyone needs an addiction to go with life.... And this is mine!", he said with a smile. "Here", he handed the script to her, "If it failed to touch your soul, then I won't bother you...",

Reluctantly receiving the script, she stated her reason with reluctancy, "Isn't Taehyung in the movie?"

"Yes, of course. Our male lead", he said calmly. "I told Taehyung... about you... He was very welcoming, the idea of you being his female lead... The vigorous youthfulness conveys its gratitude!", a smile curved his lips. "Of course, I heard about you two and, I least care. I want the actors who can take up the characters' traits and live as them inside the frame!"

His words left her dazzled and he continued, "You never even looked at the script to stay true to your decision on studies... I hope you leave your relationship at bay, to stay true to the decision you are gonna make on this offer."

He lost her in the last sentence and her smile in disbelief said so. It was never easy to think far from her relationship.

"I need your love to act and your mind to think!", he marked his end statement and took his leave. Hwayoung followed him after bidding her bye.

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