Chapter 1: Power is Limitless

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Penny: I always thought that Robin with powers was an interesting idea. So, I'm doing it! Here's a little outline of what Robin's powers do.

Eye Color: Emotion: Power

Orange: Happy: Sun shines and others are happy

Purple: Sad: Rain and storms others are unhappy

Green: Confused: Able to heal death threatening wounds

Pink: Lust: Sky turns black and others feel lustful

Red: Love: Able to find peoples' soulmates

Blue: Neutral: Nothing

Yellow: Anger: Can alter minds 

So, there ya go! Let's dive right into the story.

Dick P.O.V.

I sat on the rainy edge of Wayne tower. My eyes were bright purple. Ever since I learned how to control my emotions I've been able to affect anything I want. I can make my eyes turn whatever color I want them to be. There was fighting on the streets and people were going crazy throwing things at each other. I just wanted to have a good life but, when my parents died and I was brought to Cadmus, things changed. When the younger heroes found Superboy, they also found me by mistake I was released on account that they didn't know where or who I was.

"What to do next? Red?" I saw pounding hearts and strings connecting people's fingers. "Yeah, red will do just fine." The sky cleared up ad I watched couples with strings attached to them walk the streets. That was when I heard crying coming from the alleyway beneath me. I jumped down several bars and landed on the pavement below. "What's wrong?" I asked the little girl. 

"My mommy, I can't find her!" she cried. I noticed her bloody knee so, I picked her up and walked around the streets until I saw a woman crying a name. She pointed to the woman and I ran over to her giving her her child back. I climbed back up to the top of the tower. My hoodie was dirty from being worn all this time. I saw a dark shadow.

"They call you Power. What's your real name?" The shadow said. He came out and I saw The Batman cowl. 

"Richard, Richard Grayson," I said puffing out my chest to make myself seem less weak.

"Well, Richard, how about you come with me. Someone has been looking for you and wants to take you into their custody." Batman said grabbing my arms. He dropped me off at Gotham City Orphanage and left after ringing the doorbell. 

It's been two days since I'd seen Batman. I got a knock on my door and opened it to see Sherri the nice social worker. "Someone is here to pick you up. He says sorry for the wait he just wanted everything to be ready for you." Sherri said as I grabbed my backpack and sped down the stairs. I bumped into a large man who bent down to see eye to eye with me and asked me if I wanted to live with him as his son. We got to his car and arrived at a huge house. It was fascinating exploring all of the floors and rooms. I saw a clock move open and the nice butler Alfred move out of it so I ran inside before it closed.

"Batman," I said seeing the bat-symbol everywhere. I got tapped on the shoulder and I turned around to see Batman unmasked: my new father Bruce Wayne.

Power is MoreOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant