Chapter 14: Power is Passionless

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Penny: Been a while.

Wally P.O.V.

His eyes were green, that meant he was confused right? He wasn't having second thoughts about our relationship, right? Damien stood in front of Dick holding out his hand. This was the second time this week that Damien had come to 'visit' Dick. I knew that I didn't want his here so why would Dick want him here either.

Dick P.O.V.

I wanted to leave everything from Cadmus behind. It would make it easier to move on from that horrible place but then in comes Damien ruining everything. I wish that I knew what to do. I've never felt like this before. It's like I'm incapable of loving something or someone. I feel hate. This feeling isn't who I am and it never will be.

"Damien you need to leave, your grandfather sent you here to get me and I can assure you that I won't be leaving here with you unless it's with your dead body." I said making him look over at me.

"Alright beloved, all you had to say was that you wanted me gone. Someday though you will be mine. I can promise you that. Not until you're ready though." Damien said winking at me before disappearing in smoke.

"Don't worry Wally, I only have eyes for you." I said before kissing him.

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