Chapter Six: Gonna Take You There

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Nobody said a word as they regrouped with Echemus. All of them started to move on, continuing on their path. Silently, the three of them descended the mountain. Echemus started leading the way to the village. It was becoming nightfall, yet Nysa didn't see any sign of civilization.

"Echemus," she piped up, "I thought you said we would be at the town by nightfall."

"Er, yes, I suppose we're a little behind."

"Maybe we should set up camp instead?" Alexios offered.

"No, we'll push through. Just," Nysa breathed deeply, running her hands through her hair, "How much longer do we have?"

"N-Not much," Echemus stammered.

Nysa sighed, "Well—" but her sentence cut off into a scream as she was hoisted up in the air. A net made of ropes, originally meant for some unfortunate hunter's prey, had enclosed around both her and Alexios. They were awkwardly pressed together as they struggled to regain their balance in the net.

"Oh my, are you two alright?" Echemus shouted up at them.

"We're fine," Nysa answered.

"But we could use a little help getting down," Alexios amended.

"Right," Echemus nodded, "I'll go see if I can find something to cut you down with." Before Nysa or Alexios could stop him, he had already run off into the forest.

"This is just fantastic," Nysa grumbled under her breath, "Could you move over, your elbow is in my stomach."

"Where would I move?" Alexios asked, sharply.

"I don't know, as long as you're no longer pushing in on my stomach."

"You know this is all your fault."

"My fault?" she hissed.

"You were the one not watching where you were going."

Nysa clamped her mouth shut, as technically, he was right. Though how was she to know she was supposed to be searching for animal traps. Instead she said, "Move over."

"What are you doing?" he grumbled, trying his best to move out of the way.

"Maybe there's a way I could loosen the rope and get us down."

"Just wait for Echemus, he'll be here in a few moments anyway."

As if on cue, the net began to fall and they with it. Nysa hit the ground so hard it knocked the wind from her lungs. She groaned loudly, "That wasn't so bad."

"That's because I cushioned your fall," Alexios groaned underneath her.

"Oh, sorry," she exclaimed, but she made no effort to roll off of him. Instead, she found herself momentarily entranced by how close they were. Despite herself, she blushed.

"I was hunting for boars," a voice called out, chuckling, "Instead it seems I caught a pair of love birds."

Nysa rolled off of him then, blushing furiously.

"We're not in love," they both insisted in unison. They exchanged glares, which only served for the disembodied voice to laugh harder.

Then, finally, a man with a torch emerged. He watched them with amusement, "The names Rhesus."

"I'm Nysa, and this is Alexios," she introduced them.

"So, what are you two doing so far out in the woods?"

"We are headed to town, we have business there," Alexios answered, gesturing the path Echemus had been leading them down.

"Well if you're headed to town, it's going to be a while."

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