Chapter 25. Visit to the Wolf's Den

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The Boy Who Cried Wolf is one of Aesop's Fables. We all know the story, but that's not the real story. This fable was based on an older one. The original was quite different.

A 16-year-old shepherd boy, tending his flocks, met a young, and quite curious wolf. The boy befriended the wolf by feeding him some mutton. The wolf transformed into a handsome 16-year-old boy and thanked him. The two became great friends and a strong, enduring love blossomed. Sometimes his friend was a wolf, running around with him, other times he transformed, and they spent the night in each other's embrace.

The villagers discovered this abomination against nature and came with staves, crying "Wolf! Wolf!" to drive off the wolf, but the wolf stood his ground, protecting the shepherd boy from the villagers. Then the shepherd boy turned and ran with his wolf following close behind, escaping into the dark night.

No one knows whatever became of the shepherd boy and his wolf.

—Apocryphal Origins of Aesop's Fables

As Kato entered the dorm, Takahashi put his hand on Kato's shoulder, bringing Kato to a stop. "It's time for my uke to do his job." Kato didn't like the sound of this. An old niggling fear rolled around in his chest. "I want you to come to my wing after showers. Room 560, the last room on C Wing, at the end of the hall. Please be there around 7 o'clock. My roommate will be gone." Kato gulped as he looked into Takahashi's deadly serious eyes.

"Okay," was the only thing Kato could whisper out. All of the alarms and bells in his head were going off as his mind raced. I'm not ready for this. I don't want to do this. I don't want to have sex with him. I don't want him to hurt me. I don't want us to be over with either. What do I do?

Takahashi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, see you," and walked off to his room.

Kato stood there, unable to move. Judgement Day, Kato thought. It all would end tonight, he reasoned. Three days of hell and his life would be cut short this evening. Then a thought occurred to him, Wait a minute, who the fuck does he think he is? He can't do this to me. Kato's anger started to get roused up. He stormed off to his room.


Tachibana exclaimed cheerfully, "Yo, Kato-san!"

Kato replied, "Oh my god, will you just shut up?"

Tachibana laughed. "Easy, easy. What's got your panties in a bunch?"

"I have to go to Takahashi-san's room after showers tonight." Kato said glumly.

"Ah. Going to service your seme, eh?" Tachibana chuckled.

Kato totally did not appreciate the lewd joke, but simply cowered a little and squeaked out an affirmative answer.

"Here, I got just the thing to cheer you up." He reached into a bag on the counter, pulling out a package and tossed it to Kato.

Kato caught it, asking stupid question number one for the night, "What is this?"

"A bag of poisonous mushrooms. What the fuck does it look like?"

Kato looked at it. A bag of candy.

Tachibana pulled out two bottles of ramune and handed them to Kato. "Here, a proper housewarming gift."

Kato was shocked. He replied, "Wow! Thank you! But, where did they come from?" Stupid question number two.

"The store."

Kato wondered why the hell it was so hard for people just to answer his damn questions without the sarcasm.

"If you have family, they can drop off a bunch of groceries for you. Or they can also send money that will be placed in an account for you to spend. There's a little book from a local grocery store on my shelf that has all sorts of stuff you can buy. Place your order on the little form on Monday and you'll have it by Friday. Since you weren't here Monday, I'll give you a few things."

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