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Hi I'm Weston bridges and in 16 years old and I'm in my third year of high school.I am currently changing high schools because I got kicked out of my old one for bad reasons. I play sports but I'm one of those people that you wouldn't want to mess with as in both ways and I'm well known in a lot of school just not this one so I gotta try and make an semi- good  impression.


I woke up to my annoying ass alarm clock that went off for the fifth time. I rolled out of bed and fell out in the flood that was freezing cold.
I got up and went to take a shower.


After my shower I checked my time and it was 7:45. I decided on what to wear and how to do my hair and make up. ———->


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After I got ready I went down stairs to eat my breakfast because I was hungry even tho I'm not a morning person.

I went down to see nothing but my kitchen because I don't have parents they died two years ago. Because of my parents death it cause me to do some dumbass things and that's one of the main reasons I'm going to a different high school.


I walked back up stairs to get my stuff. I grabbed my bag my phone my phone charger and then I got my headphones and perfume and walked back down stairs and out the door to my car.

I got in to my mustang and put in the schools directions and also put in some music to make the drive better cause it's a 20 minute drive.

I started driving to school while jamming out to The Weeknd cause there music is fucking awesome. When I got to the school I seen so many people look at my car prob cause I have the nicest car here.

I pulled in to the parking lot and found a spot to park and then parked there. I got out and as soon as I did I was greeted by to girls ( Peyton and lessle).

They told me what to expect here and then they took me to the office to get all of my stuff and to get my locker number so I could find it before the bell ringed for us to go to first class.

I walked to my locked only to find to people making out on it and tbh it kinda pissed me off because people have no manners

"Who tf are those people" I said.
"Ohh I'm that's Grayson Dolan the schools biggest fuck boy and that's his gf" Peyton said.
" yea I wouldn't mess with them if I were you they'll ruin you" lessle said.
"I don't give a fuck who they are they better get tf out of my way" I said.

I went over to the and asked them to move and the didn't listen to me so I stared to scream at them to move.

" who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that" Jessica said.
" I'm someone that's not gonna put up with your danm bullshit so gtfo of here" I said.
" honey you honestly must not know who your talking to I can ruin you life right now" Jessica said.
" do it I fucking dare you cause I'll just put you in the hospital like the last person " I said
" haha you didn't put anybody in the hospital" Jessica said.
" yea then why the hell am I here" I said.
" I won't believe that shit till I see it" Jessica said.
" well it's trending all over fucking instagram and Snapchat maybe if you have a social life you would know not to fuck around with me because I can also ruin you life even if I go to jail because of it so fucking try me" I said.

With that I walked off because I didn't have time for her and her fake ass Barbie doll. After I walked off every one was staring at me and had a shocked face so I'm guessing no ones told her off.

The bell ringed and I started to walk to my class until I was pushed up against my locker.
It wasn't Jessica it was a guy tho and I'm pretty sure he's a fuck boy

" hey new girl how bout you come to the janitors closet and give me some😏" Cameron said.
" um nah I prob would never go to the closet with you so go suck a dick" I said
" oooh feisty huh?" Cameron said
" get off of me before I kick you in the balls" I said.
" your just a pussy anyways" Cameron said.

I walked to class only to be greeted by my two new friends I guess. I sat down and seen the boy that was with that bitch this morning he just looked at me and smirked.

"I'll never understand how someone that looks like that would be with her cause she's made of fucking plastic and if he's a fuckboy then why does he still have a girlfriend" I said
"We don't know either but that's just Grayson Dolan for you" Peyton said.
" yea he's slept around with almost every girl here and it's kinda sick" lessle said.
" yea it kinda is sick" I said.
" but ......... he also has a twin" lessle said.
" ugh two of them like wtf don't you think one is enough already" I said.
" oh don't worry he's not a fuckboy he's actually the opposite he's nice , smart , funny and hot" Peyton said.
" oooh someone's got a crush " I said.
" shut up here he comes" Peyton said.

Word count: 980

My fuckboy crush} Grayson Dolan Where stories live. Discover now