start senior year pt.2

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Langie's POV

Bff:  Is that... Adym A.K.A ricco 

Langie: It is... Is he talking to me ?

Ricco: Loser... I know you hear me? what do you want me to call you langie instead.

Ricco's POV

seen a yellow jeep pull up, and I thought it must be a new dude so I put a sexy but tough face so if girls see I don't look consitpated(hahahaha literally laughing as I am writing this). Though who stepped out was a Thick, Cute, girl. So I thought it was a new girl until I saw her face. It was langie. She sure glo'ed up over the summer. So I called her over.

 Langie's POV

ricco is calling me over. So I walk over there,but before I go I tell my bestfriend to stay but keep look out.

Ricco: Hi langie

Langie: Hi ricco*kinda never counfused way*

Ricco: hey, there is a party tonight... I want to invite you to it

Langie: I am not sure if I want t...

Ricco:*inturrupting and comes really close and whispers in my ear* You can bring your friend if you want to.

 ricco's POV

I pulled away from her and winked

she just stayed there frozen

I smacked her on the a** and said " Hope to see you there*

she unfroze I ran

Langie's POV

I didn't rember anything except I walked over here and then he leaned in then everything went blank and then someone... I think ricco smacked me on my


L- I am going to be late for class

Fast foward to last period/ GYM/ P.E.

Her bestfriend's name is Aliyah by the way

Aliyah: We have to get changed into our gym stuff

Langie: OK... coming let me catch up with you I need to put my earring in my locker

Aliyah: Okay, then  I will save you a spot in gym  by me

Langie: Ok

*walking to locker*

?: guess who


Hey guys, Sorry it took me so long to update but at least I gave you a long chapter. I will try to update tomorrow. Okay bye babes *smooches* I am out

Ps: I have been working on this and I am up late on a wensday school night at 10:39 and tired but Anything for my readers.

who do you think it is?

Is it ricco?

Is it her EX?

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