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P.E. Teacher: And the winner is... Langie

Langie: Yesss

Ricco: yayyyy..wait what?

P.E. Teacher: Only Langie show me solo then I will decide 

Langie: OK

(The first girl is langie*use your imagination*)

Ricco P.O.V

I didn't know she could dance like that.Why am I suddenly feeling...butterflies. NO NO NO, there is no way.

Langie's P.O.V

Boys were whistling 

Adym was just staring with his mouth wide open, So I got revenge on him.

I went by his ear and whispered"close your mouth or a fly might just fly in there.

Adym had realized what I had done, and just closed his mouth and blushed. I see why he likes teasing people it was fun ,and it felt so powerful like you could control their mind with words only.


P.E. Teacher: That's the bell. See you'll tomorrow and maybe Langie and Ricco will perform for us tomorrow.

Ricco and me just happily strolled out of class. Then, he turned in front of me and said see you tonight and winked. My stomach just got so fluttery. Though he bullied me, I have been keeping this big secret about about How......



I hope you guys liked this chapter and I think the next chapter will not end with a cliffhanger but it might you never no with me.

though I want to know what you think of the story so far contact me on my snap or just  comment 

Snap: Jackson4569

My snap is under chocolate queen by the way but look it up under Jackson4569 

smooches love you guys


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