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"The Montes Twins are here, Miss." The butler says.

Hope just nodded and turned her attention to the twins. "Hope." Said the twins and smiled gratefully. "We've been looking for you since last week." Said by the older montes.

"Yeah. I mean we already did what you said to us."

Hope knit her eyebrows and stand up. She marched her way towards the twins and glared at them. "Are you?"

"Ye-h. I mean the Saltzman girl—if only you're there.." The older twin said. " I mean Hope, we clearly did our part in our agreement, so can we get our payment now?" He continued.

"Oh. Your payment." Hope dryly said. "Of couse, turn around." Hope ordered the twins.

"WHAT THE FUCK- WE DID OUR PART!" The twins shouted as the room filled the noise of splashed water.

Hope furrowed her eyebrows as she walks closer to the pool. "Right. Right. I think you and your brother really did an exceptional job. So this kind of treatment—payment isn't appropriate...and enough. Don't you think Josh?" Hope asked her butler and Josh just nodded. "Josh, can you please fetch the agreement document between the mikaelson and montes'.

"Yes, Of course Miss."

The twin can't help but smile as Josh nodded his head. Because finally the thing they always want. The Payment. The agreement between them and hope's. The only thing that can save their family from bankruptcy. They'll get it now.

Only a minute passed, Josh is now walking his way towards hope with papers in his hands. "Remember, two weeks ago. I called you, both of you to do something for me, and in exchange is we—I mean I will help you with your company problem—whatever it is and I actually don't care." The twins nodded as hope signed the document and continue to talk."Also, I clearly said two weeks ago scare her off. And not fucking open her damn blouse!" Hope shouted as she tear the paper apart and throw the papers to the twins whose still in the pool.

"Miss. Your mother just arrived." Josh said.

Hope furrowed her brows. What is she doing here? Hope thought.

"Mother!" Hope shouted and march towards her mother. "You're 10 months early for my birthday. That the worst mother club's president is trembling in her seat right now." Hope sarcastically said. But Hayley didn't even spend a second to even look at hope and just continue walking. Hope just clenched her teeth.

14 years ago.

"Aunt Freya, when's Dad coming home?" Ask by the young Hope Andrea Mikaelson. Whose o 5 year old now.

"The thing is, he won't hope. But don't worry—he is in the better place now." It's been a week since the business tycoon Klaus Mikaelson died in a car crash and Freya can't think a better way to tell it to her niece. How can you tell a kid that her dad died?

"Where? Can I go there too? I mean it's kind of lonely here, especially that mom is always traveling then you---you're going also."

"No, you can't hope." Freya can't help but to smiled sadly to her niece.

"Oh..Okay. Maybe I'll tell the butler to call Daddy in his phone."

Her Aunt Freya just smiled sadly. "Maybe." That time hope doesn't understand why aunt freya will say maybe or why she even smile like someone died. But two years after she finally understood.

"Mom, look! I'm top 4 in our class! Look." Hope says as her voice filled with happiness.

Hayley took the report card from hope's hand and examine it. "Not even top 3. Just in case you forgot hope, you. Are. A. mikaelson. " Hayley's voice filled with disappointment that made hope's happiness drop. "Go to your room, study."

"Okay, Mom." Hope said but before she exited the room she call her Hayley again. "Mommy." But Hayley didn't even bother to look.

"I love you. Always and forever." Hope said as she finally exited the room.

10 years ago

"Mom look, I am now the number in our class now." Hope says as her voice filled with happiness.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to practice for your recital next week?" Hayley said still her focused on the pile of paper works in her desk.

"But I already spent the whole afternoon practicing, I want to show you these." The 10 year old hope said as she present her report card at her mother

"Go back to your room, hope. Practice." Hayley says.

"O...kay. Mom." Hope said and immediately she return to her room to continue her practice in recital for next week.

Hope spends her whole week, day and night practicing for recital. She did well. Though there's some mistake that isn't really noticeable at all..well except for her mother's eye.

"What happened?" Hayley asked.

"I'm sorry.."

"If only your whole focus is in practicing that recital it wouldn't happened. From now on, hope. You are not allowed to get out of this house unless I say so."

Hope just nodded. "I'm sorry. I'll do well."

"You better be. You're a mikaelson."

8 years ago.

"Why did you fire her?!" Hope says as her voice filled with anger.

"Why wouldn't I fire her? She's incompetent. She isn't irreplaceable i can hire someone who's better than her. Someone who will be worth every penny that i pay for them!"

"Huh. Well. Hire her back."

"You don't get to order me, young lady."

"she..that...keelin. She needed that job. She got a family to feed. She..she treat me as her own. She.."

"Do you really think she treated you...well...treated you as her own because she wanted to? Because hell. She's a good woman she get to be kind to everyone. Well, news flash young lady. I am paying her. You are paying her. It is in her job to respect their bosses, it is in their job to be kind at you. Do you really think that keelin girl will treat you as how she is treating you right now, if we're not paying her huh? I don't think so."

Hope fell silent.

"Do you have anything else to say?"

" since I was kid you're always telling me, reminding me that I am a mikaelson. Every day you never failed to remind me that. But tell me the truth mom, who is you really reminding?, me or yourself? Because it feels like you forgot that I am a mikaelson. That I am Hope Andrea Mikaelson. Your daughter.  I know that I am a Mikaelson, so I think it's time for you to stop reminding me every day that I am and start to make me feel like I am one!" Hope shouted.

"Then act like one!" Hayley walks towards hope and grasp both of her shoulders. "Think like you're one. Our empire is in the top of the world, hope. One wrong move it might collapse, you're a smart girl hope. You do know that we are not the only one, who are in it. But everyone like, your driver..the maid everyone who is counting on us"

"I don't want your empire, mom. All I want is a mother. All I want is to feel that you love me."

"You're no kid hope. You should know that love won't put food on your table, you should know that love wont make someone successful . Love makes someone weak. Love is a curse, hope."

And a day after that. The first red card incident happened. 

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