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"What are you doing here?" Joasi asked.

And here she is Hope Mikaelson sitting in a playground near at Josie's house.  "Because I realized something."


"That i am being unfair to you. You forgave me even though i haven't properly say those words yet." Hope said.

4 months ago heaven and earth will meet first than hope mikaelson say those words 'forgiveness' when her mantra in her whole life is 'If apologies are all it takes  then why do we need a law?" 

"I don't know how to properly apologize or what" I guess that's what happens when you grew up in a household where apologies means new car, bags, and limited edition jewelries, hope thought. "I'm sorry, Josie. I'm sorry that i hurt you in anyway and i know it's late but if there's anything that I can do to make up for it, please. Just say it."

Josie smiled. "You saved me, remember? If it wasn't for you....i don't know what could've happened. Besides, you're less annoying now." 

That day. Hope remembers it vividly, how worried she was, how her heart beats  like it's trying to break from her chest. and how Hayley almost sent her out of the country because of how many complaints she got from the influential parents of the students and some students even ended up 2 weeks in hospital bed. 

A long silence filled them. Maybe the first literally silence from both of them, yet it's not awkward or anything. It's comforting, just listening in each others heartbeat.

"I was not mad. I was hurt." Hope suddenly said.

Maybe she has wrongs too, especially when Josie asked her what happened and her only answers is 'because he deserved it.' well, that guy clearly do. But still, she still didn't say the real reason why she punched him. Maybe because she can't literally say it. She can't bear say anything that will make Josie think of herself 'as less' 

well maybe except for stupid or idiot, because well she feels like it's their thing. Maybe that's their thing. Oh well.

"Because I like you, Josie. I really do."


"Because you're...you...you're...good, josie. and it makes me want to be good too, it makes me want to be a better person and i'm trying, josie. I'm trying to be that person the you deserve. A better person. A person who will always be there for you. So i will work hard until i'm that person. Until i deserve you."

It's not the first time that she said that she likes, Josie. But this is the first time that Josie didn't say any or do any....she didn't say that 'maybe the rain affected your rain from 1 braincell now it's nonexistent' or make face so in order to break the ice.  Hope said "Even though i have to travel to vatican every week to have Pope Francis personally teach me how to become a better person."

At least that made Josie laugh. "Really?"

"Of course i'm joking!"



let me know what you all think! :)

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