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"What the fuck" Josie screamed.

'What the fuck' is actually an understatement in what josie is seeing in their living room right now "Mom? Did you rob a bank and bought all of this?" 

"I didn't." 

"What didn;t? You didn't rob a bank or you didn't bought all of this?" as josie start pointing all the expensive things that just laying in their living room. A 70 inches tv. A ref. Tons of clothes and shoes and even a fucking airpod. 

"I didn't rob a bank and especially i din't bought these things I can't even afford to buy a new make up brush." Her mother replied and chuckles. 

If her mom wasn't the one who bought all these ridiculous items, maybe her dad? I mean not 'bought' but to win in some promo- thingy that her dad always join in. 

"Then how dad managed to win all these things?"


"Yes. Didn't he always join in some of promo in mall? So how did he win all these things?" Josie said and again pointed all the 'ridiculous' items.

"Oh Dad didn't it's from your girlfriend." Lizzie butt in.

Josie furrowed her eyebrow, girlfriend? She's not even dating anyone. "Girlfriend? I am not even seeing anyone."

"It's from hope. Her driver drop these things this morning. " Lizzie said and put on her new airpod  that josie immediately take away from her. "Ouch! Josie! There's like 5 airpod in here if you want one..then just take the other." Lizzie complained.

 "We will give all this back." Josie said as she started to scan her phone to call hope, until she realized "How can i call her? I don't even have her number." She mumbled to her self. She sighed..

Then she decided that she'll just go to hope's house to return--to tell hope to get all this things. 

"Hey..josh. Is hope home?" Josie said to Josh. Hope's butler the one who assist her back when hope kidnapped her. 

"Ah. Yes. But i don't think she will please to see you right now? I mean--- don't get me wrong..i mean..miss hope just strictly said that no one should bother or even breathe beside her today because she's doing something important." 

"Sorry. But I really need to talk to her..like right now."Josie pleaded. 

"I'm sorry, Josie. I want to help you but i really need need this job. Hope knows no mercy she'll fire me faster than barry allen can blink." Josie sighed.

Maybe she'll just comeback tomorrow..nuh-uh  for sure Hope will think that she's a freakin cheap girl who she can get easily by just giving gifts if she won't return it to her now. Maybe she'll just find a way how to talk to hope at the same time not getting josh out of his job. 

Until now josie can't believe and it's not yet sinking in her brain what hope told her the other night. That she likes her

 After a few minutes Josie finally see an opportunity to get in the mikalson's gate when the housemaid place the garbage outside the gate and that when josie run inside the house. She knows that 'extra' isn't enough to describe how many and how tight the security in Mikaelson's house but she's still not in the house..yet.. So she'll just think of it once she's inside and that's...what happened.. the mikaelson security are not chasing her.


So she just shouted..maybe..just maybe that stupid hope mikaelson will hear her and if hope..not..well she hope that when the police call her parents that she'll spend years in jail because she just trespass the richest family. Hope they will take it well and don't disowned her. She hate being older than 16


She just continue to shout while the security continue to chase after her. "HOPE MIKAEL--"

"What can i do to my girlfriend?" Hope said and smiled lovely at Josie.

And just like that it's like the world just..stopped..literally. The security stopped chasing after josie...josie stopped running.

"Hope!" Josie. "Aish!" Josie said as she turned her head to glared  at the security guards. She knows that they're just doing their work but hell she's tired as fuck. 

Yet that glared didn't  get unnoticed by Hope.

"What did you do to her?" Hope coldy said and glared at her guards.

"Miss we're very sorry we trie-d i- me-an auhm...we- tried t-o catch -her because i- mean you- don't wa-ant to- be--d-ist-urbed." Fear is evident in security guard. Actually, josie is not sure if he is still using the english language..she can't understand even one  word he said.

"Don't fire him. It's my fault okay. They already told me that you don't want to be disturbed but I really need to talk to you Hope." Josie said seriously. While hope can't help to smiled..i mean she tried not to..but..it's josie.

"Okay." She turned her attention to the guards. "Leave now." Hope harshly said.

"Le-ave? As in?"

Hope furrowed her eyebrows. "Leave as in don't you have post to attend to?" Without a word the security guards rushly their way to their post before hope changed her mind and fire them all with literal fire..or not.

"So?" Hope.

"Take them back." Josie heavily said. 

"What them back?"

"The things you 'brought' to our house just for you to flash how rich you are."

Hope placed her hand to her heart and sarcastically said. "Ouch." and 'tsk.' "I didn't gave it to you to flash how rich i am because with or without those things you know how rich i am." Hope said smiled smugly that makes josie rolls her eyes. This--proud woman. 

"Huh! Well Miss Rich.. can you please take your' with or without those things you know how rich i am- items back. Because we don't need them and we don't want them." 

But hope didn't say any..actually hope is kind of frozen in where she's standing now. "Hope?" Josie said. "Are you okay?"

"COCKROACH ." Hope whispered as she started to run around and screams. "HOPE!" 

"COCKROAH! WHY THERE ARE COCKROACH HERE! JOSH!" Hope continue to scream while josie furrowed her eyebrows as she look at the cockroach. "JOSH! ANYONE!" Hope continue to scream.

Josie can't help to laugh when she realized something. The mighty HOPE MIKAELSON...is afraid of cockroach.

"Why are you laughing? Can't you see? We're in the middle of crisis here! Laughing won't help!" Hope said hysterically.

"Crisis? It's just a cockroach!" 

"Just? JUST a cockroach? It's not just a cockroach it's gonna eat us alive! JOSH!!! YOU LITTLE SHIT! COME HERE!"

 "It's a baby cockroach hope." Josie said trying to calm hope down while she's trying to calm herself in laughing. "Sorry baby cockroach." Josie said and stomped the baby cockroach and can't help but to laugh again.

The mighty Hope Mikaelson is...afraid of a baby cockroach.

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