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All Josie wanted is to return the dress to khym peacefully and by peacefully means..well it means watching Penelope and Khym arguing is not part of it.

"Aish." Josie sighed and decided that she should just go back tomorrow to properly return the dress, but before she even move a feet she see penelope approaching  her..well not her, it's just really a coincidence that where she is hiding is where the exit door.

She and Penelope made an eye contact but unlike the usual sparks in penelope's eyes..it's only dull and sadness.

"Ehem." Josie shyly smile at Khym and hand over the dress to her. "I'm sorry, i- i didn't mean to eavesdrop--i mean i didn't-- i--i'm sorry i should've text you that i am coming over---i---i'm sorry." Khym just smiled at Josie.

"I should be the one saying sorry...i'm sorry you have to see that...and my house is always open for you Josie." Khym took the dress. "Thank you." She added and smiled one more time.

Khym started to walk away."Penelope loves you. So fucking much." Josie says and march towards ally. "She doesn't deserve this. The first time i saw penelope's genuine smile is when she read  an article about you..coming home. Her smile that day can literally power a damn planet" Josie chukled. "She was so happy. " Josie continue while Khym faced josie and walk towards her. "Josie."

" Penelope.. she always put her loveones first before herself, so i'm very sure she won't ask you this. Khym, don't leave. For Penelope's sake. So please stay in Mystic Falls   " Josie begged. Khym sighed and held both of Josie's shoulder.

"Josie, I know how much penelope mean to you and i want you to know that she mean a lot to me too but i already made my decision. Besides, penelope..she's smart..kind..almost perfect i know she'll fine someone better than me. She's Penelope Park for goodnessake." 

Even after a thousand plea of Josie, she even kneel infront of Khym for goodnesssake but  ally still stand her decision.

"What was that?" 

Josie almost jump in her place when she hears Penelope's voice. Did she hear everything? Did she see the way Josie begged and kneel infront of Khym

" What were you thinking? I never asked you to beg and kneel in front of Khym just for my sake, Josie! Don't you have any shame?! " Penelope said and walk towards Josie while josie can't even face Penelope.

"I'm sorry. No- i am not sorry." Josie said and finally face Penelope. "I am not sorry for what I did! But I feel sorry for you, you always say how much you love Ally, just in case you didn't know Penelope. Love is not just a word. You can't say that you love Ally to the bottom of your coward heart and don't do anything about it. If you really love her, fight for her. If she can't stay here in Mystic Falls then go follow her to new york. You don't just give up on someone you love, penelope." Josie said and finally exited the Brooke Mansion.


"Where's Penelope?" Lexa asked.

It's only a minute before Khym and her group leave the mystic fall, but still Penelope hasn't show up.

"Hey, Hope!" Khym called hope. Hope knitted her eyebrow and walk towards Khym. Hope feels like whatever Khym gonna say she won't like it.

"Stop being a coward, yknow and please your style in showing affection is so 1880 if you really like the girl stop giving her red card but red roses." Khym whispered and glance towards josie Hope huffed, like what the hell is ally taking about.

"What are you talking about?"

"Same old, hope. " Khym patted hope shoulder and walk towards josie. "Josie."

"Khym." Josie said and smile gently.

"Take care of Penelope."

Josie went silent and just smile. Just after a minute Khym and her group says their goodbye and march towards the gate.

"Penelope!" Davina called. "You're just a minute late." Davina said.

"Actually, i think i was the first one who arrived here? I think i arrived like 8pm and it's already 9pm." Penelope said and checks her watch. Josie can't believe Penelope, she was here an hour early and didn't even bother to show up?

"And you didn't even bother to show up." Josie says, while penelope chuckles and walk towards josie.

"Well...someone said you don't just give up on someone you love and if that person can't stay here in mystic falls then i should just follow her to new york. So the reason why i didn't show up..is" Penelope stopped and pulled her passport and ticket out from her bag. "Becuase i'm going to new york." 

The group can't help to cracked a smile.. especially josie. "Josie, thank you." Penelope said and kissed josie's forehead.  Hope unconsciously widened her eyes. What the hell?

"Penelope, you're gonna be late for your flight." Hope said and pulled Penelope away from Josie. Penelope knitted her eyebrow. "My flight is 10pm.. I still have an hour to spare."

"Oh." Hope.


So what do you think of the story? Except that it's so cringy because i know that already lol. hahahah

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