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Josie said as her eyes continue to roam the entire room. It's been years since she's been in mystic fall tower and the last time that she is in it the tower was still look a creepy movie scene.

But now it filled with lights--it's just so different."It's amazing." Josie can't help but to smile that soon vanished when she see Hope.

"What?" Hope grumpily said to her.

Josie rolled her eyes and sighed and continue to stare at the lovely stars.

"It's so beautiful." Josie commented.

"What? The satellites?" Hope said.

"The stars." 

"Stupid. That's not 'stars' that's satellites." Hope replied and huffed. She close her eyes and continue to shiver while josie didn't say any because she knows if she'll contradict whatever hope said it will just lead into an argument and josie is aware that they're in a tower what if hope just throw her outside?  i mean it is hope mikaelson. there's no impossible to this girl.

"What are you planning Hope Mikaelson?" Josie asked hope. She gained her confidence back now since they're outside. Hope can't push her to die.


"Aren't you tired playing games with me? It's been what? 2 months since the incident. I just want a peaceful life Hope." Josie is now close to begging, without penelope and hope tormenting her life again, it's just too much.

"What are you saying?" Hope said and furrowed her brows. "I'm way past what happened especially that game that you're talking about." Hope said with such seriousness in her voice that surprise Josie.

"Then what is this? Waiting for 4 hours? Showing the renovated mystic tower? Are you planning my death?" 

Hope can't help but laugh she's so stupid she place her both hand in josie's shoulder. "Nah. I'm planning you to be my girl. From now on you are now my girlfriend. No one is allowed to touch you, talk to you, breathe near you or even look at you." Hope said and smiled.

Josie can't help but to just laugh. What Hope is saying? Girlfriend? Pfft. "Looks like the storm affect your brain..big time. From 3 braincell...now it's..none. You're crazy, hope mikaelson. I should've not come, you just wasted my time. Bye."

Josie started to walk away while hope chase after her. "Let me take you home." Hope said, still shivering.

"No way. I'd rather walk than spend a minute with you." Hope sighed. Josie is such a stubborn and stupid person, it's midnight and obviously it's not safe to walk alone in this kind of city. "Okay fine! Then just let my driver to take you home. It's not safe. You stupid." 

Josie stopped walking and face Hope with such disgust face. "You know who's stupid? And idiot? And someone who needs a brain surgery? You! Making me come here then blubber such a stupid things like me as your girlfriend. Psh." Josie spats. Hope clenched her jaw making herself to calm down.

"You're really one of a kind girl and not in a good way. You're stupid and for a record you're the one who blabber MUCH more nonsense so i don't even know why i am so fascinated by you." Hope paused and walk closer to josie. " I like you Josie Saltzman. I like you even though you're stupid. I like you even though you easily got drunk by 4 bottles of beer.  and i still like you even though you made me wait and made me worry about you for four hours." Hope stopped again and look josie in the eyes with such sincerity. "I hate the damnworld, but i like you Josie Saltzman." 

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