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"Is there at least one person? Just one person that can match Hope Mikaelson?" Josie irritatedly said while wiping the paint that the student poured at her. 

"Well there's one." Penelope answered as she continue to help Josie clean herself from paint.


"I said leave me alone! If you don't all leave me alone i'm going to fire you all!" Hope said as she covered herself in her blanket, but stil the woman just continue to poke her.

"And if you don't get up right now i'm going to chop your head and feed it to lions."fThe woman said and pinched hope's ears 


That voice. It can't be. "Aunt Freya?!" 

"Good morning little niece, there's visitors waiting for you downstairs. So go freshen up and meet me downstairs and be fast please because if not i'm seriously going to feed you to our lions."

"We don't have lions!" 

"Then maybe i'll buy one just to feed you to them, so go." Freya command that makes Hope snickers.  Hope immediately do what she told. 

Frown is evident in Hope's face when she came downstairs and it's all because of the said 'visitors' are no other than her friends. Davina, Lexa, Penelope and of course Josie.

It's been days since she last saw Josie..yes, she's hurt and mad for what happened but still she misses her. 

It's sad when your heart gets broken but know the sadder part is? the only person than can only break your heart is also the person you love the most.

"What they're doing here?" Hope asked and march towards freya..but of course kept her distance(She's kind of worried freya would pinch her ears....again...well you can't blame her...she has a very sensitive ears.)

"I heard what happened." Freya started.

"Oh. You heard what happened then why did you even allowed these two in our house?" Hope said pertaining to Josie and Penelope.

"You expelled Penelope." 

"She deserves it."

"No, she doesn't."

"Stop siding with them." 

"I'm not siding with them. I'm actually not siding with anyone here." Freya sighed and sat between Josie and Penelope. "A challenge, if you win then you get what you want and if Penelope wins she'll stay." Freya said to her niece.

"And why would i agree with that?"

"Because you don't have a choice but to agree." Freya answered.

Hope sighed and look between Josie and Penelope. "Okay. Since i don't have a choice but to agree the least you can do for me is let me choose the challenge, i mean that's more fair that way right? Right. And i choose swimming." Hope said and smirks at Penelope.

Well, the reason why she chose it because first, penelope doesn't know how to swim. Penelope got kidnapped when she was a kid and while the authorities are chasing the car, the kidnapper lost control of the vehicle and fall off the bridge, fortunately Penelope survived but it leaves a great amount of trauma on her that even putting her feet on pool still something she struggles with,  

But to be fair hope doesn't know how to swim too but who say she's the one who is going to swim? Lexa's the one who is going to swim for her. Hope smiled at that thought.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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