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ITALIZED are flashback sceness!!


"I'm John."

"I'm hope." Hope introduced herself.

"I know! You're like in literally every magazine in store, you're quite famous hope mikaelson." 

Hoper didn't say any, she just let lizzie's date blabber nonsense like he really doesn't like lizzie that way and he only dated her because 'she is a challenge' and normally hope doesn't care, but lizzie still Josie's twin, but when she's about to say something..."Hey you okay?" Josie asked. Hope just nodded.

"I don't like him. Your sister's boyfriend." Hope whispered to Josie.

"You don't like anyone." Josie answered.

"I like you." Hope shrugged.

"What happened?!"

"I'll buy snacks, what do you guys want?" Hope asked. 

"Uh anything." Josie

"I believe there's no such thing as 'anything' in menu." Hope answered.

"Just anything. Surprise me."

"Okay..peekaboo." Hope jokes. 

"Funny Mikaelson, ha. ha." Josie.

Hope rolls her eyes. "When i buy ketchup..only ketchup, you don't get to say anything." Hope said and march towards the snack booth.

"Crap! Where's my wallet?" Hope.

"Here i got it." Lizzie's date said and pay for the snacks. "Do you want to go a club with me? If we go, there are plenty of people there that you can't even even compare to the ones over there." Did she just insulted Josie in front of hope?

"What's wrong with you? Why did you hit him?" Josie said.

"Because he deserved it!" Hope spats.

"Deserved it? What did he even do? Breathe near you? Apologize to him now..or else."

Hope didn't say any and just walked out.

"What happened?!"

"She's an asshole that's what happened!" Lizzie's date answered. 


"Can't you believe it? She even sided with that asshole! That asshole who only dates her sister because 'she is a challenge' and insulted her!  And yet she has the nerve to get mad at me?  Everything i did was for her! I spent 2 hours in that claw machine just for '1 small teddy bear!' And waited for like 10 minutes for every rides! The last time i waited for that long is when i was a baby! Psh! and does she think i enjoyed punching that guy's face? I mean I did!  Especially that he insulted Josie in my face! In my face! But what if that asshole has an plague and infected me? I could die! But still!" Hope rants.

She's beyond pissed. It's been 3 days since the incident happened. But she and Josie are still not in speaking terms. "So you're mad at her? And whatever happening between you two are...over now?"

" It's...it's...it's...over!" 

"So even if josie comes with cookies right now and beg for your forgiveness, you still won't let this one pass now?" Penelope says while looking at Josie with a bag of cookies in her hand.

"No. I won't let this one pass."

"Hope...." Josie

"JOSIE!" Hope almost lost her balance when she hears that voice. "What are you doing here?" Hope pretends to not care said. But walks toward the door just in case Josie walks out because the last time she was in their 'lair' she just punch hope and literally walk out.

"Lizzie and her boyfriend broke up and when i asked why she said that 'the real reason why you punched John is because you defend her and me.' I'm sorry." Josie said and gives the cookies to hope.

"You're sorry? If you can just say sorry for whatever you do wrong--"

"Then what is the purpose of the laws? I know. I know. What do you want me to do ah?"Josie.

"Three wishes."


"Grant me a three wishes then i'll forgive you."

"Psh. Fine! Okay! But you have to tell me your three wishes within a minute ."

"What? That's unfair!"



"That's what im literally doing right now, waiting. But if that's your first wish...40..39...38."

"Stop counting!"

"Okay, i won't count out loud...only in my head."

"What the.."

"Just in case you're not aware you only have 10 seconds left."


Hope breathed deeply. "Repeat after me."


"Repeat after me 'I'm really sorry....babe."

"What?" Josie.

Hope smirks. "Didn't you hear how Lizzie apologize to that asshole after he got the punch the he clearly deserved? ' Babe, i'm sorry.'" Hope even soften her voice to tease Josie.

"Bab..ba..heheh....babe.....YOU KNOW WHAT! If you don't want to accept my apology thats on you!" Josie said and walks out.

"Josie! Wait! Aish."

"Tsk. tsk. You should've just accepted her apology." Davina said and took a bite on josie's cookies. .

'Hey! Dont---Davina! You can't eat that! Aish! Give it to me!"Hope said forcelly take the cookies on Davina's hand.."And! Spit it out!"

"Augh! Hope! Stop punching my back you're killing me!"

"I don't care! Spit it out!"

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