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"I'm on-" Before hope finish what she's saying, she saw a familiar face. "i'll call you later. bye." hope paused and turned her attention to her driver. "stop the car."  hope hurriedly exited the car and run towards"josie!" hope shouted.

"Seriously? Oh ghad, hope mikaelson." Josie says and rolled her eyes. "it's only 7 in the morning, so please have mercy and let me take my bus peacefully." josie says but hope didn't say anything..still staring at josie. "what?" still hope didn't say anything, so josie started to walk away.

"i..m...i'm taking the bus too!" hope shouted and run towards josie.

"what? didn't you own like a thousand of cars...literally. so why someone like you will take a bus?" josie said to hope still  not facing hope. 

"well...the..car..i was in...earlier...had...a...like...uhm...problem..so here i am forced to ride a bus." hope reason.


"it's only 7 in the morning yet here you are being grumpy like an old woman." hope teased and mimicked josie's voice.

"who's not grumpy in the morning?" josie said and faced hope. "just so you know hope mikaelson i need like 10 cups of coffee a day to function properly, and it's already 7:30 am and i haven't drink even half cup of coffee. and also i remember you banned any caffeine drinks in the campus so i need to wait until 3pm to drink a cup of coffee, so excuse me for being grumpy like an old woman."

before hope even say anything the bus arrived."josie, is riding a bus....always like this?" hope questioned and scanned her surroundings. 

"no. it's rush hour so the bus' packed." josie nonchalantly said. hope nodded. 


"what? mikaelson, if being with us..commoners making you uncomfortable, the next stop is near, so just better call your driver to fetch you there." 

"what, no. i just want to know if you're okay.  i mean i can't even move a finger...well not literally..figuratively, just saying...just in case your dumb mind can't comprehend." hope says and chuckles whilst josie huffed...and kicked hope's foot. 

"don't worry, i still can move my feet, thank you so much." josie says and hope can't help but laugh. "looks like it." hope said.

"hey, you can take my seat." a man offers to hope. instead of saying thank you or taking the seat the man offers, hope kick josie's foot."

"ouch!" josie shouted.

"does it hurt?" hope asked.

"will i shout if it's not?  idiot."

actually, it's not and if josie's being honest an ant's bite is more painful than it.

"oh..then, you should rest your feet." hope said and forced josie to sit down.

after an hour josie almost squealed when she see the university, finally she can escape hope mikaelson and just like her every day routine, josie is in rooftop..with penelope.

"next week she'll go back to new york." penelope sighed. "i mean i'm used to it but it doesn't mean that it isn't...you know..painful..whenever she breaks her promises." 

"i wish i can say something that can help you..but hell..i've never been in a relationship so, whenever someone is asking for you know advice about their relationship..i just said the same thing...'break up. duh.' but you're like the perfect couple..so don't." josie says penelope can't help but laugh. "you're really something, saltzman. coffee?" penelope says and give josie a cup of coffee.

"isn't coffee not allowed in this school?" josie said but still she takes the coffee..IT IS COFFEE. DUDE.

"well you know some people need like 10 cups of coffee a day to function properly." 

"damn right!" josie says as she take a sip in her first cup of coffee this day.

"according to hope..at least.."


so it's like a filler chapter.. i means just got inspired in today's episode alexa play in another life by katy perry lol hosie! au! #hosieeyes

ps. i don't know how bus works in other countries..soo (tangina yung bus kasi sa bansa namin kahit sa highway pwede magbaba eh char.)

aeonian fourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora