Part 18

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"I swear man! I didn't do anything!" Rafael defended himself.

"Just tell us the truth then this...will all be over."

Maybe the definition of 'over' is different for Hope Mikaelson.  

"It was landon! Okay. It was him. I needed money for my sister so I asked landon for help and in exchanged he ordered me to do those..things..He made me slip some drugs in Josie's coffee, hired some girl to undresss josie in the hotel leaving her only her undergarments and it's landon who even took the picture. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I just desperately needed the money!" Rafael pleaded.

Hope can't believe what she heard. Landon? Really? 


"What!" Hope spats.

"Just want to remind you murder means prison." Davina said.

She's a mikaelson, even she murdered all the people in this household the police won't take a look, she's a mikaelson. She makes the rules.

"Death is too easy for him." Hope replied.

Davina sighed, even she can't really believed that it's Landon whose behind all this. 

"Why?" Hope questioned.

"I like you." Landon confessed. "I've known you for almost two decades and  the only time you look at me is when i accidently spilled a coffee on your shoes and then you made my life miserable. But only known her for like 3 months! But--- So... I can't---i can't understand why?" 

"She's your friend." Hope.

Hope immidiately thought what Josie would've feel if she found out that it's Landon who's behind what happened. "She's your friend but still you managed to do what you did.  Hope that answer your question." Hope looks landon "You disgust me." She continued.

Well, aside from multiple punches, hope didn't do anything else... yet. "So when will you tell Josie?" Davina asked and starts her car's engine.

"It'll break her heart." Hope mumbled.

"If only the person who did those things is a person she doesn't really care about, probably josie will punch that person in the face then call it a day. But it's landon  so yeah it'll break her heart.  Landon's the only person she considered as a friend at university, so thats what will probably happen." Davina commented. 

"Someone like me?" Hope said.

 "Well...let's say..if it's you than landon, that probably hurt less...but it is what it is." 

Hope didn't say any.

Yeah. It'll probably hurt less if she just said that 'Yeah, it's me.  Whatever i said to you weeks ago is part of my plan, even saving you yesterday is part of it. So yeah! Surprise!'



"How are you?" Josie asked.

"I should be the one asking you that. How are you?" Penelope asked while looking at josie's bruises. 

"Still alive and breathing, thank god. At least." 

Penelope just nodded. "How are you...and Khym?"


"Are you happy?"

Damn. This is awkward. It shouldn't be, but it is. It just months since Penelope left but still..

"I'm happy that she's happy."

"You know you can tell me anything right?" Josie said.

"I know." 

"So you and hope.."

Josie blushed. "What?" Penelope Chuckles. "How long I was gone? 2 months? And now you two are dating?" She laughs.

"What?! We're not dating." Josie defended. She and hope...are friends? Sort of. Maybe acquitance is more of the word she meant.

"Hey. Can I talk to Josie for a sec?" Hope politely said. "Alone?"


sorry for the SUPER LATE UPDATE BECAUSE SCHOOL SUCKS and because i kind of delete(accidently)  the outline of the story so yeah 

so hello ksks btw i changed ally's character to khym(you probably forgot whose ally is because its been like almost a year since i last updated but yeah and btw i'm still process of editing the character name so if you're planning to like re read because u kind of forget what the hell this fic is you'll still read it as 'ally' not khym and im rambling in text great hahahah have a great day everyone!)

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