MAJOR |19|

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I just got my hair finished. Nigel suggested that I get it cut because my hair was somewhat so damaged out of nowhere. Now he's in here just taking a bunch of pictures of me getting on my nerves. He's literally obsessed with me and it's super cute.

"Bae I'm finna get yo name on me today." He says. "You sure you wanna do that?" I ask him scrolling down my time line.

"Hell yeah. A nigga love yo big head ass, you ain't ever leaving my life." He says not even looking at me. This is how I know this nigga dead serious he said it with so much confidence and all.

"Who you going with?" I ask nodding my head. "Yo dumb ass brother." He replies.

"Alright baby. I'm finna go see my niece and her mama then." I say texting Iyoki to see if they were free. They were so I go upstairs and throw on some jeans and my Chanel slides and I grab my black Chanel purse to match.

"Bae where you finna go at again?" Nigel asks once I get back downstairs.

"To Iyoki house." I reply giving him a kiss. "Be safe I love you."

- -

"Major I really just don't know what to do though. Your bother and what he brings is so overwhelming. I just wanna be at peace, I've been dealing with him and his bullshit for so long but honestly, I can't take it no more." Iyoki cries while holding a sleeping Mahogany.

I sigh. I know how she feels and I ain't even gonna try to take up for him right now because honestly I know that my brother ain't shit. I just know it, I know Ciyon like the back of my hand.

"Yoki I know how you feel. I really do and I don't want you to think that I'm just talking out of my ass because he's my brother. I'm gonna tell you like this Iyoki. A nigga will only do what you allow. I had to leave Ant ass where he was when I found out that he cheated with Nigel baby mama. I couldn't stomach that. Ant was my everything and you know that just like everybody else do." I say rubbing her knee.

"And I understand that you might not wanna leave him. I know that you want Hari to grow up with her parents together and in a happy family but Iyoki I'm telling you this as a woman to another woman, you gotta do what's best for you. Y'all could even try to start over. I doubt that'll fix anything though. I know my brother and so do you." I say.

"I know. I give Ciyon an inch and he takes a mile. I'm just so tired. It's like whenever it's time to talk he pushes me away. They say the first cut is the deepest but the last cut through my soul." She mumbles.

"I don't know who he is anymore Major. I really don't. It's like now that I'm tired and I don't wanna deal with his shit anymore I'm wrong even though I tried holding on for dear life. So many nights I just laid and cried Major... what else is there for me to do?" She says. I could really bust out crying for this girl right now.

Just to know that my brother is the reason of this. To know that my brother is causing the pain of the mother of his child like this is ridiculous. My mama didn't raise him like this at all Ciyon gotta get his shit together. "I can't believe him. Iyoki I hate to say this right now because I truly wanted my niece to grow up into a household with both parents but it's dead. If you gotta leave and never look back then do what the fuck you gotta do. Don't keep the baby from him but call all ties and make sure if it ain't about y'all daughter then fuck it." I say.

"That's what I'm gonna have to do." She says standing and then putting the baby into her swing. Mahogany was sleep now. Speaking of the devil the front door unlocks and he walks in. "Hey baby." He says walking over to me and kissing my cheek. "Hi." I say grabbing my keys and standing.

He looks at Iyoki who's in the kitchen warming up the baby's bottle. I watch him go in there and hug and kiss her then rub her all on her ass. "Remember what I said Iyoki!" I say walking towards the door.

"I will." She says. "Why you look like you been crying?" He asks. I open the door and close it behind me and walk to my car. They finna have a long night. I should've brung my niece home with me for the night too.



"Because I was." She mumbles grabbing Mahogany's bottle out of the microwave and testing it. "Crying for what?" I ask.

"I was talking to Major about some stuff." She mumbles. "Talking to Major about what Iyoki? And why you keep mumbling?" I ask again. She starting to piss me off.

"About us. I don't wanna do this anymore. I'm tired of crying and I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm done Ciyon. This is not healthy for my daughter and I'm just over it." She says and her eyes start to water. I try to pull her into my arms but she pulls away from me.

"I'm done Ciyon. You can just leave like I'm so done." She says wiping her face and walking back into the living room.

"Iyoki what the fuck? I'm not leaving nowhere mane. Stop playing with me!" I say growing frustrated. The fuck Major put in her head?

"Ciyon I'm really just trying to stay calm right now. Please leave." She says sitting on the couch and grabbing her phone. "Can we at least talk? Iyoki I don't wanna leave y'all. Y'all my family mane stop Iyoki."

"Ciyon ain't nothing to talk about. When we talk everything go in one ear and out the other, I'm tired of fucking talking! Get out! And take all yo shit too. I don't want no dealings. If it don't gotta do with my daughter then I don't care about it." She goes off. She turning red and everything.

"I'm sorry for everything I did Iyoki." I say. "Fuck that and you. Get out please." She says now all calm.

"Damn it's really like that?" I ask looking her dead into her eyes. I know I did some fucked up shit but wow. I ain't never know that shit would come to this. My heart hurts.

She ignores me and I shake my head and go over to pick my daughter up. I kiss her over and over on her cheeks. I lay her on my chest and rub her back. "I love you so much baby." I mumble while she sleeps.

I hate that shit has came to this. I can't be mad at nobody but myself though, I always knew that eventually shit was gonna hit the fan. I just kept doing me though, knowing damn well it was wrong. Knowing I was wrong.

"I love you baby. I'll see you soon." I mumble again and kiss her temple before laying her back in her swing. She always sleep so peacefully. I walk over to Iyoki and kiss her cheek and wrap my arms around her. "I love you. I apologize." I say as she starts to cry.

I hate seeing her cry, I hate knowing that I'm the reason too. "I'm sorry Iyoki." I say. She making me wanna cry too. "Can you just leave Ciyon." She says and I stand up and walk to the door then I walk out. I lock the door and walk to my car. I'm finna go to my mama house.

I still wanna know what Major said to her though. It's no way in the world she just feel this way out of nowhere.

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