You Only Live Once

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Carnell Imagine


Your P.O.V

"Dad? Have you and mom ever snuck out of the house when you were younger?" Janice, our twelve year daughter asked us. Carnell glanced at me and smiled.

"Actually...yes. We can tell you all about it." He smiled looking down at her. "Here's our story. When we were 16..."

9:57 PM

"Carnell I still can't believe I got grounded. I'm so sick of them still telling me what to do! I mean, I'm sixteen, I should be able to do whatever I want." I told Carnell over the phone.

"Well that's the thing. You're sixteen...not eighteen." Carnell laughed.

"You're supposed to back me up, not agree with my parents." I whined.

"Okay big baby. But, look outside."

"Look outside? For what?" I rose up from my bed and sauntered over to my window. I pushed aside the curtain and opened it. Carnell stood on the lawn with his phone to his ear.

I hung up my phone and whispered to him loud enough for him to hear. "Carnell what are you doing here?"

"What? A guy can't be romantic and sneak out to his girlfriend's house in the middle of the night." He whispered, smiling his gorgeous smile.

"Well what you come for?"

"You're gonna come roam the city with me." He whispered.

"But you know I'm grounded, and it's late."

"You only live once (Y/N). So jump down, I'll catch you." Carnell said, placing his phone in his back pocket. He walked closer to the window.

"Okay, let me put my shoes on first." I ran to my closet and slipped on some running shoes, then went back to the window.

"Don't be afraid to jump (Y/N), I'll catch you."

"I was so scared. Just imagine jumping from a second story window." I smiled at Janice.

"So did you jump?" Janice asked, amused by our story.

"That's the next part."

Carnell lifted his hands up to catch me as I stuck both my legs out of the window, preparing myself to jump. I inched closer and closer to the ledge. More and more fear building up.

I trusted Carnell, so I finally let go and jumped.

Janice gasped. "Did Dad catch you?"

"Of course, I wouldn't let her fall." Carnell giggled, answering Janice's question.

"And if you'd let me finish I can tell you." I said.

"Oh, sorry."

"It's okay, Janny."

As I fell, I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and held my breath. Before I knew it, I had landed in Carnell's arms. A breath of relief escaped my lips. I opened my eyes and saw Carnell's smile.

"I told you I'd catch you. Now let's go."

"Where are we going?" I questioned while he put me down.

"Everywhere." Carnell smiled. He grabbed my hand and ran. I ran with him. The weather was amazing. The air was warm and dry. It was just perfect.

Carnell and I ran hand in hand down the street. No cars were driving around so that made it better. We laughed and laughed while we ran.

It's like we were high. High off of each other.  I glanced over at Carnell and he looked at me too. We stopped running once we reached a different street.

"Come on, I wanna take you somewhere." Carnell said.


"You ask way too many questions." Carnell giggled. He started walking toward the park. I trailed behind him. Our hands were still locked together.

We arrived at the huge water fountain at the center of the park. Couples were dancing to music everywhere around the fountain.

Carnell took my other hand into his and walked me closer to the fountain. He placed a hand on my waist and I placed one on his shoulder.

We began to dance, moving in sync together.

"Can dad really dance?" Janice asked, crossing her arms.

"Yes he can. He's an amazing dancer." I answered.

"What, you thought I couldn't dance?" Carnell giggled.

"Nope, just look at you." Janiced laughed poking him.

"What you tryna say?" Carnell laughed.

"Let me continue." I said.

I laughed while Carnell spun me around and hugged me from behind. He kissed my neck and turned me around to face him. "Are you glad you snuck out now?" He smiled.

"Yes." I said, delivering a kiss upon his lips.

"Come on, I have a very special place to show you." Carnell said, grabbing my hand.

"You know what I'm about to say now right?"

"Yeah yeah, where?" Carnell mocked, giggling after. We walked hand in hand for about half an hour. "Now put this on."

Carnell took a black bandana from out of his pocket and tied it around my eyes. When we continued to walk, we were going higher like we were walking up a hill.

When we stopped, Carnell removed the bandana and revealed one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever seen in my life. We were at the top of a hill, where the whole city was lit up with lights below. The stars in the night sky added a gorgeous touch to the scene.

"Oh my God,'s so beautiful." I whispered covering my mouth.

"I knew you'd love it."

"How'd you find this place?" I asked, turning to look at him.

"Patrick and I actually found it when we were wandering around."

Carnell and I sat down and viewed the city. I was just stunned at its beauty. "Wow." I whispered.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Carnell staring at me. "What?" I blushed.

"You're just so beautiful." He told me, placing a hand on my cheek. I blushed harder. Carnell leaned in and kissed my lips with intense passion. Of course I kissed him back. "I love you (Y/N)."

I stared at Carnell in shock. This was the first time he ever told me he loved me. A tear rolled down my  face, and Carnell wiped it away. "I—I love you too." Carnell embraced me tightly in his arms and kissed my head.

"Daddy, you must've really loved Mommy." Janiced said with a smile.

"I still do." Carnell said looking at me.

"Awe." I smiled, leaning in to give him a kiss.

"Ew! Not around me!" Janice said, giggling.

"Oh shut up." Carnell laughed.


Complete with a Bang! So happy I'm finished with this!

The dance scene was inspired by the movie 'Honey 2'. And the picture is kinda like what they saw from the hill.

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