Oh You Cheating Little F*ck

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Tom Pov:

"So when's it going to be done?" I ask and face downwards.

"Don't worry about it Tom, it'll be done soon," Tord says.

"What does it look like now?"

"It's really just a screen and some other pieces I have to put together," I hear a bolt being screwed into another piece.

"How will it be done soon then?"

"I'm a faster worker than you think Tom," I can practically feel his proud smile.

"Doubt it,"

"You will regret those words coming out of your god forsaken mouth Jehovah's Witness!" Tord says like he's in fucking Shakespeare.

"And you shall not be able to finish building that pile of garbage by next week Commie!" I say like I'm in fucking Shakespeare.

"You wanna bet?"

"Maybe I do," I smirk.

"If I finish this by next week you have to give me a kiss on my lips,"

"And if you don't finish by next week you have to redecorate my whole office and make a rule for no smoking inside!"




"Um Tom,"


"I have my hand out to hand shake on it,"

"Oh! Okay sorry," I miss once but grab his hand which sends shivers down my spine since it'd his robotic hand.

We shake on it.

Time for my plan to begin...

Tord Pov: *Next Day*

Time to work on that bet!

I'm definitely getting that kiss from Tom!

But first I have to check on my schedule from Patryk.

Because I always have to do that.

Hope it's not a lot today...

But right now I'm just so happy and excited since I know I'm definitely going to win this bet!

I hear a knock at my door and Patryk say, "Permission to enter Sir?"

"Permission granted Patryk," I say.

Patryk walks in and seems a little surprised when he looks at me.

"Well aren't you happy today Sir," Patryk says with a small smirk.

"Indeed I am today Patryk. Now tell me my schedule so I can get to some important business," I say.

"Well Sir you- Oh.. You're not going to like this..."

"What is it?"

"You have 12 2 hour meetings Sir,"

"WHAT?! How did this happen??"

"Well apparently you agreed to a lot of meetings last night Red Leader,"

"I did?"

"Well all the meeting were scheduled at 8 pm last night Sir,"

"But I'm asleep at that time!"

"Then you must of made them in your sleep,"

"That's crazy!"

"You do a lot of things in your sleep Sir,"

"Like what?"

"Well we were on a mission to spy on some Russian nomads and when we camped out you started cussing out Paul in your sleep,"

"Well that's not too ba-"

"Then you threw a knife at him,"

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

"I did! But you were too busy "Studying women's body shapes","

"Fine... Let's just get these over with..."

Tom Pov:

I planned literally all of Tord's meetings today!

I did it when he goes to sleep so he wouldn't notice me taking his work phone, then I used my best Tord impression to make 12 2 hour long meetings!

I'm so evil..

And I love it.

I'm sooo getting a new office.

Tord isn't getting a kiss from me!

Tord Pov: *Sunday*

How am I losing?!

Am I really making plans in my sleep?!

What is going on?!

All I know is I'm exhausted and today is the last day for me to make the goggles and I can barely keep my eyes open.

I open my office door and see Tom sitting on my chair while being tilted back, his arms behind his head, and his legs crossed at the ankles on my desk.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and ask, "What are you doing in my office Thomas? I look at him with a tired and confused face and hold my hands out in front of me. "How did you even get in here blind anyway?"

"I was just thinking about what kind of office I want and I thought I'd visit yours to see if I'd like it as big as this 1. Also, I've got my ways~" Tom says and smirks.

"It's not Monday yet Tom! I still have time!"

"But with all your work I bet you're absolutely exhausted and just want to take a little nappy," Tom snickers.

"Wait how do you know about my- Oh you cheating little fuck,"

Tom starts laughing so hard that it sounds like he's dying.

"You didn't suspect I had anything to do with it at all! You're such a idiot! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"How did you even do this??"

"Well it was pretty easy since you have a finger print password on your phone so I can just use your good hand while you sleep!"

"How can u even make meetings on my phone if you can't see?!"

"Don't question the phone king peasant,"

"You're insufferable!!" I tilt my head back and hold my face groaning.

"But I definitely want a checkered rug Commie, so you should probably get to it," Tom claps twice. "Chop chop!"

"I'm just going to go to bed," I walks out the door.

"Bye bye Commie!"

I am definitely not getting that kiss from Tom.

I sigh.

Well I tried.

And I failed.

But at least I tried.

Still sucks though...

??? Pov:

You know

I actually enjoyed this week

Good job playing Tord Tom

His proud butt needed to be defeated

I laugh.

I am such a bad guardian angel...

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