~Chapter Ten~

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White shirt? Check.
Hair tied up? Check.
Nosebleed? Check—shit wait—

Kenma ran to the bathroom covering his nose, trying to keep the blood from getting on the one nice shirt he had.

"Thank Asahi," He mumbled when he saw that his shirt was spotless. As for the Asahi part, the fact that he looked like Jesus became a running joke in their class.

Of course he was gonna be nervous, this was his first date. But he didn't feel as if a nosebleed was that necessary.

Kenma plopped down on his bed, taking out his phone to play a game of MonHun. Come to think of it, he hasn't really touched that game ever since he met Kuroo.

I guess that's what happens when you stay up all night texting a guy you're interested in, Kenma thought.

A few minutes later, Akaashi came in with a smile and a Target bag. "I would like you to guess on what I purchased for this special occasion."

Kenma chuckled. "What? Condoms?"

The look on Akaashi's face was worth the terrible joke. "How vulgar!"

He threw the bag at Kenma. Inside was a bag of watermelon Sour Patch Kids and a singular rose.

"I talked to Bokuto this morning and he informed me on some of his favorite things."

Kenma smiled. Of course he loves this candy.
"Thanks, man."

"Of course," Akaashi said, sitting down next to him. "Are you nervous at all?"

Kenma nodded. "I haven't been on a date since freshman year, and even then I was really awkward during it."

Then he smiled. "But I have to admit, ever since I've met you guys, I've come out of my shell ever so slightly. Thank you for that."

Akaashi pushed him on the shoulder. "Save the emotional revelations for Kuroo, your date. Now let's go! You promised that I would be able to do your makeup!"

"Of course, of course."


"Bro, Kuroo really out here gettin' it," Bokuto laughed while kicking around a soccer ball with Iwaizumi.

"He sure is awfully bold," Iwaizumi agreed. "And let's not forget madly in love."

"How could we?"

"When are you gonna shoot your shot, man?" He smirked. "Everyone knows you're in love with Akaashi."

Bokuto kicked the ball into Iwaizumi's face. "Shut your gay ass up."

"First of all, ow," He said. "Second of all, I'm just sayin'."

Bokuto blushed. "Anyway, we should try to help Kuroo get ready for his date."

The two both rushed to the dorms and stepped inside Bokuto and Kuroo's shared room. It was messy like always, which drove Akaashi crazy whenever he came over, and Kuroo was buried under a mountain of shirts.

Iwaizumi looked at Bokuto and nodded. "Alright, buddy, we're gonna help you out here."

He rescued the damsel in distress as Bokuto took pictures. He posted it onto his Instagram page with the caption #godhelpthegays.

"Bro, it's only been 6 months since Yeri dumped me," Kuroo started. "What if I mess this up just like I did with her?"

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