~Chapter Eighteen~

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As Akaashi fluttered his eyes open, he watched Kenma water his beloved plant.

"Sometimes I wish I was like you, Planty," he said, placing the plastic cup down on his nightstand. "You probably don't get all emotional like I do, and you won't ever have to worry about things like grades or boyfriends."

Kenma tied his hair up. "But then again, if I was a plant, I wouldn't get to experience life the way I do. Do plants make friends and fall in love?"

Even though he didn't get a response, Kenma smiled. "Maybe one day you will, just like I did. Thanks for talking with me."

After waiting until the Kenma left to the bathroom, Akaashi moved the covers from his face. He smiled, thinking about that endearing exchange between his best friend and his potted plant.

He looked outside the window and saw a beautiful sunrise. Today's going to be a good day, he thought.

Akaashi changed into a white T-shirt and some gray sweatpants. He raked his hands through his hair until it was decent enough to go out in. By the time he finished brushing his teeth, Kenma came back to their room.

"You ready to meet up with them?" He asked.

Akaashi nodded and they both left the room that they wouldn't see until the next afternoon.

As they walked to Nekordani's courtyard, Kenma asked Akaashi a question. "Aren't you glad this semester's over?"

"Very," He said rubbing his temples. "It caused too much stress and made me cherish the gift of coffee more than my paintings."

"Damn straight, or should I say," Kenma started, a grin creeping upon his cheeks. "Damn gay."

Akaashi tried to hold back a laugh, but failed. "I am not going to entertain you and your terrible jokes. Anyway, are they already there?"

He nodded.

Speaking of them, Akaashi and Kenma saw two tall guys playing a heated game of soccer.

"GOAL!" Bokuto yelled, sticking his tongue out at Kuroo. "THAT MAKES THE SCORE 2-0!"


Even though Kuroo tried his best to steal the ball away from Bokuto, he still lost.

"3-1! Jeez, bro, are you letting me win or something?" Bokuto asked condescendingly.

"I swear to God," Kuroo fumed. "I'm going to take your kidneys if you don't stop being a dick."

"Bold of you to assume I still have any! I already sold all 83 of them on the black market!" He beamed a little too proudly.

Their soccer ball rolled over to Kenma and Akaashi's feet. Since their boyfriends were too busy fighting to notice them, Akaashi took this opportunity to throw the soccer ball right at Bokuto's head.

"Ow! What the hell man?" He yelled and turned around to meet his boyfriend face to face, making his own light up. "KAWSHI!!!"

Akaashi sighed as Bokuto knocked him over with a bear hug. "Hello to you too, Bokuto."

Kuroo slung his arm around Kenma and have him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Kitten! You gonna play some soccer with us?"

Kenma nodded and squirmed away from Kuroo. "Call me Kitten one more time and I will roundhouse kick you right in the ass."

Bokuto's face paled. "Kenma is scary when he's mad."

"You have no idea," Kuroo said while smiling lovingly to his boyfriend. He then looked around the courtyard. "Hey! This isn't this where we first met?"

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