Chapter Two: One Week

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It's been one week since the news that the café was closing. Jay's tried to find a way to keep it open, or to get Rickie to step down from being the owner, but nothing has worked. The Café would close by the end of the month, if he didn't find a way to save it. Jay walked into the break room and sat beside Stephanie.

''Business is really slow now since the news came'' Jay sighed, turning on his phone.

'Well Lexi's came in everyday. That's good, at least you see her.'' Steph smiled

'Once Starlight closes, I wont see her anymore. I probably wont see you anymore either'' Jay said

'We're best friends, we'll find a way'' Steph said, ''I have a twelve hundred dollar's saved, It isn't much but... It will help you'' Steph said handing Jay an envelope full of money. Jay gasped,

''I can't keep this. It's too much'' Jay said trying to hand it back.

''No, take it. It's an early Christmas gift, I leave to go home to my parent's on Friday, I wanted to at least know you won't be living on a street''

Jay smiled and hugged Steph, ''I better get back to the front'' He said putting his phone in his bag, and leaving the break room.

At the front, he saw Lexi, standing in line waiting for her order to be taken, When she saw Jay, a smile came on her face.

''Hey!'' Lexi said, 'Are you free to sit?'

''Well, no one else is here, so I assume'' Jay laughed, ''Let me get us coffee, than ill join you''

Lexi smiled and walked over to the window seat, where she always sat. Jay poured two coffees than sat with Lexi. ''So I have this amazing news'' Lexi said

''What is it?'' Jay asked

''I know how to keep the café open! I have two thousand dollar's saved up from birthday's, and Christmas, I can give you it, plus the money you have and the money Steph gave you, we could go to the bank!... And buy this place out from Rickie's feet'' Lexi smiled

''I like it'' Jay said ''The problem is, only have a thousand saved right now, which helps me cover my rent''

''Once we get this place! You will have all the money you need for rent, and food! Please. Trust me on this'' Lexi said

''Okay. Let's go to the bank''

Lexi and Jay got into Lexi's Honda Civic and drove to the bank. The two went in, and got a meeting with the woman who sold Starlight to Rickie.

''I heard the bank is closing the Starlight café within the next two weeks'' Jay said

''Yep, the owner couldn't afford 900 bucks a month, so we have to take it from him'' Michelle said

''Well, I'm an employee there, and I want to buy the place. I can put a down-payment of a thousand five hundred down'' Jay said

''Do you understand the things with buying this comes with?'' Michelle asked

''Yep, and I want to do it'' Jay said.

''Ok, you have a deal'' Michelle said shaking Jay's hand. Jay signed the paper, and was now the owner of Starlight Café.

Jay and Alexis went back to the café, and walked right on back to Rickie's office.

'Customers aren't aloud back here! You know that' Rickie yelled

'Well, rule's change' Jay smiled

''No they don't, I suggest you get back to work'' Rickie said

''I suggest you get out of my chair'' Jay said, slamming the paper agreement down on the desk. Rickie put his glass's on and looked at the paper.

''You took my company from me?'' Rickie asked

''No, I saved the company.''

''Well than I'm still the boss'' Rickie said

'Move it, I own the café, I am the boss, and I suggest you get you're butt to work, or you're fired'' Jay said

''Fired? You cannot fire me'' Rickie said

''Oh but he can!'' Lexi said

''And who the hell are you!'' Rickie said

'His co-partner, we own the café.' Lexi giggled

''I wont work for two dumb kids. Ever!'' Rickie said ''I quit''

''Bye, Bye'' Jay said. Lexi walked out of the office, making sure Rickie left. Jay sat down in the chair, with a smile on his face. He owned the café, Got to keep his best friend employed... And he got to work, with Lexi.

''Life is good'' Jay smiled, whipping all of Rickie's papers off the desk.

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