Chapter Nineteen: Self Destruct

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''I wont freaking do it, no way in hell will I ever do that'' Jake said

''Kill her, or ill kill Aria''

'Leave my kids out of this, I will call the police' Jake said

'I'd reach them before the police could, So I suggest you don't disobey me'

'I'm not killing Piper! Or Sutton! I am nothing like Katie, or Klaudia. I am not a killer, and I have a family' Jake said

'You either do it now, or you loose'

'I wont kill anyone, I don't care the price' Jake said

''So the twins death will be ok than, thank you. You loose Jacob''

'NO! Fine, I'll kill her' Jake said


''Locate Sutton Davis'' Jake said ''I will kill her''

''Are you sure? She has a gun. Piper cant fight back''

''I said Sutton!'' Jake said ''And if I am caught, I swear to god''

''You wont be''

''Fine'' Jake said hanging up. He left his house, and drove to Sutton's house. He went inside. 20 minutes later, he left. Blood filled the walls, the body was chopped up. Sutton was dead.

Jake had thrown his shirt away, from the blood. Once he drove off, he got a call in the car on the screen from the tormentor.

''Do you have a name?'' Jake asked

''You can call me Destructor''

''That's stupid'' Jake said 'How about I call you Killer, you goof''

''Watch it, But it has a nice tone to it, so ill keep it''

''What now. Sutton's dead''

''You did good so far Jake, The twins will remain unharmed''

''Thank you'' Jake said ''Can this be over now?''

''No. The game's only just begun!''

''I don't want to play this anymore'' Jake said

''I don't care, You're next task is to find the body of Caydence Davis!'' The killer said 'You have two hours to find her. Or a bullet will be sent through Lexi's head''

''So you're telling me you aren't Katie?''

'Nope, You wont get the answer of who I am for a while.'

The phone hung up. Jake smacked the steering wheel, 'How is she alive? I watched her die'

The screen lit up with a message with a place to look, It was an abandoned motel. ''Find the right one, and win a prize, choose the wrong one, and Lexi gets it'' A text wrote.

Jake drove to the place. There was three abandoned motels side by side, each individually creepy as hell, and the fact that it was nightfall made everything worse.

Jake got out of his Honda S.U.V and stood infront of the motels. ''So I really need to choose wisely'' Jake said aloud, He walked for the one on the right, not the middle, not the left. The right.

''Katie?'' He called as he got closer to the place. ''Please don't hurt me''

Jake made his way to the opening, there was a door, which was weird for abandoned places, on the door was a white note. ''So you chose this one? Did you pick wisely? Nope. But enter, because if you pick another one, boom''

Jake opened the door, knowing he fucked up by choosing the wrong hotel, but he went in. The door pulled closed behind him, He tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. Was this a trap?

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