Chapter Three: The First Date..

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Jay walked out of his office, twenty minutes later, Business was surprisingly busy for once. Jay smiled, maybe it was the way he got rid of Rickie.

''Jay! The social media alert of this place staying open went viral! We're doing great!'' Lexi smiled handing him a muffin, ''Here, I made you this last night.''

''Lexi, could I talk to you in a bit?'' Jay asked, with a smile. She smiled back

''Of course, just give me about twenty minutes, I'll be back to see you!'' She said with enthusiasm. Jay smiled and walked over to Steph

''You're staying! Please tell me you're staying here!'' Jay said, practically begging.

''19 and you already own a business, You don't need lil old me, you got Lexi now!'' Steph said

''I want you to stay! You are my best friend'' Jay said

''Well, I guess I could use the money'' Steph smiled, ''I'll stay'', Jay and Steph had a hug.

Steph walked over to the front window, and put up a sticker sign, on it wrote ''One more needed! Apply now while the job last's!''

''With Lexi, You and I, We're gonna need one more person working here! What do you think?'' Steph said

''I think that's a great idea'' Jay said, ''Well I have phone call's to make. Ill be out soon''

''See ya soon!'' Steph said getting back behind the counter with Lexi.

''He's pretty cute'' Lexi said ''God''

''You know he's always liked you, right?'' Stephanie said

''What? Really?! I didn't know that. I've always liked him!'' Lexi said

''Is that why you're in here every single day? Asking for him to serve you?'' Steph asked with a laugh

''Yes! Why else'' Lexi giggled, ''Imma go talk to him!''

''Do it, Now'' Steph said

Lexi ran to the back of the café, and barged through Jay's office door, she touched her hair, and tried to look professional. ''Uh, Hey''

''Hi'' Jay smiled

''Umm can we talk?'' Lexi asked shy

''That sounds like a plan'' Jay smiled

''I like you!'' Lexi shouted, ''I really, really like you, and I know I'm being annoying but I like you, and I wanna go on a date with you!''

''I wanna go on a date with you too, because I am so into you. I've been trying to tell you but im always too scared to get the words out''

'Me too. Steph just told me you liked me, I didn't think you did''

''I thought I was making it obvious'' Jay laughed, ''Of course ill go on a date with you''

Later That Night.

Lexi and Jay arrived at ''Karma's'' It was a new restaurant that opened a few months ago, The two walked in. ''Hello'' A woman said coming to the door to take them to the table

'We have a reservation under Baldwin' Jay said, The lady looked through her books, than found the name. 'Oh yes, here you are. You reserved room 3''

''Yes'' Jay smiled following the woman to their room. Lexi sat on a chair, which Jay pushed in. ''Awh thank you'' Lexi smiled as he sat in front of her. ''This place is so fancy'' She said

''I wanted to make our first date memorable.'' Jay said

''Well it's perfect so far, but I've never been on a date, so this is my first.. So far I am loving it!'' Lexi said

''Really, A pretty beautiful girl like you should have been taken on a date!'' Jay said, causing her to blush.

''I think I am gonna get Salad and Fries'' Jay said, ''What do you want?''

''I want SPAGETTHI! IT'S MA FAVORITE!'' Lexi screamed 'With garlic bread'

''Sounds yummy'' Jay said ''Let's order than''

''Waitressssss!'' Lexi screamed out the door

The young man came into the room ''My name is Kendra, I will take your order''

''I want myself some spagetthi with some garlic bread'' Lexi said

'And I want salad and fries, with a ginger ale'' Jay said

''Oh! I also want GREEN mountain dew'' Lexi yelled in the mans face, He walked off

''Who names a boy Kendra?'' Lexi laughed, causing Jay to laugh.

The food was brought to the table, and about thirty minutes into diner, Lexi's phone buzzed

''Sorry, I thought I had it muted'' Lexi said pulling it out of her purse. She read the text, Her body went numb. Her eyes widened, and her phone dropped.

Jay grabbed her hand, ''Lexi, What's wrong?''

''Jay...'' Lexi said

''What's going on'' Jay said

''We need to get to the hospital'' Lexi said, as Jay threw a hundred dollars on the table, and got his coat.

In the car Jay looked over to Lexi, 'Is everything ok?''

''No, My sister Piper, was in a car accident.'' Lexi said.

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