Chapter Eighteen: Welcome Home!

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''What the hell, How are you here? You weren't suppose to be released for three more days!'' Jake said ''Who even brought you here?''

''I uh, kind of escaped and got into the back of Lexi's car when she left Balderstone'' Piper said ''Can I come in''

'Piper, you escaped a suicide hospital, Why would you do that. It's illegal!' Lexi said

'I don't care, I'm fine now' Piper said walking into the house ''Thanks for not letting me in Jake!''

''Watch you're attitude Piper! Or you'll go right back to where you came from. I am not playing games with you anymore'' Jake said

''Babe calm down'' Lexi said, holding onto his shoulder.

'She needs to learn, That she cut. She put herself in the institution, she has no one to blame but herself'

''I BLAME KLAUDIA! I BLAME YOU! Okay! Fuck off'' Piper said

''Excuse me! Do not speak to Jake like that'' Lexi said

''Or what'' Piper said rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. ''What will you do?''

''Get out Piper'' Jake said, opening the front door. ''Time to leave''

''What?'' Lexi asked

'You're gonna kick me out? What the hell' Piper said.

''This is my home, you're seventeen now, get a place. Leave'' Jake said

''No.'' Piper said ''I live here, as does lexi''

''No, Piper. You haven't lived here in a year, and with this attitude, the new you. I don't like it, and you can leave. Now, Before my kids get home from their aunts'' Jake said

''I'm not leaving. Lexi, say something''

''Sorry Pip, you gotta go. Jake owns the property, and you're being very disrespectful''

''So choose him over me? Huh'' Piper said

''I'm not going to bring my daughters here until you're gone, don't do this Piper. Please'' Lexi said

''Seriosuly, I come back and this is how I am treated?'' Piper asked

''Look how you treated us'' Jake said, He grabbed Piper's arm.

'Let me go, Now!' Piper said. Jake walked her out. Than let go.

''Let me in!'' Piper said, but Jake slammed the door In her face.

About an hour later, Brynn and the twins arrived home. Aria and Blake were now a year and three months old. They came running in the door.

''Mommy! Daddy!'' Aria and Blake yelled running into the family room, Where Jake and Lexi sat playing scrabble.

''Their my little munchkins are'' Jake said, walking over and raising Aria up in the air, than gave Blake a spin around. Lexi got up and gave the two a huge hug.

''I missed you kiddo's'' Lexi said ''Two weeks was a long time''

'We miss you too mommy' Aria said 'I got a boo boo'

''Oh no, where?'' Lexi asked, Aria showed her a small scrape on her knee.

''What happened?'' Lexi asked

''She fell off her little bike, and scraped it. She was a big girl though and didn't cry'' Brynn said 'They were fantastic though'

'Good, I am glad they had fun' Jake said

''Where's piper? I thought she came back?''

''She did, But than we had to kick her out'' Lexi said

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