Chapter Sixteen: here comes the bride 2

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'Hey! Those are my kids! What are you doing? STOP!'' Lexi screamed.

''There she comes'' Brynn said, standing beside Jake. ''She's gonna be so beautiful''

''I cant wait'' Jake smiled, waiting to see Lexi. The music began to play. Seconds later Chloe came running down the isle. ''Chloe?''

Chloe whispered something into Jake's ear. ''Oh my god'' he said, running down the isle and into the back room ''Lexi?'' He yelled

''Where is she?'' Brynn asked entering the room

''Someone took her'' Clair said sitting in a chair, her hand on her forehead

''What do you mean, took her!?'' Jake asked

''Someone took Lexi. She isn't here, and she wouldn't just run. She was here five minutes ago, I went to the washroom and now she's gone'' Clair said ''I found this when I came out'' Clair handed Jake, Lexi's phone. It had blood on the back of it. Jake threw it down, and ran for the doors.

"She wouldn't just leave on my. On our wedding day!" Jake said "she was so excited for this"

"Jake. What's going on?" Sutton asked running into the room "where the hell is she"

"I have no idea. She didn't tell me anything I thought she wanted to marry me" Jake said
"I have an idea" Brynn said

"What?" Jake asked
"You won't like it. But it's worth a shot" Brynn said "you marry jake, we'll pretend. Until we find Lexi, we don't want to cause a scene, and we can't bring attention to this"

"Marry Sutton? No. I can't do that to lexi" jake said

"It's the only way. We need to keep lexis friends happy and not worried" Sutton said. "I'm her identical twin, no one will know"

"Ya. I will. I can't do it Sutton, I'm sorry. I just can't" Jake said "I need to go find my fiancé!"
Jake ran to his truck, and drove off.

In a room.

"Why are you doing this!" Lexi yelled. "They are babies"

"I don't care, Alexis." A woman said holding onto the babies carriers.

"Leave my kids out of this. Please" Lexi said

"No. They don't get to go with you. They're my kids. Mine"

"Klaudia! Give me my kids" Lexi said "why are you doing this? Why are you doing this to piper."

"Piper was just a project. She never wanted kids, I do. I love them" Klaudia said

"Your insane" Lexi said "Wait until piper gets here"

"I don't care about Piper" Klaudia said. "Yes, I may love her. But she will never be mine fully"

"She loves you Klaudia, Your gonna throw this all away. This family?" Lexi said

"I want the kids. That's all I want" Klaudia said "I need them"

"WHY! Go to an adoption agency! They're my god damn kids! I went through the labour! I am not giving you my kids!" Lexi yelled "NOW GIVE ME THEM!"

"NO" Klaudia screamed pulling a gun knife out. "If you don't back up i will kill little Blake"

Lexi backed up "please don't hurt them." Lexi cried "they're innocent"

"THAN LEAVE. GIVE ME THEM" Klaudia screamed
Lexi air dropped her location to Jake using a spare phone in Klaudia's shed

"Please" Lexi begged "Theyre mine"

Jake busted into the room with Sutton and Brynn. "Give it up Bitch. Put my kids down" Jake said

"Or what" Klaudia said pulling a gun out of her back pocket. " I came prepared"

She aimed the gun at Jake, and the baby. "Don't fucking tempt me"

"Whoa. Calm down" Jake said

"Fuck this" Klaudia said. "If I can't have them. You can't"
Klaudia aimed the gun at Blake

"NO" Jake screamed
Sutton pushes Jake and runs at Klaudia. Klaudia fires a bullet, shooting it straight into Suttons stomach

"SUTTON!" Lexi cries, falling to her knees. Klaudia jabbed the knife into the baby. He started to scream. Lexi began to scream and cry

"Game over" Someone said behind Klaudia, they raised a knife the her throat. And slit it. The babies fell. As did Klaudias dying body.

"Cadence?" Lexi said

"Oh my god." Brynn said. "This Bitch just saved us"

"I love you, Lexi" Katie said Than shot herself in the head

Lexi ran to the babies, as did Jake. "We need to get them out of here. Brynn help Sutton!" Jake said

They arrived at the hospital an hour later.
"I guess our wedding got ruined" Jake cried

"You know what? I don't even care. I don't care if we're even married. I'm just glad I have a night in shining armour to save me when I need him. I love you Jacob' Alexis said kissing him.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" Brynn said. Putting a ring on Lexi, and Jakes finger. "You May kiss your bride" Sutton said.

Lexi hugged her sister. "Your okay"

"I love you Guys" Sutton said hugging them all. "Blake, he's okay. The knife didn't stab him, it went into the blanket, scaring him." Sutton said

"Oh thank god" Lexi smiled.


Two officers came in, and took Klaudias body out in a body bag... but Katie's body was no where to be seen... no blood. No gun. Nothing.
An eye in the wall, watched the cops leave. Once they did. A black haired woman walked out and opened a cellar door. Walking down, she turned in a laptop. Words ran across it "Alexis Davidson" it wrote

The screen went black, and starting back from the reflection was Katie. Alive and well.

"I'm back. Bitches" she wrote, sending out a text to four people.

She smiled, and took a drink of wine. She looked at a picture of Blake and Aria and smiled.
"Welcome to the family, you little brats" Katie said with a nasty smile.

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