Chapter Eleven: Labour

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''Where is she! Where the hell is she!'' Jake yelled running into the hospital, A nurse approached him.

'Sir, what's wrong?' She asked

''Alexis Davis, where is she?'' Jake asked ''She's in labour, I need to get to her''

''Who are you?''

''Her boyfriend, I'm gonna be her baby daddy, now please! Where is she!''

''Room 443, go.''

Jake ran to the elevator, and ran inside taking it to the fourth floor. Once the elevator door opened, Jake burst down the hall and into the hall where the room was. He saw Lexi sitting outside the delivery room.

''Lexi? What the hell'' Jake asked

''No, Lexi's in there'' She pointed at the door, Jake was so confused but he rushed into the delivering room, and to Lexi's side taking her hand.

'Breathe baby, Breathe' Jake smiled getting teared up kissing her hand. The screams from Lexi broke his heart, but he was so happy that he was going to have a baby with the love of his life. Lexi looked up and smiled. Than screamed

40 minutes earlier

''Jake, do you want some coffee? Anything?'' Chloe, Jake's younger sister asked from her kitchen. Jake told her no.

''I got banana's, anything Jake, come on'' Chloe said

''Fine, get me a bowl of watermelon'' Jake smiled, Chloe opened the fridge and put the watermelon on the table and started cutting it, Jake was scrolling through his twitter feed.

Chloe screamed. 'SHIT!'

Jake ran into the kitchen, Chloe had cut her finger open on the knife, ''Let me get you a band aid'' Jake said running to Chloe's bathroom, he grabbed the first aid kit than ran back to the kitchen, He poured peroxide on Chloe's cut than put a band aid on it. She gave Jake a hug. Jake's phone began to ring.

''It's Lexi'' Chloe said handing Jake his phone. Jake answered it, 'Hey Baby'

''JAKE! LEXI'S BEING RUSHED TO THE E.R THE BABIES COMING! GET HERE!'' A girls voice screamed, than hung up. Jake dropped his phone and ran out of Chloe's house and getting down out of the apartment and driving to the hospital.


''Lexi, these babies are coming'' The doctor said, ''I see one of their head's!''

''GET THIS OUT OF ME!'' Lexi screamed, sweating and holding the bed sheets, Jake knew she was in pain. Jake held her hand, an she was squeezing it so tight.

All of a sudden, the room filled with screams and cries. ''It's a boy!'' The nurse smiled, pulling the baby out of Lexi, she wrapped him In a blanket and placed him on Lexi's chest. Lexi and Jake both started to cry tears of joy. ''He's perfect'' Jake smiled, touching his little hand.

The nurse took the baby back, ''We're going to get him cleaned up''

Jake cut the umbilical cord, than returned his hand to Lexi. Her face was red, and she was screaming and in more pain than before. The doctor looked worried.

''What's wrong?'' Jake asked

''The baby doesn't want to come out, she wants to stay inside'' He said

''She?'' Jake asked ''We're having a daughter?''

'Not unless we get her out in the next few minutes' He replied, looking in trying to get Lexi to push harder.

''IT HURTS!'' Lexi screamed.

''Listen, this baby is stuck in you, and it doesn't look like she's coming out. We need to make a medical choice, fast.''

''What is it?'' Lexi asked

''It's the baby... Or it's you''

''What's that mean?'' Jake asked

''Either way, The baby will die or Lexi will trying to birth her''

''No way, neither of them will die'' Jake said ''Do a C section''

''We cannot perform that, it's too dangerous to the baby''

''GET IT OUT!'' Lexi cried pushing hard, She felt something move in her than she sat up and puked. She threw her head back down, crying and sweating hard. She looked at Jake, ''Baby, get her out''

The doctor handed Jake a pair of gloves and a mask, Jake rubbed Lexi's tummy, and helped her destress, ''I see her head'' Jake said putting his hand at the opening of Lexi's vagina. ''Babe, push. Hard'' Jake said, she squeezed her fist, than pushed the hardest she had. The baby came out, an Jake handed her to the doctor. He ran back to Lexi's side, She looked up at Jake, and took his hand. ''I love you so much'' Jake smiled kissing her, As he kissed her, Lexi let out a faint cough.

''Lex?'' Jake asked looking at her, Her smile faded. Her eyes locked on Jake, over the screams of the babies, Jake knew something was wrong. ''Babe?''

Lexi didn't move. ''Doctor! She isn't responding to me'' Jake said, the doctor came over and looked at her heart monitor.

''I was afraid this would happen''

''What?'' Jake asked

'Her heart... She's died'

Jake looked at Lexi, ''No. She isn't dying'' Jake said starting to do C.P.R, But she wasn't moving, or doing anything.

''BABE!'' Jake screamed, tears fell from his eyes. The doctor pulled Jake away from Lexi's body. She lied there lifeless...

Alexis was dead.

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