1: Lillianna

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I was in my room at Hades' palace when I saw a flash through the window. It must be Persephone. I opened my door and walked outside until I saw her. "Persephone!" I said and she turned around. "Oh you're here, wonderful! I won't be alone today." She said and was about to hug me but stopped.
"How is the garden?" She asked. "Yeah I've been taking care of it best I can and Cerberus too. Uncle doesn't hire anyone to do it. I'm not even here most of the time." I reply and she nods. "I'm not that good with gardening so sorry ahead of time." I said. "Nonsense, at least it's not dead like when I leave." She replied and I nodded.
She gasped when we arrived. "Is it that bad?" I asked. "It looks so much better then when I always come down here. I barely have to fix anything!" She exclaimed. "I'm glad you like it, I worked hard on it." I replied. She immediately set work to fix up a few things. "Well I have to take Cerberus for a walk now he hasn't been in a few weeks." I said and Persephone nodded.
"Cerberus!" I exclaimed and they turned around. As soon as they saw me they ran. "Take it easy, you'll run me over!" I said and Cerberus slowed down a bit. When they finally got in front of me they knocked me down and licked me.
"Alright that's enough! Time for your walk." I said and Cerberus got off me. "Good boys!" I said and threw up some treats. I whistled as I walked away and they followed me. We got to an empty field and I threw three red balls for them to play with. "Fetch!" I yelled. They came back and dropped the balls. "Good boys!" I said and threw some more treats. We played for a while but Cerberus was getting tired.
I whistled as I walked away and they stopped playing. Cerberus followed me still chewing on the balls. When we reached Cerberus' spot I petted them goodbye. I walked to the palace thinking when I would see Jake again, hopefully soon.
I entered the palace and walked to the throne room to say goodnight. I poked my head inside and saw it was a good time for me to enter. Hades and Persephone were talking but looked up when they heard me come in. "I just wanted to say goodnight." I said. "Goodnight." They both said at the same time and I nodded. I walked out of the throne room and walked down the hall. I'm leaving tomorrow morning to go and stay at Camp Halfblood for the day.
I entered my room and immediately plopped onto the bed. I had already packed today before Persephone arrived. I would add a few things in the morning. Hades was definitely feeling a bit better now. Eventually I drifted off to sleep.
"Jake don't you dare!" I said slapping his arm. "I'm warning you Blood Boy!" I said but he didn't listen and picked me up. "Put me down!" I shrieked and punched his back. "I swear on Styx if you-" I started but got interrupted by Jake putting his lips to mine. "What if I dropped you in the water, would you like it then?" He asked and I nodded. He ran down the beach and threw me in the water.
"You didn't have to throw me that hard." I mumbled. "I'm sorry Ocean Girl." He replied. "I know how to make it up to me." I said and smirked. Before he could say anything I pulled him into the water with me. "Anything for you." He said and I pulled him underwater making an air bubble. "You know this almost a really private place." I said and he smirked. "If that's the case I guess its ok if I did this." He replied and kissed me. "You know we always do that at the dining pavilion. How about something different." I teased. "Ok then." He replied still smirking.
He kissed me again except harder this time. I kissed back and he deepened it. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I obliged. A few minutes later we were in a heavy make out session. Then I heard tapping on the air bubble. I glanced over and saw Emma. I quickly broke the kiss and let her in the air bubble before she drowned.
"What the Hades Emma!" I said. "Chiron needs you, and you should probably fix your hair and shirt." She replied smirking and winked. "Oh gods Emma, we didn't do anything." I said getting red faced. I looked over and Jake was blushing. "Oh ok but still you guys are a mess." She said and left the air bubble.
"Jake can you get the back of my shirt." I said and Jake nodded. While he was fixing my shirt his hands kept touching my back and I shivered. I fixed my hair and used the water to make a mirror. It's then that I realized all my lipstick was smeared. Jake was finished with my shirt and I forced myself to look at his face. "Oh gods it's worse than I thought." I gasped and immediately used water to start wiping both of our faces.
"Lily it's ok now let's go." He said but I kept wiping his face and mine. "Lillianna Ace let's go." He repeated and I stopped. I popped the bubble and we swam up. I held his hand and he dried while we walked to the Big House.
When we got to the door the dream ended and I was back in my room. I quickly got up and changed. I added a few things to my bag and walked out. I was already running late so I would just yell goodbye. I got to the door of the throne room and poked my head inside. "Bye Uncle, bye Persephone!" I yelled and they nodded.
I closed the door and faded into the shadows. I was in the Poseidon cabin at Camp Halfblood. I put down my bags and burst out the door. "Guess who's back?" I asked. I saw Emma, Max, and Lucas on the grass playing cards when they heard me. "Lily!" Everyone yelled at the same time while they ran towards me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "Don't get too excited I'm only staying for today." I wheezed. They nodded and broke the hug allowing me to breathe.
"Come on let's do something!" Lucas said. "Sword fighting anyone." I suggested and Max nodded. "Oh come on! I have a much better idea." Emma said. "Nope we're going to bunker 9 and that's final." Lucas interrupted before Emma could say her idea. Before anyone could protest either he pushed all of us towards bunker 9. We decided not to argue but I thought of a plan to get him back.
"Ok so I've been working on a secret project, and I finally finished." Lucas exclaimed as soon as we entered. He pointed to a robotic dog. "It's name is Nixie, and it can fly, shoot fire, talk, and a bunch of other things. It's like a personal body guard." Lucas added. "Wow." Emma said and we all nodded in agreement. "Let's go make the rest of the campers jealous!" Max said. "That's really the first thing you think about?" I asked. "No this first thing I thought was wow." He replied. "And you wonder why you barely even have any friends." I retorted and we all laughed except for Max who glared at us.
We ran out of bunker 9 with Nixie following us. "Hey everyone look what I just built! It's name is Nixie!" Lucas yelled and everyone turned around. "Nixie when I say behold shoot flames and fly up!" I heard Lucas whisper to the dog. "Behold!" Lucas yelled and flames shot from Nixie as wings emerged from her back. In one big motion she flying in the air shooting fire up and barking. Everyone was clapping as they stared at Nixie doing tricks.
"Is Nixie water-proof?" I asked getting the perfect idea. "Yeah why?" He asked and I smiled. He realized what I meant a second after but before he could say anything I yelled "Hey guys, check this out!" and raised my hands. Water emerged from them and shot towards Nixie. The water didn't damage her but it sent her spiraling towards the ground. "Why did you do that?" Lucas asked yelling. "Payback, now if I get some ownership over her I won't let her crash to the ground." I replied. "Fine, just save my dog!" He responded and I smiled. I concentrated on the winds to bring her gently to my arms.
"Was that fun?" I asked Nixie and she didn't respond but instead snugged closer to me. "Ha she likes me better!" I whispered to Lucas. "Oh come on!" He whined and everyone burst out laughing.
"While you guys are laughing your heads off I'm going to my cabin." I interrupted and walked away before anyone could say anything. I only wanted to go to my cabin to Iris message Jake. I haven't seen or spoken to him in a while. It was too late to visit Camp Jupiter because I was going to my dad's palace already.
I had thrown in a drachma and said the prayer. The image showed Jake signing papers. I cleared my throat and he looked surprised. Soon his shock was overcome and smiled. "Gods Lily we haven't talked in ages." He said and I nodded. "Hey so how are you?" I asked. "Good." He replied. "When are you coming to visit Ocean Girl?" He asked. "I don't know, I'm staying with my dad for a while. After that I'll come visit." I replied and he nodded.

(A/N: This story is not edited so sorry for any mistakes.)

Lillianna and the Trident (2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt