8: Lillianna

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   "You ready?" Nadia asked. "Yeah, can someone get Jake and I's bags?"" I replied. "Yeah sure I got them if Lucas takes my bag." Max said and Lucas nodded taking Max's bag. "Why are we bringing bags again?" Lucas asked as Max took Jake and I's bags. "Because we aren't stopping anywhere and we need supplies." Emma answered. "What's our ride?" Fiona asked. "I don't know." Skylar replied. "I know, it's a helicopter I made." Lucas said. "You made a helicopter?" Jake asked. "Yeah and it's silent in the air too." Lucas replied. "Well let's go then." Fiona said.
   Jake picked me up and started walking towards the pine tree. "I'm pretty useless like this can't Lucas make some machine for me?" I asked. "Of course I can what kind of question is that." Lucas replied. "How long will it take?" I asked. "Half a day or probably less." Lucas replied and I nodded. We arrived at the helicopter and it was made partly out of celestial bronze. "How much did this cost?" Nadia asked. "Nothing because I recycled old weapons." Lucas answered. "Are those guns?" Fiona asked. "Yeah they shoot imperial gold." Lucas replied. "This is awesome!" Max exclaimed. "Calm down." Emma said while she rolled her eyes.
   "Let's get on instead of admiring our ride." Jake said. We all went inside and sat down. "Who knows how to fly this thing?" I asked. "Oh I didn't think about that." Lucas muttered. "I must have a book about that somewhere." Emma said searching through her bag. "Found it, A Guide to Operating Different Vehicles!" Emma said. "Well that's convenient." Skylar said. "Well let's vote for pilots." Fiona said. "Lucas and Max." I voted and everyone agreed. "Ok it's Chapter 17." Emma said and handed Max her book. We all settled down while Lucas and Max figured out how to work the helicopter.
  "Hey Lucas what are you going to call it?" I yelled over the noise of the helicopter taking off. "I don't know!" He yelled back. "What about The Commander?" Max yelled. "Isn't that already taken?" Jake yelled. "Well doesn't matter I'm stealing it." Lucas yelled and we all laughed. "The Commander it is!" Skylar yelled. "Three cheers for the Commander!" Nadia yelled so we cheered and clapped.  "Hey Jake did you bring sea water?" I asked. "Yeah are you tired?" He replied and I nodded. He moved his hands off his lap so I could put my head there. After a while I fell asleep.
   "It hasn't been a full day yet." Nyx said. "I know." I replied. "I'll go easy on you." Nyx said but I knew there was going to be a catch. The burning didn't happen but the darkness became like knives against my skin. "Why are you doing this to me?" I asked after a while. "There's many reasons but I won't tell you what they are." She replied. My skin started bleeding but I knew when I woke up it would be gone.
   Some time passed and I got an idea. "Can I talk to Madison?" I asked. "Sure but that doesn't mean the pain will stop in fact it'll get worse." Nyx said. A few seconds later the knives turned more like daggers and I knew that Madison was here. "I'm honored." Madison said. "Well don't be." I replied. "You know it gets so lonely when Nyx tortures me." I said. "And you call dear old sis for company is that it?" Madison replied. "I guess." I replied. "You know what would be cool?" I asked. "What?" She replied. "If Nyx wasn't such a coward that she would resort to torturing me in my dreams to weaken me instead of fighting me at full strength. Then again Tartarus would weaken me anyway." I said. "You dare insult Nyx?" Madison growled. "Yeah I dare and if you're too scared to tell her what I said I'll tell her myself." I hissed. "You asked for it." Madison said and laughed as she disappeared and the daggers turned to knives.
   "Well that was quick." Nyx said and I didn't reply. "Hey you know what would be cool?" I asked. "What?" She replied, confused why I was asking her this question. "If you weren't such a coward that you would resort to torturing me in my dreams to weaken me so you don't have to fight me at full strength." I  said and chuckled. "Such courage little demigod now you shall pay for it." Nyx replied. Before she could do anything though I woke up.
   "Perfect timing." I said to Jake who was staring down at me. "Good." Jake replied. "Lily you're awake!" Nadia exclaimed. "Yeah." I replied. "Come here." She said. Jake picked me up and walked us over to Nadia. "Sit down in front of me." She ordered. Jake set me down in front of her and sat next to me. I felt tugging on my hair and I realized Nadia was braiding it. "Hey!" I protested. "Please Emma, Skylar, and Fiona won't let me do theirs." Nadia pleaded. "Fine." I replied.
    Nadia continued on my hair while Skylar told a story of what happened with a patient back at Camp Jupiter. "So he said I'm kind of dying here. And you know what his friend said?" Skylar said. "What?" Emma asked. "Oh shut it, you should feel blessed you won against me." Skylar said. "Then why wasn't the person who lost injured?" I asked. "Because for some stupid reason the winner had to be punished. Honestly no one should get punished." Skylar explained. "So they willingly got hurt?" I asked. "Basically." Skylar replied. "That's extremely dumb." Emma stated and we nodded. "I had to come in because he was refusing treatment." Fiona added. "Oh yeah I forgot about that." Skylar said. "Because it's totally a good idea to refuse treatment when you're dying." I said sarcastically. "You know some people are just plain stupid." Jake said.
   "Done!" Nadia exclaimed. "An amazing Dutch braid." Nadia said and handed me a mirror. "Wow you did amazing!" I said and Nadia smiled. "Can I look now?" Jake asked. "Yeah." I replied and Jake turned around. "Beautiful." Jake said and kissed me. "Not here you guys!" Fiona said and we broke apart. "You're so unfair!" Jake pouted and I rubbed his hand while we all laughed.
   "Hey Lucas can you start on that machine?" I asked a few minutes later. "Yeah if someone else comes takes Max's place." Lucas replied. "I'll do it." Emma offered. Lucas went to the corner while Emma went to the front. "Hey Jake since we're going to be stuck here for a while can you use your magic to make the helicopter bigger so we can train?" Fiona asked. "Sure." Jake said getting up. "I wish I could train." I said. "Once I finish this machine you can." Lucas interrupted. "Well Nadia, Skylar are you guys coming?" Fiona asked getting her axe. "Yeah." They responded. Nadia got her dagger while Skylar got her bow. "Skylar this is a tiny closed space you can't use a bow." I said. "Yeah use that long sword you have." Fiona added. "Oh yeah I forgot." Skylar said while switching her weapon.
    I watched Nadia and Skylar spar. Nadia moved really fast so she must've trained a lot. I looked over at Jake and Fiona sparring and Fiona had Jake backed into a corner. Jake pulled his shoulders back and faced his palms a bit towards Fiona. He was giving himself up as easy bait but I know it's trick. I saw Fiona stop advancing. "That trick won't work." Fiona said and stepped back. "Oh really it just did." Jake said and I immediately understood what he meant. Fiona took a step back which meant Jake wasn't cornered anymore. Before Fiona could do anything Jake swerved sideways out of the corner and hit Fiona in the back with his fist. She stumbled forward but used the momentum to swing her axe around at Jake. He dodged it but his spear got knocked out of his hand.
   "You forgot about one thing." Jake said and Fiona looked confused. His retractable string brought the spear back into his hand. He managed to disarm Fiona in her surprise. Before he could pin her down Fiona grabbed Jake's free hand and judo flipped him. She underestimated her strength and came crashing down on top of him. I heard Jake grunt in pain. "Get off." Jake said but Fiona didn't move. I went to walk over but I remembered I couldn't. "I think I dislocated my shoulder." Fiona said. I looked over at their position. Her arm that wasn't dislocated was lodged under her axe which was somehow underneath Jake. Jake's arms were pinned beneath the axe too. They were basically tangled together and couldn't move because of Fiona's shoulder. Fiona's head rested on Jake's chest right beneath his chin. A sudden burst of jealousy came raging through me, they were way too close.
   "Oh my gods you guys!" Nadia said and rushed over to dislodge them. She managed to break them free after a minute while Skylar tended to Fiona's shoulder. Jake walked over and sat down next to me sweating. "I'm going to take a break from sparring for a while. I never want that to happen again:" Jake said. "Me too." I agreed resting my head on his shoulder. "I totally would've won if she didn't pull that tough." Jake mumbled after a while. "You don't have to win everything." I said. "Of course I do." Jake defended. "What if you win and you get no kisses for a week and if you lose then no punishment, would  you still win?" I asked smirking. "I don't know." Jake joked. "No." He corrected. "Ha I'm always right." I said. "You don't have to be right about everything." Jake teased. "Yeah you're right." I agreed and he looked defeated.
   Fiona came over and sat across us. "Hey are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah Skylar fixed me right up." Fiona replied. I looked over and saw Skylar and Nadia still training. "Lucas! You done yet?" I asked. "Almost give it an hour." He replied as I leaned back on the seat. "I'm so bored!" I complained. "Try reading, I have books!" Emma yelled from the front. "I don't feel like it, I need some action." I replied and she shrugged. "Suit yourself." She said and went back to piloting. "Is it weird I want a monster attack?" I asked. "No." Fiona responded. "If you want I could ask my dad f-" Jake started but I cut him off. "No way! Not again not another frenzy for me or you." I replied. Well not a frenzy yet anyway. "A frenzy?" Fiona asked. "It's nothing." Jake lied and Fiona raised an eyebrow. "I know it's not nothing." Fiona replied. "What do you mean by frenzy?" Fiona questioned. "Nothing." I lied. "Come on I know that's not it, what do you mean by frenzy?" Fiona questioned again. "It's nothing!" I snapped and turned away unable to face her. I buried face deep into Jake's chest so Fiona couldn't see me.
   After a while Jake pushed me away from him. "Come on you can't do that forever." He said and I didn't respond. "Is it really that bad?" He asked silently and I nodded. He pulled me into an embrace and rubbed my back. I heard footsteps coming towards us. "I'm sorry I pushed you for an answer." Fiona said. "It's ok, I'm sorry for snapping at you." I replied breaking apart from Jake. Fiona didn't respond but instead hugged me. "Thanks I needed that." I said breaking apart from Fiona. "Hey what about me?" Jake asked. "You too." I said and he smiled.
   A little while later I started to fall asleep. "Don't." Skylar said and my eyes shot open. "Thanks." I said. "Finally!" Lucas exclaimed. "You finished?" I asked. "Yup!" He exclaimed popping the p. "Yes!" I exclaimed throwing my fist up in the air. "How does it work?" I asked. "It's like a splint for your entire leg or should I say legs. It detects the tiniest muscle movement and moves your legs for you." Lucas explained. "That's pretty cool man." Jake said. Lucas walked over with the machine. "I think it'd be best if I let you put this on her." Lucas said to Jake handing him the machine.

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