7: Lillianna

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  Where is he? It's been five minutes and he hasn't come here yet. I shouldn't worry he never said how long it was going to take him. Before I got even more worried I heard the door open. "Hey, sorry I took so long." Jake said. "It's fine, come here." I replied and Jake walked over to me. He laid down next to me and grabbed the blanket from the foot of the bed. "Aren't we going to get in trouble?" I asked. "Nah, I think rules have changed plus I'm Praetor of the twelfth legion." He responded with a smile. I relaxed as he threw the blanket over me and himself.
  "Do you think we're moving too fast?" He suddenly asked. "I don't know. I mean demigods are supposed to have really short lives." I answered. "Well I think we're fine." He said and hugged me. "These past two and half weeks have been amazing." I said as I buried my face in his neck. "Yeah they have." He agreed. "I can't believe the day after tomorrow we're leaving to go on a quest." He said and I shivered. "Hey, are you ok? Do you need another blanket?" He asked. "No, I'm fine." I replied but he looked uncertain.
   "I'm fine really." I assured but he still looked unsure. "Will this prove it?" I said and he looked confused. I kissed him passionately and I could tell he wasn't uncertain anymore. I felt him smile into the kiss. I pulled back and buried my face in his neck again, as he rubbed my back. I fell asleep in seconds.
    I was in the darkness again. "So you've figured it all out?" A voice hissed. It can't be Madison, who is it? "What do you mean?" I yelled. "The little demigod is all confused isn't that nice." The voice said. It can't be Nyx, can it? "Nyx?" I growled. "Oh you figured it out, now I shall make you suffer." Nyx said and laughed. "You wish, Madison couldn't do it so I guess you're trying yourself." I retorted and laughed. "Your brave face won't last very long." She stated.
   I formed my monsters just like I did with Madison. "Get her!" I growled and they charged. I heard water splatter on the floor. "Did you think you could use these monsters to hurt me?" She asked. "Well now your punishment will be permanent!" She hissed and suddenly I felt a burning sensation. The darkness was burning my skin. "Shall I increase your pain?" She asked even thought she didn't mean it as a question. The pain increased and I felt like I was being burned alive.
   After a while she spoke again. "Let's try something new." She growled. On top of the burning now the darkness was raking my skin. "I'll find you!" I hissed. "We can't have you speaking." She said and laughed again. The darkness wrapped around my neck and squeezed. I tried to speak but I couldn't. "You obviously can't die in a dream, what a shame." She said.
   I started to shake. What the Hades? The darkness began to dissolve. "Ocean Girl, please wake up!" A voice I recognized as Jake yelled. My eyes shot open and I tried to sit up. I immediately fell back onto the bed. "Oh my gods, Lily! Are you ok?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine." I replied and tried to sit up again but couldn't. "You're still burning." He muttered. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "When I woke up you were burning up a little. I left you alone but it got worse. I tried waking you up but you're still burning." He answered.
   I touched my hand to my other arm and I winced. "Water, get me in the water." I croaked. Jake picked me up and I winced again. He ran to the beach with me in his arms. "What's going on?" A voice said right next to me. I would've jumped but I was too weak. I turned around and Emma was running next to me. "Water." Was all I managed to say. We reached the water and Jake walked in. I immediately felt better. "Thank you." I said. "No need for thanks."  He replied and I could tell he was relieved.
   He was rocking me in the water when he asked "What happened?". "I had a nightmare." I responded and he nodded. "Are you ok?" He asked. "I am now." I replied and snuggled into his chest. "Could you not do this here?" Emma yelled from the beach.  "Oh come on Emma, leave me alone I just got better!" I yelled and she laughed. "You know what?" She asked. "What?" I replied. "Chiron knows he slept in your cabin." She yelled. I heard Jake curse in Latin.
   "Come on Blood Boy let's go." I said and he put me down. My feet hit the sand and we walked out of the water. As soon as I was out of the water I felt like I was about to collapse. My legs started to wobble and I felt myself falling. Right before I hit the ground Jake caught me. "Why do I always have to fall for you to catch me? I guess you could say I'm falling for you" I said. "Way to turn this into a joke." He replied and I smiled. "I guess I can't walk." I said while he picked me up again. "I'm not complaining, I get to carry you around all day and you can't do anything about it." He replied and I laughed which made him laugh.
   "I don't think these nightmares will stop." I said while we walked to the Big House. "What makes you think that?" He asked. "It's not an ordinary nightmare, Nyx she tortured me." I mumbled but Jake heard me. "WHAT!" He yelled but quickly regained himself. "Oh my gods." He whispered and held me tighter. He quickened his pace so that he was almost running. We reached the Big House and Jake walked inside.
   "Chiron." Jake said and the centaur turned around. He eyed our position and I turned my head away into Jake's arm. "What is the meaning of this?" Chiron asked. "Lily can't walk." Jake replied. "Why?" He asked. "Well Lily had a nightmare but it wasn't a normal one." Jake responded. "Explain." Chiron said. "I was tortured by Nyx." I interrupted and Chiron paled. "I was having the nightmare when Jake woke me up." I started. "Her skin was burning and she couldn't move so I took her to the water." Jake continued. "When I was in the water I was fine." I continued. "But when she came out she collapsed." Jake finished.
   I could see Chiron trying to think. "I don't think these will stop, the only reason I even woke up was because of Jake." I added and Chiron nodded. "I see." Chiron muttered. "I've come to a conclusion." He said. "You won't get punished for breaking the rules and I'll continue to allow this but if I find out anything happens then there will be consequences." Chiron said and we nodded. Jake walked out and headed towards the forest. "Where are you going?" I asked. "You'll see." He replied.
   We walked through forest and I realized this was the way to bunker 9. "Why are we going to bunker 9?" I asked. "You'll see." He repeated. "Why won't you tell me?" I asked. "Just wait Ocean Girl." He replied. I gave up asking and relaxed into his arms. "Aren't you getting tired of carrying me?" I asked. "Of course not." He responded while smiling.
   I heard a twig snap and tensed. "Did you hear that?" I asked. "Yeah." Jake replied. "Can I have Riptide?" He asked and I nodded. He set me down on the ground and took Riptide out of my pocket. He uncapped it just as a hellhound came charging toward us from the trees. "It has a weak spot if you hit it it'll die in one hit." I said. He charged towards it but the hellhound turned around smacking Jake. He managed not to fall over as he stumbled backwards. He dodged its next move and stabbed its weak spot. The hellhound disintegrated. Jake capped Riptide and walked over to me. I took Riptide from him and put it in my pocket as he picked me up.
   When we went inside bunker 9 it was all dark. "Can you get the light?" I asked. The lights turned on and everyone yelled "Surprise!" Which made me really happy because I had forgotten it was my birthday again. "Oh my gods!" I muttered with tears in my eyes. "Do you like it?" Jake asked. "Yes, wait did you do this?" I replied. "Kind of, I planned it all out but Lucas and our friends did the work." He responded. "Thank you!" I whispered and kissed him. "Get a room!" Max yelled. "Put her down Jake." Lucas added. "I can't because she can't walk." Jake replied smirking while our friends raised their eyebrows.
  "Yeah had a tortuous nightmare now I can't walk." I explained nonchalantly. "Why didn't you come to the infirmary?" David asked. "I doubt you could've done anything." Emma said and David shrugged. "Well this is a party so where's the music?" I asked. "Right here." a voice replied. I looked up and saw all my friends from Camp Jupiter. "You're early!" I exclaimed and jumped out of Jake's arms. As soon as I hit the floor I collapsed and this time Jake didn't catch me in time.
   "Lily!" He yelled as David and Skylar rushed over. "Oops." I said and everyone burst out laughing. "I got that on camera!" Brooke yelled. "Oh come on!" I whined and people chuckled. "A little help here." I pouted. "Or I could I just sit here the whole party." I said sarcastically. "Aw I'm sorry Ocean Girl." Jake said as he picked me up. "Don't treat me like a baby." I said and he nodded rolling his eyes. "Well now that that's over time for the music." Skylar said. "You better use my playlist!" I yelled. "Nah I'm using mine yours is too sad." Skylar replied. "Whatever." I said.
   "Hey guys I made a game!" Lucas shouted. Jake ran over with me in his arms. "How can you still go so fast?" I asked. "You're really light." He replied. "I don't know if I should be proud or offended." I replied. "To be honest I don't either." He agreed. "Well that's reassuring." I said and he smiled. We came to a stop in front of a metal box. "It's a retractable car racing game." Lucas explained. "Oh let me see!" Anna exclaimed and started inspecting it. She pressed a button and the game opened up.
   "This is very well built." Anna said. "Of course it is I built it." Lucas said. "How the Pluto do you all know each other?" Jake asked. "Do you seriously not remember?" I asked and he looked confused. "Remember the day after the summer solstice we all hung out. Now that I think of it you've met David, Brook, Shelby, Olivia, and Rachel before." I replied. "Really? but who's Rachel?" He asked. "You know Rachel Green black hair, blue eyes, and a hunter of Artemis." I answered. "How could I forget." He said. "It's fine you must be one of those people who are bad with names and faces." I replied.
   "Are we going to play or not?" Shelby asked. "Yeah." Castel agreed and I noticed he had his arms around her. "Since when has that been a thing?" I asked eyeing their position. They blushed and a few people were squealing. "Two months." Shelby mumbled. The squealing got even louder. "Emma you're going to tear my ear drums." I said. "How did you know it was me?" She asked. "You're known for your squealing." I stated and she looked annoyed but laughed it off.
   We started playing and eventually James and Max got joint first place. "Nice guys." Jake said while patting their backs. "Am I a neglected person here?" I asked still sitting at the game. "No, just wait a moment." Jake replied. "Fine I'll just get someone else to pick me up." I said. "Oh no you don't." He replied. "Yeah I will. Hey Emma and Skylar a little help." I said. "Suit yourself." He shrugged. Emma and Skylar walked over and picked me up. "Maybe we should get some extra help." Emma said loudly. "Yeah hey bro can you help us?" Skylar asked. "Why of course." David replied. "Ok I know for a fact you don't need that many people to carry Lily." Jake interrupted. "Honestly David could hold you all by himself." Jake added. "Because you would totally be fine with that." I retorted. "I never I said I was fine with it." He replied and walked over.
   Jake grabbed from Emma and Skylar and held me. "Help!" I yelled and everyone started laughing. "He's going to kidnap me!" I yelled. "Yeah to your own cabin!" Emma yelled back. "You getting this?" Shelby asked. "Oh yeah it's recording." Brooke replied. "He-" I started but got interrupted by Jake's lips pressed to mine. He broke apart and was smirking. "Well that shut you up." Jake smirked and I tried to scowl but ended up smiling. I could hear people snickering. "Well back to my cabin, adieu." I yelled and everyone dramatically waved goodbye.
   Jake ran out but started walking. "Well that was interesting." I said. "How many moments like that do you think they got during the party?" Jake asked. "Not all of them I hope." I replied and Jake nodded. "Oh who am I kidding with our luck they definitely got all of them." He said.
   We went inside my cabin and Jake set me down on the bed. "I'm not looking forward to falling asleep." I mumbled while Jake turned off the lights. "I'll be right here." Jake said. "If this keeps going on I'll never be able to walk so how am I supposed to do our quest?" I asked. "You'll figure it out." Jake replied and climbed on to the bed.
   He threw the covers over us and I moved closer to him. He sensed this gesture and pulled me into his chest. "Goodnight Ocean Girl." Jake said. "Goodnight Blood Boy." I replied. He lifted my head up from his chest and leaned down. Our lips touched and then broke apart as I buried my face in his chest again. After a few minutes I had fallen asleep.
   "Back so soon." Nyx said. "Just get this over with." I said. "Tired already." She replied. "Whatever." I responded. "Maybe I should increase the pain." She said. The darkness started to burn me but it was more intense. The darkness that was raking my skin became more like knives instead of nails. Soon I was screaming in pain collapsed on the floor. "Is this really the best you can do?" She asked. "No!" I growled in between my screams.
    I started to get up but I fell over. The knives became even more intense and the fire turned to lava. I started to shake again. "Lily!" Jake yelled and my eyes shot open. He went to pick me up but I screamed. "Burning." I whispered. I went to get up but I ended up collapsing. Jake ran to the fountain and scooped up water in a cup. He came over and poured it on me. The burning lessened and I could move a bit. "The beach." I whispered and he nodded.
   He picked me up and ran to the beach. When we were almost there my skin started to burn again. I screamed and he set me on the floor. He came back with a little water cupped in his hands which he let fall on me. He picked me up again and ran into the water. Instantly the burning stopped. "Can I just stay in here?" I asked in a quiet voice. "I wish but we have a quest to go on." Jake replied. "If you let me or Fiona shadow travel we could be there in a flash." I said and he shook his head. "Not in your condition and whenever Fiona shadow travels she almost dies." Jake said and I nodded. I almost fell asleep again with the water and Jake rocking me.

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