6: Lillianna

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   I was reading a Greek book when I heard knocking. "Come in!" I yelled and the door opened to reveal Chiron. "Can you-" he started but I interrupted. "Yeah yeah, I'll call my dad about the storm." I finished. "Thanks." He said and left. I climbed down the bed and went over to the fountain. I made the mist and said the prayer. I saw my dad fuming and yelling at his servants. "Dad?" I said and he turned around. His face softened a tiny bit. "What's going on?" I asked. "You're talking about the storm right?." He asked and I nodded.
   He took a minute to compose himself. "My trident has been stolen." He stated and my face went slack. I could feel the darkness around me. "I understand, I think I got this." I said and he nodded. I could feel the storm calming down. I ended the message and went over to the door. I swung it open and marched out.
  "Ocean Girl What's going on?" Jake asked. He seemed to waver so I must've had a scary look on my face. "My dad's trident has been stolen." I yelled before marching on. "Ocean Girl, please calm down. You have darkness pouring off you, you might go into another frenzy." He said coming after me. I scowled at him and continued.
   Once I got to the Hermes cabin I pounded on the door. "If you don't open up I'll break down the door myself!" I yelled. I could hear scrambling inside and a Hermes kid opened the door. "Alright! Now who wants to tell me what happened to my dad's trident!" I bellowed. They all shrunk beneath me. "What happened!" I yelled. When no one answered I went over to a camper and grabbed his collar. "WHAT HAPPENED!" I yelled and he whimpered.
    I came in the Hermes cabin to see Lily screaming at a Hermes camper. She had a fiery expression and a murderous look. "I know you guys know what happened!"
She yelled. I came up behind her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Lily don't hurt them." I said in a calm voice. She let the camper go and he fell back. She raised an eyebrow and said "Well?", one of the kids came forward.
   "We didn't do anything, I swear!" He whimpered. "But?" She asked. "I think Hermes did it himself, we had nothing to do with it." He finished and stepped back. I could see her face flare up even more and the gears turning in her head. She then proceeded to storm out of the cabin.  "Sorry about that guys." I said and they nodded still traumatized. I raced after her and I could see the ocean still raging. It had calmed on the way to Hermes cabin but now it was raging again probably because of Lily now and not Poseidon.
   "Lily!" I yelled after her but she didn't answer. I sped up and turned her around. Before she could protest or say anything I pulled her into a kiss. She seemed like she was about to punch me at first but she melted into it.  I pulled her closer and she kissed harder. She broke apart and I could see her fiery expression was still there but her murderous look was gone. "Thanks." She said. "Of course." I replied and took her hand. We walked to her cabin and Lily Iris messaged Poseidon.
   "Hermes, he did it." Lily growled. "I should've known." Poseidon replied. "All those robberies make sense too." She said and he nodded. "I'm going to Olympus." He stated and she shook her head. "I should come too." She said. "I'm coming too, from what I've seen you two have foul tempers. No offense." I interrupted. "Alright meet me up there." Poseidon said and ended the message.
   Lily turned around and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before taking my hand. I grabbed my spear right as we faded just in case. Olympus came into view as Lily let go of my hand. I could see Lily starting to rage again. "Hey calm down." I said as I grabbed her hand and rubbed circles with my thumb. She started to simmer down but her expression still looked fierce.
   We walked into the throne room where Poseidon was restricting himself from saying anything until we came here. He looked back and saw us and immediately took this as a chance to let himself go. All the gods were watching in interest.
   "YOU DARE STEAL MY TRIDENT!" Poseidon yelled at Hermes. "It was supposed to be a quick prank. You can have it back." Hermes replied. "No I will have it back." Poseidon growled. "Follow me." Hermes said and everyone there followed. We came into a golden cave filled with random stuff. Hermes walked to the back where there was a box. Hermes opened the box but there was nothing inside.
   "What is the meaning of this!" Poseidon yelled. "I swear it was here when I last checked on it!" Hermes replied. "This isn't funny, stop!" Lily growled. All the gods looked at her in surprise but she shot them all down with a glare. "I swear on the River Styx I'm not lying." Hermes stated. "Then where the Hades is it?" Lily asked and I could see her thinking hard. "Maybe a quest?" I suggested. "Wonderful idea. I'll deal with you later Hermes for stealing and losing my trident." Poseidon said and gestured for Lily and I to close our eyes. We closed our eyes and Poseidon disappeared.
   "Well we'll be going now." Lily excused us and grabbed my hand. The shadows engulfed us and a few second later we were back in her cabin. "Well let's go get that quest." I said reluctantly but she smirked. "Not yet, they never said we have to start immediately." She replied. "Movie?" I asked and she nodded. "Turn it on, I'll get snacks from my secret stash." She said and walked away.
   She walked back with a blanket and snacks. She sat down next to me and put the snacks on the table. I pulled her closer and she rested her head on my shoulder. My arm was around her waist and her arms hugged my stomach. We were watching our second movie when I fell asleep. My dream turned into one of my memories.
   My friends and I were hanging out today. Lidia Allen, Stella Nook, Anna Queen, James Dal, and Castel Levon. Lidia has light brown hair, gray eyes, she's a daughter of Minerva, and is in the Second Cohort. Stella has red hair, green eyes, she's a daughter of Ceres, and is in the Fifth Cohort. Anna has extremely dirty blonde hair, amber eyes, she's a daughter of Vulcan, and is in the Third Cohort. James has brown hair, green eyes, he's a son of Ceres, and is in the Third Cohort. Castel has brown hair, blue eyes, he's a son of Bacchus, and is in the Second Cohort. 
  "Jake please tell James and Anna to stop kissing whenever we aren't looking, it's annoying." Stella said. "You're only saying that because I'm you're brother." James said. "Half-brother." Lidia corrected. "Does it matter? He's annoying either way." Stella stated and Anna gasped. "Oh my gods you guys it doesn't matter." I interrupted and Castel nodded while taking a sip from his drink. "Is that alcohol?" Lidia asked. "No! This is Pepsi. Honestly just because my dad is Bacchus doesn't mean I'm going to do that." Castel replied while rolling his eyes.
   I saw James and Anna exchange another kiss. "You know what I can't take this anymore, you've been doing this for an hour!" Stella yelled getting up. "Come on don't leave." Lidia said, grabbing Stella's forearm so she couldn't leave. "Yeah they'll stop." I said eyeing James and Anna. "Praetor's orders." I whispered to James who scowled. "If you do this you can get a free date at that fancy new restaurant." I bribed and he nodded giving in. I saw him whisper to Anna who frowned but then smiled as she nodded. 
  "I would normally talk to this to Georgia but she's on a quest. So war games or free time for tonight?" I asked. "War games!" Everyone exclaimed. "Good choice." I replied. "Jake!" I heard someone shout. I turned around and Nadia was running towards me. "Fiona said it's urgent." Nadia panted. "Fiona?" Castel asked. "Yeah she's filling in for Georgia." I answered as I got up. "Come on." Nadia said and started running with me following.
   A while later we were standing in front of Fiona. "What's going on?" I asked. "Our suspicions are confirmed." Fiona stated. "Suspicions?" Nadia questioned. "Georgia has been acting strange lately so Jake and I came up with a plan." Fiona started. "I sent her on a quest with another camper and sent a scout after them." I continued and waited for Fiona to explain what happened. "Our scout was Iris messaging me saying she killed the camper right before he was shot with an arrow." Fiona finished, Nadia and I gasped.
  "She killed them?" Nadia whimpered. "Yes." Fiona replied as I went to walk out. "Where are you going?" Fiona asked. "To secure the perimeters." I said. "Nadia with some help alert the city and campers. Fiona put the city and camp on lock down." I commanded. "Should I alert Camp Halfblood?" Fiona asked. "Tell Chiron but not the rest of Camp Halfblood. No need to worry them we can handle this ourselves." I ordered and left.
   After I secured the perimeters I stood outside them. In the distance I saw an army of monsters approaching. I Iris messaged Fiona and ordered her to get the Second, Third, and Fifth Cohort ready to attack and the First and Fourth Cohort to defend.
   An arrow whizzed toward my head and I caught it before it went through me. "Pretty low Georgia." I yelled. I got into a stance and waited for the attack. Another arrow whizzed by except next to my head and it hit a tree. I saw there was a note tied to it. Clever Jake, figuring out my plan and catching that arrow. You found out too late though, Camp Jupiter will not survive. I propose a deal, Camp Jupiter surrenders and we don't kill everyone just the legion. "No way!" I yelled. "Very well, I was hoping you would say that." A voiced replied and I knew it was Georgia.
   The monsters charged but in front of them was Georgia. She lunged at me with her long sword which was almost as long as my spear. When our weapons touched I used my secret electricity from my spear to shock her. She stumbled backwards and I saw the legion ready to charge. "Fifth Cohort attack!" I yelled and they charged. "Battle formation 7!" I commanded and they shifted. "Switch 5th and 3rd!" I ordered. "The rest is up to you Fiona!" I yelled and attacked Georgia.
   Three monsters came to help Georgia and now I was out numbered. For every time I hit Georgia or one of the monsters, I got hit four times. I was losing blood really fast. "Get back!" Someone yelled and I stepped back. In front of me the ground opened and the monsters fell in. I immediately jumped over the hole as it closed and thrusted my spear into Georgia's stomach. A while later I looked up and saw five of our soldiers dead and the army defeated.
  I felt something warm on my lips. I opened my eyes to see Lily standing above me. "It's 3 in the afternoon." Lily said and I gasped. "We should go get the quest." I said and she nodded. I heard knocking on the door and Lily went to open it. The door opened to reveal two girls, one was older than the other. The older one had blonde hair and honey eyes and the younger one had blonde hair and amber eyes.
  "We wanted to apologize." The older one said. "No it's fine, I should be apologizing for screaming at all of you." Lily replied and I realized they were Hermes campers. "Not to be rude but who are you?" I interrupted. "My bad these are my friends," Lily started. "I'm Brooke Zin." The older one said. "And I'm Shelby Zin." The younger one said. "So you guys are full siblings?" I asked and they nodded. "Well we should go, bye." Brooke said. "Bye." Lily replied and closed the door.
  Lily and I got changed and headed toward the oracle cave. Lily told me a while ago they had found a new oracle and her name is Olivia Fawn. When we got inside I saw a girl with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes sculpting a statue. "Oh hi Lily!" Olivia exclaimed. "Hi." Lily replied. "What are you doing here?" Olivia asked. "We're here to get a quest." Lily replied and Olivia nodded. Suddenly green mist filled the cave.
Things will always look bleak
When you are searching for the weapon you seek
In Nyx's mansion the weapon is in chains
To succeed you must not be sane
To find the mansion you must go through hell
Drink the fire of legends to stay well
   I say Lillianna's face go pale. The mist retreated to leave a disoriented Olivia. I went over to her and helped her to sit on a chair. When I looked back at Lily she was about collapse. I ran over and caught her just before she hit the floor. "I'm bringing her to the infirmary." I said and ran with Lily in my arms.
   When I got there an Apollo boy with blonde hair and golden eyes came up to me. "I'm David Damon, one of her friends." He said as he tried to take her from me. "It's fine I got her, lead the way." I said and he nodded. He brought me to a room and I set Lily on the bed. "What happened?" David asked. "We received a Prophecy and Lily turned pale and fainted." I answered. "Just some nectar and she'll be fine." David said as he opened a cabinet. He took out some nectar and came over.
   He tried to pry Lily's mouth open but it wouldn't work. "I got an idea." I said and David looked confused. I lowered my head and pressed my lips to Lily's. I used my tongue to push into her mouth and I heard a little gasp. I stopped and brought my head back up. I saw Lillianna wake up. "Guess we didn't need any nectar." I said as Lily went to sit up. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Yeah sorry about that." She replied. "Why did you bring me to the infirmary?" She asked. "I didn't know what to do." I answered and I could see her holding back a laugh. "It's not funny, if I didn't catch you you definitely would've had to go to the infirmary." I said and she nodded.
  "You should have some ambrosia." David interrupted. "I'm fine." Lily said. "Well I agree with David." I said and she scowled. "Fine." She replied and David mouthed me a thank you. I took the ambrosia and brought it to her mouth. "I can feed myself, thank you very much." She sneered and snatched the ambrosia from my hand. She ate the ambrosia as we walked out of the infirmary.
  "Why did you faint?" I asked. She turned pale again so I put my arms around her. "It's nothing, let's go to the Big House." She lied but I nodded instead of pressing her. We walked to the Big House and went inside. "I assume you've got the Prophecy?" Chiron asked and I nodded. I recited the Prophecy and Chiron went pale too. "Ok I'm confused what's wrong?" I asked. I saw Chiron and Lily exchange a silent conversation. "Nothing, now who are you taking on this quest?" Chiron asked.
  "I know you are only allowed to take three people but I have feeling that the eight of us have to go." Lily replied. "You mean the supposed eight of the Great Prophecy?" Chiron asked and Lily nodded. "I would normally say no but this time I agree. You will leave in two days." Chiron said and we nodded. That's good timing Lily's birthday is tomorrow. "Bye Chiron." Lily and I said as we got up. "Goodbye." He said and we walked out.
   "My cabin?" Lily asked. "Yeah I'll meet you there I have to go talk to Lucas for a second." I replied and she nodded. I kissed her goodbye and headed toward the Hephaestus cabin. I knocked on the door and Lucas opened it. "Good timing man I just came up." Lucas said.
   "Yeah I need to talk to you." I said. "What about?" He asked. "Lily's birthday is tomorrow and I was wondering if we could quickly set up a surprise party in Bunker 9 right now." I replied and Lucas grinned. "I have plan." I said and handed him a piece of paper. He looked at it and said "I got this don't worry about a thing." He started to push me away. "I want to help, it was my idea." I replied. "No, you just worry about getting Lily there at 1." Lucas said and I nodded giving in

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