2: Lillianna

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"Dad! There's a visitor!" I yelled. I was about to yell again but he arrived at the entrance. "She says the guards let her past but I don't believe her." I whispered in my dad's ear. "Doesn't look familiar." He whispered back. "What's your name?" I asked. "Cara Levon." She replied but I could tell she hesitated. Instantly I had my sword point to her neck. "Who are you really and what are you doing here?" I asked more stern this time.
My dad had turned away and was talking to a guard. "Says a girl robbed one of the jewelry stores in Atlantis." My dad stated as he turned around. Immediately I put the pieces together. "You have the nerve to come here after you robbed a store!" I said dangerously calm as I pushed the sword more. "Please I was just hired to get your attention. Here take these back!" She whimpered and my sword grip lessened as she threw the jewels at me.
"That wasn't so hard. Now tell me who hired you to get our attention because it worked." I growled and she shrunk. "One of the gods, but I can't say who." She replied and flinched expecting me to hit her. I looked to my dad and he nodded. "LEAVE! Don't let me see your face here again or you will get thrown into the dungeon!" I yelled and she whimpered before she turned to run again.
"That's the second time this week!" I growled. My dad was angrier then his normal happy self but that's expected. "And the sixth time this month." He added, his expression fiery. I could tell there was a storm brewing. "Dad, stop." I said trying not to sound mad like he was. He still didn't calm down. If he doesn't stop soon he'll sink all of Florida. "Dad, stop." I repeated my voice now calm. The thing about my calm voice is that I'm not actually calm. The storm hadn't stopped and was increasing. Where is Triton when you need him?
Well if no one is here to stop him, I'll do it myself. I focused on the water battling my dad. I would surely die. I mean I'm just a demigod and the only reason I can control the water is because of my dad. I kept concentrating and soon the fighting began. I know my dad wasn't trying to fight or even knew he was fighting me. I kept pushing back. The only thing keeping me from passing out was the fact that water was surrounding me.
I held the storm away for about one hour before Poseidon calmed down a bit and realized he had been fighting me the whole time. Immediately the storm subsided and I smiled at how I kept the storm at bay. "Oh my gods! I'm so sorry!" He said and I winked. I was shaking but before he could say anything else I passed out.
When I woke up I was in my room at my dad's palace. "Ugh, I have a major headache." I muttered rubbing my head as I sat up. "You're awake, I'll go get Lord Poseidon!" A voice said. I looked at her and I realized she was one of the servants. I recognized her immediately since we had become friends. Her name was was Ruby and she had dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and a beautiful blue tail.
"Thanks Ruby!" I said before she went through the door and she turned back to smile at me. A few minutes later I heard footsteps. At first I thought it was my dad but when the figure emerged through the door I saw it was Triton. "You actually survived." He said and I smiled but I knew he didn't care. "Where were you anyway?" I asked. "None of your business." He replied and I glared. The funny thing is, as I glared I smiled. "It kind of is my business because it's also your job to control the water. I'm just a demigod." I retorted and he scowled. "Well aren't demigods supposed to save the day." He bit back. "Against monsters not raging storms, you know maybe if you won't do your job I will." I said with no emotion while fidgeting with Riptide.
I could tell I made him mad. He deserved it though, I was being nice to him when I first came here but he's done nothing but be mean to me. He walked out without saying anything and I smiled knowing I won this time. I kept playing with Riptide until my dad and Ruby entered the room. I gave them a smile and I could see that relief on my dad's face.
"So how much godly food did you give me?" I asked. "None." Ruby replied and my mouth dropped open but I regained myself. I gave them a look that meant explain. "I was going to give it to you but I wanted to see what would happen. I mean the water is already constantly healing you. If in a few more minutes you still hadn't woken up I would've given you some." My dad explained and I nodded.
"I don't know how you managed to keep the storm away, no normal demigod child of mine could do that. What's even more surprising is that you woke up without any healing, except from the water of course." He added. "Well I guess I'm not normal." I replied and smiled, both Poseidon and Ruby smiled back.
"In the future though dad, please try to control the water. I don't know if I could do that again." I said. "I'm pretty sure you could do that again. I'll try though." He replied and patted me on the back. "Thank you dad for everything!" I responded after a while and he his smile brightened. "Of course, I'll leave you now." He replied and walked out.
"He hasn't smiled that bright since Percy." Ruby said. "You were alive then?" I asked. "Yeah, his close servants get immortality kind of like the hunters of Artemis." She replied. "You know I wish he didn't have to work so hard." I said and Ruby nodded. "You know Triton doesn't work that much anymore, since I started visiting. l'm basically doing his job without my dad knowing." I whispered and Ruby gasped in shock.
"Why don't you say something to your dad?" She asked. "He already has way too much to worry about. Plus this can totally come to my advantage and I don't mind doing it, it makes me feel important." I answered. Ruby looked like she wanted to argue but gave up and nodded.
"I'm going to go train." I said and got up. "Ok, have fun." Ruby replied. I walked into my training room. My dad had built me my own one as a gift. I set up a few dummies but didn't start. Instead I went to the mat and started exercising first. After I was finished I practiced my technique. I did what came natural, which included Roman moves for some reason. I walked over to the dummies and began "fighting".
"This is so boring!" I mumbled to myself. All I'm doing is slashing and stabbing dummies. What if I made monsters like in one of my frenzies? If I did I might go into another frenzy. It's worth try. Just in case I'm leaving a note.
I focused on darkness and it started to pour off me. Before it could take over I mixed it with the water. The monsters seemed scarier than I remembered. I started fighting them. As I was fighting the door opened. "What are those?" Triton yelled. "Leave it alone they won't bother you." I replied and kept fighting. Within a minute or two I had defeated dozens of them. I turned around and saw Triton staring in shock.
"I've never seen those kinds of monsters but you defeated them so fast." He said and I smiled. "Would you like to fight them too?" I smirked but he looked confused. I then proceeded to make the monsters. First the darkness and second the water. "You're a threat to us all!" He yelled. "Not according to the Great Prophecy." I retorted while making the monsters disappear. "Why did you come here anyway?" I asked. "Father wants to talk to you." He replied with disgust at the word you. "Alright coming." I responded.
I started walking out but Triton grabbed me. "I'll make sure Father hears about your monsters." He said with a look that meant I won. "He already knows about my powers. Even if he weren't to somehow not except me I have Hades." I replied with a glare and smile. He scowled but followed behind me.
I walked over to the throne room with Triton following behind me. When we entered Poseidon was making mini whirlpools. "You wanted to see me dad." I said and he looked up. "Yes sit down. Triton leave us." He replied and I sat down. "As you know I have been very busy lately, and these robberies are not helping. Triton doesn't like working more than he has to so I'm asking you to help me out with a few things." He explained. "About Triton, he actually is already working less." I replied. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I've been doing most of his work." I answered and Poseidon had a quick flash of rage on his face.
"Good to know." He mumbled. "I don't mind actually, and I would love to help you." I said. "Very well, you may continue with Triton's work and mine but Triton shall be given a punishment for not doing his duties." He replied and I nodded. "What should I start with first?" I asked. "Here have a list, and thank you for this." He replied and I nodded. I took the list from him and left.

Lillianna and the Trident (2)Where stories live. Discover now