4: Jake

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     I can't believe it I'm finally with Lily. A painstaking year with us barely seeing each other and I finally kissed her. I wonder if Fiona told anyone about us yet. That would be a weird conversation to have with the legion if they ask. I should probably do my Praetor paperwork but I'm so tired. I guess I'm still a bit drowsy from being sick.
    After a while I heard knocking on the door. "Jake hurry up!" A voice yelled which I realized was Skylar. I got up slowly from my bed. "For gods sake hurry up Jake, it's Lily!" Skylar yelled. Immediately I quickened my pace and swung the door open. "What's wrong with her?" I asked. "Follow me, I'll explain on the way." She replied as we ran. "I think she had some kind of nightmare and she won't stop crying and saying your name, so I figured I would get you." She explained and I nodded.
    A few seconds later she asked "Is there something going on between you two?" So I blushed and nodded. We finally arrived at Lily's bed. She was sobbing and whispering my name while everyone was watching. "Lily?" I asked and she looked up. "Jake!" She whispered and ran towards me. Everyone stared in shock, "how did you do that?" Someone asked. "What happened?" I asked but she started crying more.
   "Hey, it's ok Ocean Girl." I soothed. She looked up at me as if seeing that I'm real. I pressed my lips to hers and everyone gasped but I didn't care, all that matters is her. I heard a bunch of people either gag or say aw. I pulled back and saw Lily had stopped crying. "Come on let's go somewhere more private." I whispered and all she could do was nod. I walked away from the Fifth Cohort with Lily's hand in mind.
    We walked to my place and sat on my bed. "What's wrong?" I asked hoping she wouldn't cry again. "I had a nightmare. I was fighting a bunch of monsters and then I got knocked into a tree. I battled with the Minotaur and defeated it with its own horn. I saw a bunch of monsters so I decided to go into a frenzy. All that was left was you. You walked towards me and said your name and I hesitated. You came closer and kissed me and I collapsed onto you." She explained and was about to start crying. "Then Madison interrupted us and she killed you!" She finished and started to cry again.
    "Please don't cry Ocean Girl, I hate seeing you like this." I said but she kept crying. "It's ok Lily, I'm right here, I'm not dead." I soothed rubbing her back. Eventually she stopped crying and hugged me tighter. She looked up into my eyes so I looked into hers. Her beautiful sea-green eyes. I could get lost in them. Her eyes were just like infinite waves. Her eyes showed a whirlpool of emotions like happiness, fear, sadness, and anger.
    I only stopped staring at her eyes when she kissed me. It was sweet and gentle like she was scared something would happen to me. I pulled her closer to me and kissed back. After a while I broke the kiss and she looked disappointed.
   "Come on let's watch a movie, we um can cuddle if you want." I said and she brightened. "What do you want to watch?" She asked. "You can chose Ocean Girl." I replied and she smiled. "Let's watch All's well that ends well, I heard it's a good movie." She replied. "Do you want popcorn?" I asked and she nodded.
    When I came back she had the movie up on the screen paused. "Hey I'm back, scoot over." I said while she grabbed the popcorn bowl so I could sit down. She placed it on the table and moved closer to me. She laid her head down on my lap. "Is this ok?" She asked. "Of course it is, just get comfy." I replied. "Do you want a blanket?" I asked. "Yeah, thanks." She answered and I smiled at her. I got off the couch and grabbed a blanket. When I sat down Lily put her head on my lap again as I threw the blanket over her.
   I turned the movie on and Lily snuggled into my thigh as I put my arm around her shoulders.  Not even three minutes into the movie I was already bursting out laughing. "What kind of movie is scary comedy!" I joked. "I know right, I wonder how long till it turns dead scary." She replied.
   A few minutes later Lily was squeezing my knee at the scary part. "You scared?" I teased. "Oh please I'm a descendant of Hades I don't do scared." She replied. "Then why are you squeezing my knee?" I asked. "I'm nervous to see what happens, duh." She responded. A few minutes later her eyes kept trying to close but she forced them not too. "It's ok just sleep." And she let her eyes close. Not soon after I fell asleep too.
   I was woken by someone shaking my shoulders. I looked up and saw Skylar looking at me. "What the Pluto! Why are you in here?" I yelled. "Shh!" She replied and I realized that Lily was sleeping on my lap. "I was worried because Lily never came back so I thought I would tell you. I came in here and saw the two of you like this." She whispered. "Well then why did you wake me up?" I asked. "Well I didn't want to wake up Lily." She replied. "You didn't have to wake either of us." I said and glared at her. "It's 12:30 PM you should wake up." She said. "Styx! I have a lunch meeting with Fiona in 15 minutes." I whisper yelled.
   "Leave I need to get ready." I ordered so Skylar nodded and left. I bent down and kissed Lily's forehead and she smiled in her sleep. "Wake up Ocean Girl!" I whispered in her ear. She didn't even stir. "Ok you asked for it." I mumbled. I leaned down and kissed her hard on the mouth. Her eyes shot up and she tensed. She relaxed when she realized it was me. "What was that for?" She asked. "You weren't waking up." I answered. "You should've just done that first, amazing way to wake up." She replied. "I'll keep that in mind." I responded, smirking.
   "Come on I need to get ready." I said as I stood up. "Why do you need to get ready?" She asked. "Lunch meeting with Fiona." I replied and I swear I saw her scowl. "Oh ok." She responded. "Do you want me to ask Fiona if you can come?" I asked and she nodded. I went to the bathroom to change while I called Fiona.
   "Hey I was wondering if Lily could come?" I asked. "Absolutely not! This is official Praetor business." She replied. "Please!" I pleaded. "No!" She replied. "Please, She had a nightmare last night and she doesn't feel that good." I half lied. "Fine." She said and hung up. I finished changing and went outside the bathroom.
   "Just so you know I heard your conversation and nice lie by the way." She said and I saw she changed. "How?" I asked. "I asked Skylar to drop off one of my outfits." She answered. A few minutes later we were both walking to New Rome to have lunch with Fiona. We walked to a place called Melody Diner. "I haven't seen this place, it must be new." I said. "It's amazing." She exclaimed.
    I saw Fiona and went to sit down across from her. Lily sat next to me as Fiona got papers out of her bag. "Sorry I already ordered by the way." Fiona said. "It's alright." Lily and I said at the same time. "I've got the papers here, you just have to sign them." Fiona said as she handed me papers. I noticed one was missing. "What about Apple 3?" I asked. "It's been canceled. We're doing Iron 7 instead." She replied handing me another paper.
   I looked at Lily and she was staring off into the distance. She was playing with her hair. Her hair is beautiful. It's silky smooth and long. The jet black color makes it shimmer, especially in the sun. "Ahem, Jake!" Fiona interrupted my thoughts. "Sorry, I was just thinking." I replied and she gave me a knowing look. "I think if we do Apple 3 later it would work." I said and she nodded as I signed the Iron 7 papers. "Sports 23 is done by the way." Fiona said. "Yes! I can finally relax." I responded and leaned back. Lily kicked my foot under the table. "Why must you ruin my excitement?" I poured and Lily rolled her eyes."So is this everything?" I asked Fiona and she nodded.
   As we waited for the food Lily rested her head on my shoulder. "You know you've gotten taller than me since last winter." She whispered. "Well that's a good thing." I replied and she smiled. Her smile was warm and kind. It lights up my day, it's absolutely beautiful. Her smiles are amazing and adorable. "You have a perfect smile." I pointed out and she blushed. "Stop flirting you two, I'll lose my appetite." Fiona interrupted and we all started laughing.
   The food came and it was spaghetti shaped into music notes. "Cool!" Lily said. "Glad you like it." Fiona said. After a while of eating Lily said "What's up with code names?".  "So other people don't know what we're talking about." Fiona replied with a that's obvious undertone. "I knew that but I just thought, you know what never mind." Lily said and I could tell she was annoyed. I leaned in to kiss her but was interrupted by Fiona clearing her throat.
    Lily and I walked back to my place. "Where were we?" I fake asked as we sat down on the couch. "I don't know." She replied playing along. Before I could kiss her she kissed me. I could feel her smirk into the kiss. She broke apart and smiled. "Movie?" She asked. "Great idea." I replied. Soon Lily fell asleep and I followed after thinking that I fulfilled my promise to Zizi.

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