11: Nadia

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   "That was close, Jake almost died." Fiona repeated after we had calmed down. "We should stop freaking out he's bound to get close to death a lot in there." Max said. "I wonder why Lily has only come close to death once." Skylar brought up. "Do you think it might be that frenzy thing?" Emma reasoned. "I think it is." Fiona agreed. "Can all we really do is just sit here and wait?" I asked getting frustrated. I hated feeling useless.        
  "We should probably set up for when they come back." Emma said. "Yeah." Fiona replied nodding her head. "I got the healing place but I need Lucas to help me." Skylar said. "I'll do it." Lucas agreed and Skylar nodded. "I'll keep monitoring them." Fiona said. "Max and I will wait by the machine." Emma added. "I'll go around helping everyone." I finished.
   "Who's hungry?" I asked and everyone raised their hands. "I'll make food in the Commander." I said and they nodded. I went over to the mini fridge and looked at the ingredients. Maybe spaghetti? Yeah spaghetti is good. I got out the meat, tomato sauce, and parsley from the fridge. I opened the cabinet above the fridge and got out the spaghetti, seasoning, and cooking materials.
    "Lucas could you check the stability of the gurneys?" Skylar asked. "Yeah sure thing." I replied. First I checked the screws which were loose. "How old are these things? The screws are loose and the metal has rust on it. I haven't even checked everything yet either." I said. "I don't know." Skylar replied. Well that's perfect I have to check for more things now. I put my hands to the metal and put all my strength to bending it. "What are you doing?" Skylar asked from right behind me. "Seeing if the metal is easily bendable." I replied. "No offense but shouldn't you get Max to do that?" She asked. Well even if you say no offense it's still offensive. "Whatever." I replied getting up.
    I walked over to where Emma and Max were sitting. "We need some help." I said. "Who'd you need?" Emma asked. "Max." I replied and he got up. We walked back to the side of the Commander where we were setting up the healing station. The bullets of the Commander were almost out. Emma, Max, and I shot a lot of monsters that the others didn't notice. I think Max accidentally shot a bird once, of course it wouldn't do anything because technically a bird would count as a mortal.
   "So what'd you need me to do?" Max asked once we got there. "I need you to test the strength of the metal." I responded and he nodded. Instead of walking over to the gurney I saw the sheets pressed down. "What the Hades?" I mumbled. "Well that's the body weight of two people." Max said as the sheets came back up. "That's not what I meant." I said as I facepalmed. "What'd you mean then?" Max asked. "I need you to try to bend the metal, if you actually feel it start to bend stop." I replied. "Oh." He whispered.  He bent down and put his hands to the metal. He started to put pressure and a few seconds later he stopped. "It started to bend." He explained getting up and I nodded. "These aren't that stable." I muttered as Max left.
     I wish I brought Nixie she could help me with all of this. I walked over to Skylar and I saw her setting up IV bags. "The gurneys aren't that stable but they can support the body weight of two people." I reported. "Good enough I can't expect the top tier equipment we use in Camp Jupiter." Skylar replied and I nodded.
    "You done yet?" I asked. "Almost." She replied. I heard footsteps and my first instinct was to grab my mace but I turned around instead and saw Nadia walking towards us. "Food's ready." Nadia said. "Nice, we're almost done here. We'll be there in a few minutes." I replied and she nodded. Nadia walked away towards Emma and Max. I walked up behind Skylar. "Do you need my help with anything?" I asked and she jumped. "Don't sneak around like that." She scolded. "I didn't sneak you just didn't hear me." I disagreed. "Whatever." She replied. "Do you need my help with anything?" I repeated. "No you're a nuisance." She answered. "You're the one who asked me to help you." I retorted. "Maybe I shouldn't have." She sneered.
    A few seconds later I asked "You really think I'm a nuisance?" And she shook her head. I noticed she had started humming and let me just say she had the most beautiful voice. I smiled and when she turned around she looked confused. "You have a beautiful voice." I said still smiling. She blushed and put a hand up to dismiss the idea.
   Why did he have to compliment my voice? Why did I start humming in the first place? I hate the attention I used to get because of my voice. Lucas is so confusing. I mean one second he's being helpful, the next he's being absolutely annoying, and the next he's super nice. I mean what the Pluto?
   "Skylar you ok?" Lucas interrupted my thoughts. "Yeah I'm fine." I lied. "Am I just suppose to believe you because I don't." He said. "Leave it alone." I replied and he shook his head. "Come on I know something's wrong." He pushed. "No." I lied again. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing." I replied and he glared at me. "My gods you're pushy." I said. "Why thank you." He replied. "It wasn't meant to be a compliment." I grumbled.
    "Ok but actually what's up?" He asked. "Stop pushing me for an answer I won't tell you." I almost yelled and he smirked. "If you say so." He said. What is he up to? I went around the station fixing up a few things. "Do you need some help?" Lucas asked. "Nope I'm fine." I replied. "Too bad I'm helping anyway." He said. Instead of helping he went around changing all the spots of all the tools to a high up shelf I couldn't reach. "What the Pluto Lucas! Why would you do that?" I yelled. "I'm helping." He smirked. "Get those down!" I ordered but he didn't listen. "Fine." I said and ran to get my bow.
     I came back with my bow in hand and got into position. "Stop! What are you doing?" He yelled. "If you won't take the tools down then I'll shoot down the whole entire thing!" I replied taking aim. I let the arrow fly but instead of it hitting the shelf it was knocked down by Lucas' mace. "Really?" I asked. "I'll get it down." He said lowering my bow. "Get on with it then." I said leaning back on the Commander. He took the tools off the shelf and put them back in the wrong spots. "Are you doing that on purpose?" I asked. "Maybe." He replied.
    "I don't understand you! One minute you're being helpful the next you're being the most annoying person ever and then you go back to being super nice! What's wrong with you?" I snapped and he smirked. "Looks like you told me." He said. "You know what I give up! I'm going to go eat." I said walking away. I heard footsteps behind me and hand yanked me back. "Come on why do you hate me so much?" Lucas asked. He really thinks I hate him? What an idiot. "I don't hate you." I replied struggling to get free from his grip. "Can you let me go?" I asked bitterly. "If that's what you want." He replied letting go with a sad expression.
   I walked inside the Commander with Lucas following as far behind as possible. I sat in a different seat from mine so I would be as far away from Lucas as possible. Nadia walked up to me and handed me a plate of spaghetti. "Smells good." I complimented and she blushed. "Thanks." She said and walked away. Fiona and Nadia came and sat next to me while I was eating and Emma and Max sat with Lucas.
  "What's going on between you and Lucas?" Nadia asked. "He's being annoying." I replied and Nadia raised her eyebrow. "Like first he's really helpful then he's annoying next he's nice again and then he becomes super annoying. I mean like can't he just not be so annoying." I complained quietly. "Uh huh." She replied eyeing me. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "And you're sure you think he's just annoying?" She questioned. Oh my gods she better not. "Are you sure you don't like him?" She whispered while examining me. Of course she did, she just had to go there. "Of course I don't like him! Can't you sense that?" I replied. "What I can sense is the opposite actually." She smirked. Great, now my stupid secret is out.
   I started eating again savoring the flavor. "Even though I'm kind of mad at you right now you're spaghetti is amazing!" I exclaimed and she smiled. After I finished eating I grabbed two dummies and my bow and went outside. I set the dummies at different lengths and got into position. My hand under my chin and the string pulled back all the way to my nose. I aimed at the dummy and let go. The arrow went straight in the eye. "Good job." A voice said a bit behind me and I jumped. I turned to see Lucas standing there. "Can you not." I said while shooing him off. "You can't stop me from watching." He replied. "Fine but don't you dare make a peep." I said and he nodded. He backed away to the steps of the Commander and sat down.
  I took aim again and let go. This one hit the eye of the dummy furthest away. I drew my bow back and aimed at the same spot as before. I let the arrow go and it went straight through the first arrow. I heard clapping and I whizzed around yelled "Lucas I thou-" but stopped when I realized the one who was clapping was Nadia. "Sorry should I not clap?" Nadia asked. "Yeah I would appreciate that." I said and turned back around. "JAKE!" I heard someone scream.
   Lucas, Nadia, and I ran inside the Commander to see Fiona freaking out. "He's dying!" She explained. "I'm sure he can make it, if not you know what to do." Nadia said and Fiona nodded. A few seconds passed and Fiona started panicking. "He's still dying, come on Skylar let's go." Fiona almost yelled. I dived for my bag and ran towards Fiona before I reached her she put her hand up. "It passed he's fine." Fiona said which calmed everyone down. "That one was closest yet." Fiona said. "I hope they make it." Lucas mumbled. "We all do." Nadia added.

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