9: Jake

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   After some embarrassing assembly Lily finally had the machine on. "Surprisingly this isn't that uncomfortable. Good job Lucas." Lily said after our blushes had died down. "Well time for the first step." Lucas said and I saw Lily hesitate. "Well you're already standing." Lucas said. "Plus I can always catch you." I added. A second later Lily took a step forward. "It's like I want to fall but it won't let me." Lily said. "So I guess I don't need to catch you." I replied and she smiled.
  "Experimenting time." Skylar said. "Come on my machine is flawless." Lucas bragged. "Just because the first step worked doesn't mean the rest will." Lily interrupted and I could hear the slight quiver in her voice she was trying to hide. "It's ok Ocean Girl, I'll be right here." I whispered to her and she nodded. "Thanks Jake." She whispered back. "Let's get this over with." Lily said out loud.
   Lily took another step and was fine. She tried to get in a few steps at a time but she tilted. I caught her before she crashed to the floor. "Heh guess I forgot about that factor, let me just tweak it a bit." Lucas said while Lily glared at him. I helped Lily stand again while Lucas bent down to adjust a few things. It took her a while to get the hang of it but she finally got it. "I can finally train now!" Lily exclaimed and gestured for me to use my powers again.
   Lily uncapped Riptide and went over to the little area I had made. "Well who's coming? Somebody better volunteer because I've been wanting to train for a while." Lily said. I walked over to her and she looked confused. "I thought you were taking a break." Lily said. "Well I wouldn't mind getting into that situation with you." I smirked and she smiled. "Wonderful, sparring with you is the best." She replied.
   We got into our starting stances with our armor on so we could go all out. "I'll win this time." Lily said. "No you won't." I said and lunged. Before I even reached her she was out of the way. "I guess you were expecting that?" I asked. "Yeah that's why I didn't make the first move, in a way I kind of planned it." She replied. While she talked I don't think she noticed how close I got. I was about to grab her sword when she leaned in. "You really thought I wouldn't notice?" She asked. "Ye-" I started but got interrupted by Lily pressing her lips to mine. My hold on my spear loosened from surprise and I suddenly felt it being yanked out of my hands. Lily broke apart from the kiss and smirked.
  "That's not nice Ocean Girl." I said. I tried using my retractable string but Lily's grip was tight. "That won't work." She stated and I gave her a look that said well duh I just tried it. She rolled her eyes and I took that as a chance to yank my spear back. Before she could strike I kicked her chest. She cursed at me in Ancient Greek and this was one I actually knew. She hit the wall and Riptide fell out of her grip. She then fell forward and I realized she was going to hit the floor. My instincts spurred in and I caught her. "Thanks but that was a mistake." She said and flung herself out of my grip. She grabbed Riptide, put her knee on my spear, and had her sword at my throat in an instance.
  "I win." She said and grinned. She removed her sword from my neck and took her knee off my spear. "You may have a cheated a bit but those were some good ideas." I said. "I wouldn't call it cheating." She replied and I shrugged. "Whatever you say." I responded. "Let's take a little break." She suggested and I nodded. I got up and helped her up. "Lucas should really put a getting up feature." Lily said while we walked back with the area disappearing. "Do you want me to help you take it off so Lucas can add that in?" I asked getting red faced. "I think he can add it in without taking it off, I don't want to go through that again right now." She replied with a blush.
  We walked to the seats and sat down. "Lucas can you add a getting up feature? That would be really useful because the whole point was I wouldn't need to depend on someone else." Lily asked. "Oh yeah sorry." He replied. "Do I have to take it off?" She asked and Lucas was about to say yes but he saw our expressions. "I'll try to do it without you taking it off." He responded and Lily sighed. "Thank gods." She muttered. "Aw come on it wasn't that bad." I teased. "Please don't." She said shaking her head. I nodded and gave her kiss.
   Lucas brought a mini stool to elevate Lily's legs. He sat down on the floor and began tinkering with the machine. "Hey guys we should be arriving in a few hours if anyone wants to sleep." Emma yelled from the front. "Do you want to sleep?" I asked and Lily shook her head. "You should sleep though." Lily said. "No I'm fine." I replied. "Jake please just get some sleep." Lily pleaded. "Fine." I said giving in.
   I soon fell asleep. I was back in Nyx's mansion. Oh gods is she going to torture me too? "Hello little demigod." Nyx said. "Are you going to torture me too?" I asked ignoring the greeting. "It would be fun but there's no point, I've come to tell you a little secret your girlfriend has been keeping from you." Nyx replied. "How would I know you're telling the truth?" I asked. "Let's just say it's all part of my plan." Nyx answered.
   "Do you want to know why she and Chiron went pale when they heard the Prophecy?" Nyx asked but I knew she was going to tell me anyway so I didn't answer. "My mansion is in Tartarus which means to get to me Lily was planning to go through Tartarus alone." Nyx said. It all makes sense now how could I forget. "Lily wouldn't do that!" I yelled. "Yes she would, especially after the deal I made with her." Nyx replied. Deal? Why would Lillianna make a deal with Nyx? "She would never make a deal with you." I spat. "I didn't say she wanted to make the deal." Nyx replied. Well that makes more sense. "I told her if she brings her friends with her to Tartarus I'll kill you all." Nyx explained. How dare she! I'll go instead of her, yeah I'll go alone before she does.
   The dream ended and I realized my head had fallen into Lily's lap. I smiled but I remembered what Nyx had told me and my smile disappeared. "What's wrong Blood Boy?" Lily asked and I realized their was pain in her eyes that I noticed now because I knew what her secret was. "How could you?" I asked taking my head off her lap. She looked confused. "What do you mean?" She questioned. "How could keep that a secret from me?" I asked. "Keep what a secret?" She asked. "What the Prophecy really meant and the deal you made." I whispered. Her eyes widened and I could see tears starting to form. "I-"she started but cried instead. "I thought you would tell me everything." I said not sure where this was heading. I realized our friends had started watching us.
   "I'm sorry." She managed to say. "If you can't trust me then I'm breaking up with you!" I snapped but what I said wasn't me, I didn't want to say that. Her crying increased and I was broken on the inside, on the outside I probably looked really furious. "What the Pluto Jake!" Nadia yelled and I was suddenly slapped in the face. I saw Emma and Lucas change spots and Emma come over to me while Lily ran into Skylar's arms. "REALLY JAKE! YOU CAN'T MESS WITH HER LIKE THAT! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU'RE MONSTER SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" Emma bellowed at me. I wanted to tell her I didn't mean it but what came out was different. "I'm no monster she is." I replied calmly and Lily cried even more. I wanted to repeatedly punch myself for doing that to her but I didn't. Instead I got a kick to the stomach from Emma. "No you're worse then a monster." Emma spat.
   Suddenly the Commander's doors opened and everyone turned around. I saw Lily standing there. "What the Pluto Lily, get back!" Fiona screamed. Instead of listening Lily jumped off. "NO!" Emma yelled. Then I saw it, Lily was flying towards the ground as it opened up. "Guys look she's fine." Skylar said so everyone turned around to see Lily flying down and breathed sighs of relief. I didn't though I knew exactly where she was going. Soon the spell that was on me came off.
   Emma, Skylar, and Nadia turned to me scowling and glaring. "Why did you do that?" Skylar screamed. "I didn't mean to, I was under some kind of spell." I replied breaking down and dropping to the ground. I saw their expressions soften. "What have I done?" I whispered not having the energy to be louder. "She'll come back." Nadia said. "No she won't." I whispered. "You don't know that." Emma said. "Yes I do." I replied and they looked confused. "The Prophecy's true meaning meant going to Tartarus not the Underworld. She's going alone." I explained. "Why is she going alone?" Skylar asked. "Partly probably because of me but the actual reason is Nyx made her a deal. If we went with her she would kill all of us." I answered. "That's horrible." Fiona said.
  "Max, Lucas hurry up and get us to the entrance of the Underworld I'm going after her." I yelled using my commanding voice. "You will not go after Lily." Nadia said and I could tell she was using charmspeak. "No." I said resisting and everyone understood I and to do this. I sat back down in my seat wondering why can't we get there sooner.
   "Can someone say the Prophecy again?" I asked and Fiona nodded. "Things will always look bleak, When you are searching for the weapon you seek In Nyx's mansion the weapon is in chains To succeed you must not be sane To find the mansion you must go through hell Drink the fire to stay well." Fiona said. "The bleak part must be Jake breaking up with Lily, the weapon is the trident, hell is Tartarus, the fire must be that river in the myths where the fire is used to heal." Emma said. "What about the sane part?" Skylar asked. Oh my gods how did I not see it before. Lily has to go into her frenzy and this whole time she knew. Without me how is she supposed to get out of it?
   I looked up and saw everyone's faces confused. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked. "Yeah." Fiona replied. "What do you mean be frenzy?" Fiona asked. I guess I have to tell them what it is now. "Last year when Lily and I went on our quest with Zizi we discovered her frenzy. It first happened when we were fighting monsters I had asked my dad to summon. After the monsters summoned I started to go into a frenzy and was killing all the monsters. But my frenzy is nothing compared to Lily's. After the fight ended and I had cooled off I felt a sword to my throat. I realized it was Riptide and I turned around. I saw Lily standing there with a murderous look, she looked absolutely evil. She didn't recognize it was me until I said my name. Her frenzy starts when darkness starts to pour off her then consume her. The thing is every time it gets worse and worse and she recognizes me less." I explained.
   I saw my friend's jaws drop. "She has to do that in order to succeed?" Nadia asked and I nodded. "Oh my gods." Emma whispered. "Wait doesn't that mean Fiona could do that too?" Skylar asked and I realized she was right. "Yeah it does." I said and Fiona looked shocked. "Well I don't have a boyfriend so no one could stop me." Fiona said after she got over her shock. "It doesn't have to be like that. Lily told me it would work with anyone you cared for like friends and family." I replied.

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