13: Jake

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   I need to keep going. I have to keep going. But what if I never find Nyx's mansion? I can't keep aimlessly wandering around here. At least I've kept a trail going from the machine so I can get back if I need to. But I'm NOT leaving here without Lily, she's the reason I came down to this awful place in the first place. Awful doesn't even begin to describe it though. I can't get down like this I'm a son of Mars, god of war. Surely I can plow through all these stupid monsters.
   I scooped up some fire and swallowed it. It rejuvenated me a bit and I kept going. I've been using my spear as a crutch for a while to save my strength but I always waste it all after a monster attack. At this point my mask has become even weaker from monsters hitting it. Now it only filters half the air. The tip of my spear is getting damaged from scraping on the "floor". I heard the growling of monsters up ahead and I raised my spear to attack.
   "Honestly fighting you guys over and over again is getting boring, I need real monsters." I complained. I kept defeating my monsters as I walked forward. I kept my eyes peeled for any of the Rivers or Nyx's mansion. Occasionally my fingers would tingle but other than that I actually felt pretty good. Maybe I can increase the monsters' strength? It's definitely worth a try. I increased the dosage of darkness and changed the shape of the monsters. I attacked one of the monsters and I could tell they were much stronger now.
   I was fighting and walking for hours when I saw fire in the distance. I paid closer attention and it was the River Phlegethon. I finally found it! Not much help the river will be except guiding me in a certain direction. I kept on walking and fighting while I thought of how to get to Nyx's mansion. I was about an hour into thinking when I heard real monsters. I immediately thought of an idea that might just work. I made my monsters disappear and my water bubble pop. I held back a cough as I breathed in Tartarus' toxic air.
   "Demigod." The gorgon growled. "You dare speak to your superior like that?" I yelled. "You are hardly my superior." Another gorgon chuckled. "Well I'm sure Nyx would love to hear how you treat me." I growled and added a little high pitches laugh to make it more believable. The gorgons became visible and they gasped when they saw me. "General Madison." The gorgons gasped and bowed. "Finally some respect." I hissed. "Now if you would be so kind as too escort me back to the mansion?" I asked. "Can't you just shadow travel?" One asked. "Did I say ask me questions? Whatever reasons I have I certainly don't need to explain them to you. I'm ordering you to escort me back." I growled. "Of course." Another gorgon said elbowing the one who said the question. "Wonderful." I said smiling while still holding a fierce expression.
   I let them start walking while I hanged back so I could follow them. I hid my twitching hands in my pockets so they wouldn't notice. Oh how I wish I could tear them limb from limb. "Well since you're being so well behaved I might as well explain why I'm waking instead of shadow traveling." I said after a while of seeing suspicious expressions on their faces. They stopped walking eager to hear but I held my hand up. "Now keep on walking you were doing so well up until now." I said adding another laugh and they nodded.
   "Do you know of my sister?" I asked and they nodded not turning around. "Well she looks almost exactly like me." I said lying at the almost part. "Her name is Lillianna Ace and some of the monsters have spotted her around here with a horde of these weird monsters surrounding her." I continued. "Nyx sent me to look around, I haven't found her yet but I'm hoping to see her on the way back to the mansion, I heard that's where she was headed." I finished and the gorgons nodded once again. My gods they are so easily fooled.
   Ever since I found the gorgons I felt like someone has been watching and following me. When I turn back though no one is there. Occasionally I hear a few faint sounds but I can't see them through the toxic air.
   I've been following Lily ever since I saw her get into character as Madison. That's pretty clever and I can't believe the monsters fell for that. She's definitely isn't her normal self though I'm guessing by her having the monsters before she's in a frenzy. She's really gained control over this. Or maybe she hasn't but then how is she doing this? Honestly I'm for once grateful for Tartarus' toxic atmosphere because it shields me from whenever I mess up and make a sound.
   I know she's in character but she sounds less evil then usual. How can could Madison be less evil then Lily? Then again Madison isn't normally in a frenzy. I wonder how evil Madison would be in a frenzy? That thought sent a shiver down my spine which caused me to take a misstep and I made a noise. I froze that had definitely been loud enough for the monsters to hear. "Do you think it's your sister?" One of the monsters said. "I don't think so I can't sense her. It can't be another monster or they would've joined us. It must be Tartarus itself, let's keep moving." Lily reasoned. Thank Mars! I don't know what would've happened if they discovered me.
   I've been following them for a long time now but we still haven't reached the mansion. I managed not to make more noises as I followed them. I managed to finish my first jar of fire and I only have two more left. I hope we make it to the mansion soon.
   Another few hours passed and we still haven't made it to the mansion. I'm assuming we're close because they've slowed down their pace. How has Lily even been able to survive without a mask? The air should've killed her by now. Come to think of it how has Madison survived fifteen years down here?
   Does Lily still think someone is following them? Why did she dismiss me when I almost gave myself away? Does that mean she knows I'm here? No, that's silly she wouldn't be able to recognize me she's in a frenzy. But what if she knows it's me because maybe she's gained more control? Will it be harder or easier to get her out of a frenzy now? I need to stop thinking about these questions and focus on the quest at hand.
   My mind occasionally wondered to these questions but I dismissed them as soon as they came into my head. "We're here." A monster said as we landed in front of the mansion. "I can see that you idiots." Lily hissed and I imagined her facepalming. I heard Lily walk forward and footsteps follow her. "You may leave now, Nyx is not in the mood to see useless monsters like you. To be honest neither am I." She growled and added a high pitched laugh which didn't sound like her.

Lillianna and the Trident (2)Where stories live. Discover now