16: Jake

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  It's been about a week since I've entered Tartarus I think. I fed Lily and myself the last of the fire as I approached Lucas' machine. I fastened us to the rope and it started to bring us up. Why can't the machine go faster? Lily's heart has slowed down, she's probably on her last failing because there's no water in Tartarus for me to pour on her.
  I finally reached the top. I put my hand on the top of the hole and tried to hoist myself up. My arms gave in and I was back to where I started. "Help!" I yelled and I heard footsteps run over. I saw Emma and Max peak over the edge. "Oh my gods!" Emma yelled while Max gave me his arm. I grabbed his arm with my own as he pulled me up. Max and I then pulled Lily gently up. "Quick, she needs water and fast!" I ordered as I picked Lily up. "Follow me!" Emma replied and we ran.
  A healing station came into view. I saw Lucas gave a quick kiss to Skylar? What happened when I was gone? "They're back!" Max yelled. Skylar and Lucas turned around and sprung into action. Skylar grabbed some water while Lucas pulled up two gurneys. Max took Lily from my arms and placed her on the bed. I collapsed on the gurney. "Lay down." Lucas said. "Guys I'm fine, you need to worry about Lily." I said. "No way!" Skylar said as she handed the water to Lucas. Lucas poured the water on Lily as Skylar handed me ambrosia. "Eat this at least to get your strength back up." Skylar said and I started eating the ambrosia.
  After half an hour everyone was here waiting for Lily to wake up. I went over to Lily and sat next to her as I took her hand in mine. "Please wake up Ocean Girl." I whispered as I squeezed her hands. I changed positions so that I was were Lily's pillow would be and let her head rest in my lap.
  I felt hands playing with my hair and my head on someone's lap. I opened my eyes to see Jake staring down at me. It took him a moment to register what happened. "Ocean Girl!" He exclaimed as I sat up. I looked around and saw everyone staring at me but keeping back. I gestured for them to come forward and everyone ran over and gave me a hug. "I'm kind of being crushed here." I wheezed and they let go of me.
  "Guess that happens a lot." Max joked and we laughed. "Thank the gods you're ok!" Emma exclaimed. "Yeah I almost thought you weren't for a while." Jake said and my eyes started tearing up as I gave him a hug. "We better leave them alone." Nadia said and I heard everyone go into the Commander.
  "You scared me." Jake whispered. "I'm sorry Blood Boy." I whispered back. "No, don't say that again." He said and I nodded. "I don't know what I would've done if you died." Jake admitted. Gods, I know what I would do if he died and it's scary. I pulled back from the hug. I rested my forehead on his and started into his eyes which had turned more red and puffy. I must say having his irises more red definitely looks better, I hope it stays like that.
  I leaned in and my lips pressed against his. I poured all of my emotions into the kiss. The kiss became more passionate and intense than it ever had been before. I heard a few gags and squealing. I immediately pulled back and blushed. I buried my face in Jake's chest and he put his head in my shoulder. Caught yet again.

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