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I walked from English class to my locker. I had just opened my locker when a body wrapped itself around me. "Guess who?" the voice asked. "Wade, get off me," I sighed, shoving my English books into my locker and taking out my math textbook. "What's wrong, Petey?" he crooned in my ear. I felt a wave of heat rush into my face. "Um... nothing. I'm fine," I said, mentally slapping myself for being so awkward. I pushed him off me and headed toward my next class.

"Something is bothering you. I can tell," he said dramatically. I stopped walking and turned around to face him. "I've just been really stressed out about everything lately," I snapped. Wade held up his hands in defense. "Slow down, cowboy! You can tell me anything, you know that right?" he said, cupping my face in his hands.

I sighed, relieved knowing that I had such a good friend like Wade. I closed my eyes and felt something touch my lips. My eyes shot open and Wade was kissing me. I pushed the older kid away from me but it was too late: the school bully, Flash, had seen us.

"I always knew something was wrong with you, Penis Stark-Rogers," he laughed. "But this? This takes the cake! The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree" he walked over to me and I felt my heart racing at what seemed like 90 beats per minute. "You're just like your faggot fathers."

I gulped, my fists were clenched, ready to punch Flash square in the face. "Hey, man, just leave him alone," Wade said, putting a hand on Flash. Flash swatted it away without looking up at Wade. "No way, let's see the queer faggots make out again," he smirked at me

Before I knew it, he was on the floor, holding his nose and Wade was holding me back, keeping me from leaping on him. By now, a small crowd had formed and people were shocked to see me hit Flash. "What is going on here?! Break it up you two!" I heard a voice say. I turned around to see the principal, Mrs. Kane standing there.

All of a sudden, I felt like screaming and crying at the same time. I buried myself into Wade and he wrapped his arms around me. I felt myself being wrenched away and dragged to Mrs. Kane's office along with Flash. "Stay here, Flash," she said, pointing at a chair outside her office.

"Peter, I'm going to call your parents to come to pick you up. You can return to school in two days." I sighed fearing going home. I know that having The Tony Stark and Steve Rogers as your parents sounds cool, but the truth is, when they were mad, they were terrifying.

Ten minutes later, I saw Dad's shiny red Ferrari convertible pull up to the school. I grabbed my bag and trudged out the door and down the stairs. I prayed that he wouldn't lecture me on the way home. I got in the car and we drove away. "Wanna tell me what happened?" Dad sternly asked. I sighed and looked up from my phone at him. "Peter," he continued, "You can't go around hitting other kids. I don't care what they did or who started it. It's totally unacceptable." I cringed. I hated it when the word 'unacceptable' was used. He pulled into the garage and parked the car. I got out as quickly as I could without saying another word. I headed inside and up the stairs to my room where I closed the door. I threw my bag down and lay on my bed. My phone buzzed and I picked it up and looked at it:

wade: im sry that flash said that to u. it was shitty and i shouldve stood up more than what i did. im sry pete ❤️

I ignored the text and just lay on my bed. After what seemed like a decade, I heard a knock on my door. I picked my head up and looked at the door. "Come in," I called. I threw my head down on the bed as both my dads walked in and sat on opposite sides on the bed.

"Peter, what's going on?" Pops said. I couldn't look at them. I don't know why I couldn't. I guess I was too embarrassed that I actually punched and knocked over the toughest guy at school. I put a pillow over my face and said: "I may or may not have punched a kid in the face and given him a bloody nose and/ or black eye." It came out as muffled because Dad took the pillow off my face and made me repeat what I said. I sat up, looked at them and sighed. "But before you do anything to me, consider this dads: he called me and Wayde faggots and- and-" I started to cry. Pop's leaned into me wrapping his arms around me. "Fla- Flash c- called me and Wayde fags for- for- kissing."

I sat on my bed with Dad's and Pop's arms around me for what felt like forever. It felt so good in the moment, I didn't want it to end.


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