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5 years later

The time was 8;34 PM when a group of ex pro-heroes stepped off of the DC Metro.

America was a lot more dirty then their native land of Japan. But there was a certain charm to it, Uraraka noticed. The people here were quirky and odd, that's for sure.

A good place to hide.

The address was 607 Lagan Road. The street was busy, as the neighborhood they were heading to was a little off of the highway.

The trees passed in a blur, the uber driver going down at incredible speed. The others flinched whenever the car lurched, but Uraraka had had her experience with bad drivers beforehand. She was a little desensitised to the bumping and shaky driving.

How long had it been?

Five years, three months, two weeks, and four days since they'd left.

Since Bakugou betrayed them.

The more Uraraka had thought about what had happened on that night, the less she understood.

His motives. His reasons. His logic.

Perhaps the vagueness of the whole situation was why Shouto had refused to come. He was a man of logic, after all, and there wasn't much logic behind why Bakugou did what he did on New Years.

-And she still dreams about it, the flashing police sirens, the cold rain, the drowsy feeling that Shinsou made when he snuck up behind her, she moving too slow to warn the others - and his face in a prison cell, smirk never going away.

Momo's face was impassive, eyes staring out the window. Kirishima clutched the fabric of the fake leather seats, looking queasy and green, and Tsuyu didn't say anything, her face clearly lost in thought.

"Why the long faces?" Everyone looked at Uraraka. "It's not like we're going to a funeral."

"This might be our last day on earth, if he finds out we tracked him down, we'll all be toasted over a fire of our own bones." Kirishima muttered, sounding much graver than usual.

"Chin up." Uraraka replied, turning back to look out the windshield. "Even if it's not 'fun' in the traditional sense of the word, it's sure to at least be interesting."

Momo scoffed. "Sure. I'd say more damming for him, since we'll finally find out why he ran off."

The Greenlight Bar- A BakuDeku fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now