

"DEAN!" John yelled loudly from the top of the steps. Dean already knew what he was going to say but he responded anyway.

"What?" Dean replied from the bottom of the stairs, he was rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Take care of Sammy, I'm going on a hunt. I'll be back in a few weeks." John said as he walked out the door.

Dean just responded with "alright" as his dad closed the door. Dean was used to this by now, as his dad did this practically all the time.

Sammy was sleeping on the couch in the skeezy, one-room motel they were staying in, so Dean made sure to stay quiet as not to wake him.

Sam was really depressed after his recent girlfriend, Jessica, passed due to a heart attack.

It was Sunday, so they didn't have to go to their new school until tomorrow. It was the fifth school they had been to this year and it was only January.

Sam had social anxiety and had trouble making friends, so switching schools so much was really starting to take a toll on him.

Dean didn't mind much as he always had friends and would fit into the "jock" or the "popular" category at school.


Dean woke up to the sound of Sam yelling his name. "Dean wake up!" Sam yelled in an annoyed tone.

"Why?" Dean mumbled as he turned over, putting the pillow over his ears.

"We have to be at school in 10 minutes," Sam was starting to get annoyed so he pulled the covers off of Dean, forcing him to get up. Dean just cursed and hurried to get dressed.

"Last to the car is a rotten egg" Dean said with an unfair advantage because Sam was still putting book in his backpack.

Dean ran out the motel door to his surprise Sam was close behind. They then got into the Impala and drove off to their new school.

Dean stopped Sam right before he walked in the door and gave him the usual speech. "Be good, Sammy, and if anyone touches you, I'll kick their ass."

"Yeah, yeah," Sam replied, and they both went their separate ways.

Dean, of course, got to his first class late, and when he got there, Mr. Hendricks, Dean's first period teacher, stopped what he was doing and introduced Dean to the class.

"This is the new student I was telling you guys about, Dean Winchester. Dean, you can take a seat next to Castiel." Dean looked at the boy who had just raised his hand and took a seat next to him.

Just In time Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon