Chapter one

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Call Me Cas

As Dean sat at his desk Mr.Hendrickson noticed Dean looked a little out of place, he didn't have any books and he just looked confused.

So in seeing this, he said "Dean Were are your

"I don't need books hotshot," Dean said as he sat back farther in his chair. An ensemble of laughs could be heard in the background.

Well until you know the school a little better I'm assigning Castiel to be your temporary guide. Mr. Hendrickson looked at Castiel to make sure he was ok with this and Castiel just shrugged.

Dean looked over at Castiel and saw his eyes, he noticed that they were an unnaturally vibrant blue and for some reason he couldn't look away.

"Are you alright?" Castiel said, realizing how dean was staring him.

" sorry," Dean said as he was taken out of his thoughts and looked way feeling an awkward tension.


Sam arrived at his first-period class and was actually the first one there.

His teacher noticed him walk in and said: "Hi you must be Sam Winchester, nice to meet you, I've heard a lot of good things about you." His teacher put her hand out and Sam reluctantly shook it.

"Nice to meet you too," Sam said before walking away and sitting down in a seat in the front row and began copying the notes off of the board.

As the rest of the class started to trickle in a strange looking boy sat next to Sam and introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Gabriel," the boy said, and you could tell by his voice he was hyperactive.

Sam just said "hi" without looking up and carried on with his work.

After class Sam was walking to his locker when a bully walked by and slapped sam's books out his hand.

"Nerd," the bully said and his friends laughed as they walked away.

Sam just bent over and started picking up his books when he suddenly noticed someone helping him. It was Gabriel the kid he had met in class earlier. "Thanks," Sam said hesitantly said to Gabriel.

"Your welcome" Gabriel responded as he handed Sam some more books.

Gabe asked Sam what class he had next.

"Ms. Barnes class," Sam said standing up and starting to walk again.

Gabriel ecstatically said, "me too I'll walk you."Sam just agreed and they started walking down the crowded hall to their next class.


Dean had started making small talk with Castiel and
actually came to find out he was pretty cool.

"You can call me Cas if you want," Castiel said nervously.

"Ok sure"Dean struggles his shoulder as they continued on with their conversation.

Dean had already found out that Cas had the same classes as him so they just walked to their next class.

Dean started to get uncomfortable as he realized how close him and Cas were walking.

"are u ok," Castiel asked for the seconds time that day as he noticed the tension in the air.

"yeah just thinking," Dean responded and it was the truth.


Sorry guys this is kind of a whack chapter, but hey I tried, next chapter is going to have overprotective dean in it so get ready.

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