Spring break (day 2-3)

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"Dean Cas wake up" sabreil shouted walking into their room they were still sleep cuddled up together.

"Ewwww" Gabriel said.

"Shut up" sam responded. Get up were going swimming.

"Why" Cas said his voice sounding muffled from deans chest. Sam had on swim trunks in a shirt because he still felt self conscious about his body. Gabreil was waring nothing but swim trunks. When cas and dean finally decided to get up they got dressed. Dean surprised to see cas not wearing a shirt.

"wow" dean said checking out cas. He had a surprisingly fit body.

Cas just blushed and said "lets go" shyly.

All four of them walked down to the pool together.
Gabe was the first one to jump in the pool. Cas was seconded. Sam and dean were just standing outside the pool continplating whether they wanted to go in or not. Sam then snuck sneakily behind dean and pushed him in the cold pool. Dean landed with a splash.

After that sam jumped in as well.

They played and splashed all day, until about 5 they decided that they were going to go up to thier rooms, but tonight they were going to sleep in one room.

Once they got to the room they all took showers and sam and gabe layed in one bed and dean and cas layed in the other. They watched a movie as they slowly drifted to bed.

In the middle of the night Gabe woke up to the sound of coughing. it was sam, he was coughing a lot. Are you ok gabe asked sam. Sam couldn't even responded because the coughs just kept coming.

Sam got out the bed and ran to the bathroom he was throwing up.......blood. That's when gabreil woke up cas and dean .

Guys help sam is throwing up. They raced over to the bathroom especially dean. "Sammy you ok" Dean said his hand on Sammy's back.

Suddenly sam passed out on the floor. Call an ambulance dean yelled. Gabreil just stood there frozen in shock. Cas had dialed 911 the ambulance was on the way.

Once the ambulance go there they all rode in the ambulance with sam. "What's wrong with him" dean yelled at the medic.

"I don't know yet sir" he fainted from his tempature its over 104 degrees.

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