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When sam and Dean got to the motel, they both sat on the couch exhausted from the day they've had. They sat there in silence for a while not talking, when suddenly they heard the doorbell ring.

Sam answered the door surprised at who it was. It was Cas and Gabriel.

"Hi Sam, you left your book bag at school when you stormed off", Gabe blurted out.

"Thanks, but how do you know were i live" Sam responded confused.

"Your bookbag tag had your address on it"

"Oh," Sam said as he took the bookbag out of Gabe's hands and put it in the motel room.

"If you would like we could get the milkshakes," Gabriel said looking up at Cas for his approval.

"Sure," Sam said, "let me ask Dean." Sam didn't have anything better to do so why not go get some milkshakes.

Just on cue Dean walked up to the door and asked who it was before seeing cas and his brother. "Can umm...Gabe and I go get some milkshakes?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, but Are you sure you don't want me to come with you" Dean looked suspiciously at Gabriel and Sam could tell he didn't trust him.

"Yes dean i can take care of myself," Sam responded.

"Ok then if you really want too."

The two kids walked off toward the diner Dean yelled "be back by curfew."

"Ok," Sam yelled back.
After Sam and Gabe left, Dean invited Cas in.

"Uhhhhh sure" Cas responded, happy to be out the hot weather.

Dean directed cas to the couch and Cas sat down. "Do You want something to drink", Dean asked from the kitchen.

"No, I'm fine" cas responded.

Dean then walked to where Cas was sitting and sat next to him, putting his drink down on the table.

"So do you want to watch a movie," Dean said looking at Cas and noticing how beautiful his eyes were when the light hit them, it sent butterflies to Dean's stomach.

"Yeah, why not?" Cas replied.

"What types of movies do you like," Dean asked getting up and scanning through his large collection of movies that he'd acquired over the years.

"Anything really" Cas responded looking down at his lap. He wasn't really used to being with someone outside of his family so this was new to him.

"Ok," Dean got up to put in Fast and Furious Seven. Halfway through the movie Dean got tired and before he realized what he was doing he rested his head on Cas's chest.

Cas shifted a little and Dean started to blush but the room was dark so dean wasn't really worried about Cas seeing him.

By the time the movie ended they were both sleep, Deans head still resting gently on Cas's chest. They woke up too the sound of the motel door opening dean picked up his head from cas chest and adjusted his clothes. Right then he heard Sam and Gabe stop laughing as he said hey to dean.
Gabriel and Sam walked in as Cas and Dean woke up.

Gabriel said, "we have to get home or moms going to kill us."

So cas got up and said "bye dean." Dean just stood there and waved awkwardly.

Then cas took Gabriel's hand and started to walk to the bus stop Sam had already said his goodbyes to Gabe so he didn't have to say them again.

When they got home surprisingly their mom didn't say anything besides "get washed up and come eat, leftovers are in the microwave."

After they ate Cas and Gabriel went to their rooms, about a half hour later Cas knocked on Gabe's door.

"Come in" he yelled muffled by the sound of the door.

Cas sat next to Gabe on his bed and asked how his day with sam was. Gabe just responded with "good."

Gabriel knowing it was was much more than good the only thing Gabe learned from that trip was how fast he was falling for sam, but he could never tell Cas that since Cas didn't know Gabe was gay, but all Gabe said was "how about your day with Dean"

"it was good," Cas said starting to blush. Luckily for him, Gabe didn't see it.

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