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Pretending to not have heard Jungkook, Taehyung makes his way inside the house. He tries to sneak past a bunch of people, but Jungkook catches up in no time, screaming his name over and over.

Taehyung stops and looks over his shoulder, smirking at the fuming elder. He cocks up an eyebrow and sticks his tongue out, throwing in a wink to rile him up.

With a few long strides, Jungkook reaches him, grabbing onto the collar of his jacket to shove the younger. Taehyung feels his mind swirl around a bit, but once it straightens out, he looks down at Jungkook's tight grip around his coat, then into his fiery eyes. He gives him a look that reads "you really want to do this?"

Jungkook looms over Taehyung, leaning in so close that he presses his nose up against his. "I told you what was going to happen if I caught you, didn't I?"

Taehyung chuckles, a shiver running down his spine. He licks his lips before responding, "Is this supposed to intimidate me?"

"Why are you dropping the respect? I'm older than you. Know your place, you fucking kid," Jungkook spits the words out.

Taehyung tilts his head back to laugh sourly. He gradually lifts his head, squinting his eyes to make sure that it is Jungkook in front of him. Once his face morphs from his older brother's to Jungkook's, Taehyung gives him an angry shove, the hair on his head bouncing from the force he delivers. "Fuck age!"

Jungkook stumbles back somewhat. In anger he snaps at Taehyung, grabbing him and tossing him towards the ground. Everyone stops what they're doing to peer over at what the commotion was about. 

Taehyung's arms flail as he reaches out to catch something; falling just short of the table, his hand lands in a bowl of chips, sending it flying in the air. Everyone around him gasps, now having earned their complete attention.

"Fuck!" Taehyung groans as he hits his back hard on the floor, the room spinning rapidly.

Jungkook quickly takes off his jacket, throwing it on the couch nearby. "Age matters. You fucking little bastard! Quit doing things you shouldn't be."

Taehyung gets up, swaying just slightly. He grips onto the table behind him. "What? Are you talking about Hanyi? Are you talking about how I touched her while you only dream about it behind closed doors with a hand full of lube?" He spits out a laugh.

Jungkook angrily launches himself towards Taehyung, swinging his arm for a punch. Taehyung ducks down, making Jungkook knock over all the cups and beer from the table. The bottles shatter on the ground, earning shrieks from girls nearby.

As Taehyung scrambles on the floor to get up, people step back to make room and to watch the fight. Taehyung stands up, tripping on his feet. Jungkook uses his moment of dis-balance against him, pushing his forearm against Taehyung's chest and the two falling against the China cabinet. Taehyung scrunches his face up from the pain of the crash.

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